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i occasionally smoke weed and i live a very normal life. i'm not strung out or making it an everyday routine to get high but once in a while, usually on the weekends when i don't have anything important to do, i smoke a blunt. i see these commercials and these say no to pot ads everywhere and i do agree that kids should not be exposed to marijuana. but as adults its just like when alcohol was being scrutinized. i feel it should be legalized but thats a whole different story. i'm just saying i smoke weed and i go through life just like any other person who doesn't. i have a 9 to 5, i pay my bills on time, i have an active social life...not to say everyone will but that's their problem. if you can't handle it you shouldn't be doin it. just like drinking, know your limit. so is it really as bad is they portray it to be? or is the dumb asses who can't handle it mess it up for the rest?

2006-10-23 15:14:33 · 15 answers · asked by Audamar 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

15 answers

The answer to your questions is simply no it isn't bad for you otherwise God would no have planted on this good green earth. It has medicinal qualities that eases the pain of cancer patients rather than these man made drugs like morphine. It's all these religious fanatics that give a bad name to these natural healing herbs. Today's world is so hooked on man made things and drugs the world is going into chaos and fighting within their borders. Alcohol is a more dangerous drug and addictive that our government condones and collect taxes on to make the rich richer....Besides, like you say, it's these dumb asses that don't know about the natural world and how different cultures use these natural herbs for healing, give it a bad name..Their education must be limited to a certain extent.

2006-10-23 16:10:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Marijuana is 4 times more likely to cause respitory diseases. It kills the communication between brain cells. today, marijuana has much more THC in it than it did in the 60's making it much more harmful and addictive. Marijuana also causes a huge release of dopamine which causes some of the chemical to be lost because the brain cannot reuptake it as fast as it is released. (dopamine is the pleasure chemical in your brain- it makes eating and sex more enjoyable). That, of course, causes sex to be less satisfactory after long-term use. And after using the drug long enough, you will build up a tolerance (shortage of dopamine) to it, so you will never get the high off it you once did.

I work in an alcohol and drug treatment center. If it's not that harmful, why does it reak havock on the lives of our clients and when trouble does start, why do they continue to use?? If you want to use marijuana, go ahead.

I would thank you for the job security, but it really can be a depressing job....

Oh, and to Cy Gold, marijuana is also known to cut down a person's motivation for other things because there is no reward for it (because they have lost so much dopamine).

As far as using the drug for people who have illnesses, they are coming away from that now because the side effects are so harsh and they have other medicine that will do the same thing with fewer effects. They still use it in some cases, but mostly only for those patients who have a chronic illness and do not have long to live any way

2006-10-23 22:41:43 · answer #2 · answered by the guru 4 · 0 1

Most dudes who smoke weed who I went to college with and still smoke weed are bums. They do nothing. Now whether it is the weed or they use the weed because they are bums is a more interesting delema. If you smoke and get a large munchy it would help the economy. I think it should be legalized and the smoke and alcohol industry decided to destroy hemp as it competed with them. Hemp is a cheaper way to make rope and paper, yet it was demonized.

2006-10-23 22:30:58 · answer #3 · answered by Cy Gold 4 · 0 0

They used to say it was not addictive, but it is. psychologically and physically.
Studies have been published showing that it can cause schizophrenia.
The fact that it is a hallucinatory drug certainly makes it kind of risky.
I believe if it could be used ofr medicinal purposes that would be alright, but the way people art taking it now is like fooling around with penicillin, or with prescribed pain relievers (although even some doctors who prescribe stuff are very irresponsible, unfortunately).
I'm glad you manage to keep your life in order, but I would suggest you are not living it to your full potential (I know, who is?) - marijuana certainly does take away from your quality of life.
It's living in unreality. Fun, but fake as well. I'd rather have a little less of that kind of fun, and know life as it is.
Regarding alcohol, you can take a little without getting intoxicated. However a person who takes marijuana will get affected by it. Equivalent of getting drunk, isn't it?

2006-10-23 22:22:59 · answer #4 · answered by Mr Ed 7 · 1 1

No weed is