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dem,s any original thoughts? all are welcome to give it a shot, but with the republicans we would not have that problem as we would preclude it.hail bush and the republican party..may the light of the lord be upon you.

2006-10-23 15:25:45 · 26 answers · asked by CIVILIAN 4 in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

They would blame Bush just like they did when the terrorists attacked on 9/11.

And to the poster above (jl jack) - Our military men and women don't have time to be playing around on Yahoo, they are fighting a war - a war against terror!

But, I really wouldn't expect a Democrat to understand that. Most are too busy supporting the terrorists, downgrading our government, belittling our troops and making fools of themselves. Lord help us if we have to depend upon them to protect this great country of ours.

If you think its bad now, if the Democrats take control, there will be no control.

Does Iran - Hostages - President Carter ring a bell?


2006-10-23 16:02:41 · answer #1 · answered by LadySable 6 · 0 0

This is not original but it is fact. If any country were to invaded the USA, I would fight to the death to defend this country I love. The Country my Father served and my Two Sons served with pride. I might add Honor. Those that claim otherwise are simply very desperate now. They see the writing on the wall and it's a end to the Republicans in power. Also note that by just a small amount of research you can fine that of the 58,000 that dies in nam, very few were Republicans. Since Bush and Cheney are both draft dodgers they know nothing about real war. Republicans love to send others to fight and die, they always ask others to do the dirty work for them. Just like here on Yahoo. None who are here on Yahoo are in fact in Iraq fighting to support the Leader they love and admire so much. Are they? I would think that if you agree and support Bush's war in Iraq 100 percent then you would be there now fighting his war for him. BTW, If China does invade the USA then I want a Democrat in my fox hole not a Republican like Bush who hides from the fight in the guard and ask daddy to fix his AWOL.

2006-10-23 15:42:09 · answer #2 · answered by jl_jack09 6 · 0 1

This is going to make you see things in a hole different way .
We have very few people that want any kind of war to be faught at all .In fact it is only a small group of americans who felt they were mistreated by the former administration .Budget cuts ,smaller forces ,and dozens of base closings by democrats left war mongers with little to do ..
Well i am here to tell you that our government after the cold war has been actively trying to figure out a way to spend the billions of dollars it once had control of and the defense contractors also needed plenty of work to stay busy .
So between government agency's and private contractors we have a small handfull of people who want war .
We have no fear of an invading army and terrorists may be able to make some fairly big statements if allowed by our government to do so .9-11 is a perfect example of what happens when middleast terorists are not arrested and detained by our government and they are allowed to go to pilot school and train on million dollar simulators for what purpose .Usually people with hundreds of hours of training take classes like the ones these people took .They were being watched by our government but where allowed such lose tails that they were free to do as they pleased .
Now know one I hope knew of the plan to fly the planes into the towers or the pentagon but thats what did happen .At most a few planes would be hi jacked and america would be in a new kind of war .This war would need hi tech exspensive gear to track and follow the terrorists and it would also let the government into your life .
This plan has been cooking for years and is part of controling the oil fields and the price of energy to developing markets .
When the people in china bargined for better wages and working conditions china began to listen .This was not good so all the new factory's that ran on oil and used lots of energy got a leason in economics 101 .
He who controls the oil sets the price for the world and who is that .
It is America .
We along wwith our british conterparts and other European friends have been playing games with the third world .
Now they are catchng on and trying to swing deals on there own .
Funny thing is none of the oil nations will deal with them cause america has the whole deal sewed up .
Except Iraq and Iran the two nations we manipulated the most over the last 25 years .What happend back in 98-99 when oil all of a sudden dropped to less then 20 dollars a barrel .
Was that a clitch in the market or middleeast nations selling to china and taking in american dollars cheap .trillions of dollars had been saved up by tiiwan and oil futures where bought by the billions for 2000 and 2001 and 2002 and 2003 the saudis where over run with cash and nothing to do with it .So they are building billionaires row with it An island complex for the mega rich .the people will still live in mud huts and the rulers will live on private islands with luxury yachts costing hundreds of millions .
It is all about money and power for some people .Most democrats just want a pay check that covers the bills a vacation and season tickets to their favorite teams games .Oh yeah drink a few beers and hop on the old lady once a day for a few minutes

2006-10-23 16:08:05 · answer #3 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 0 1

Oh...you conservatives don't get it. I can't speak for all liberals, but I can speak for myself and many others that I associate with. I just believe that we are going about the whole thing completely wrong.

I believe that we needed to go into Afghanistan. The Taliban without question were supporting terrorists. They needed to be taken out. And I also believe, no disrespect to anyone in the service (I give to the USO, so I put my money where my mouth is), that we have done a terrible job there. Not because our men and women haven't given 110% -- they have, and I thank them for it. But the government has failed to provide the resources needed to win. The US has little control over there, and I'm very concerned that there are the unnecessary dangers for our troops. Poppy production has increased, the Taliban has regrouped... We have done some good there, but we need to complete it. Take out the Taliban, get rid of the warlords and help build a strong Afghani government.

The Iraq war is not one that I agreed with from the very beginning. I have read lots of things from liberal, moderate and conservative leaning scholars, and I'm just not convinced that we needed to go there. There is no conclusive proof that Saddam aided terrorism. Liked terrorists? Sure. They hated the west as much as he did. Were there terrorists in Iraq? I'm sure they were. They are in almost every country in the world, if not every country. But did Saddam allow them to have any sort of power in Iraq? No. Why do you think he killed thousands of Kurds? They represented a threat to his power, just like terrorists groups would have. But we are there now, and we need to, like in Afghanistan, devote the necessary resources to get the country on its feet and bring our troops home.

Furthermore, I don't believe the frontal approach works. All it does is breed the chaos, poverty, helplessness, etc that scholars believe contribute to terrorism around the world (not just Bin Laden, et al, but the Tamils and even people in our own back yard like Timothy McVeigh). I believe that we should instead infiltrate the groups and take them out from the inside. This has to be a massive operation, given the independent nature of the groups, but it can be done and should be. Yes, it would take time; yes, it would not be as satisfying to a post-911 public out for blood; but it would be more effective. In the 5 years since 911, we could have had someone infiltrate, rise through the ranks and have taken out Bin Laden by now. And I don't mean jail. Assassination. Even white Americans have been accepted by the terrorist organizations. I think Bin Laden probably gets off on the fact that there are some Westerners that would join them.

Oh yes, and if terrorists marched through my backyard and started killing people? I'm from the south, I own a gun, and I know how to use it. We'd make Fallujah at its height look like a Sunday stroll through the park.

And I'd like to think that God is with everyone, regardless on political affiliation. I'm sure that he is as disgusted with the corruption, greed, etc of politics as anyone is.

Oh, and by the way, you don't help your cause with poor grammar.

2006-10-23 16:24:30 · answer #4 · answered by Jamir 4 · 0 0

Dear me, election time again and the propaganda is getting to you. Why can't people see that the worst terrorist attack happened under Republicans? The war of terror is increasing the probability of attack. Try and look past the negative campaign ads, hey?

2006-10-23 16:38:25 · answer #5 · answered by Blulu 2 · 0 0

Did you ever compare the number of Democratic party military vetrans in the House and Senate to the number of Republican vets ?
The tally would surprise you.
You would not be a troll, would you?

2006-10-23 15:29:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

the terrorist did started killing thousands of Americans in their own back yard ................what did that brilliant man do? ......... GO OUT AND ATTACKED ANOTHER COUNTRY WHOSE GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

I'm sure the Dem wouldn't have come up with such a brilliant plan. HAIL BUSH! HAIL THE REPUBLICAN PARTY! 2796 American soldier lost their lives bringing democracy to the people of Iraq. 50000 Iraqi lost their lives welcoming them ................GOD BLESS AMERICA!

2006-10-23 15:38:47 · answer #7 · answered by AlfRed E nEuMaN 4 preSIDent 4 · 1 2

They would quickly try to have dialogue with the terrorists. Diplomacy over defense.

2006-10-23 15:47:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That already happened in 2001. They agreed with the Republicans and sent troops to kill the OTHER people.

2006-10-23 15:30:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

You know, as much as I dislike the democrat agenda, they are Americans.

My money will always be on Americans. They will pick up their guns and defend their families, just like the rest of us...

2006-10-23 15:28:49 · answer #10 · answered by ? 7 · 4 1

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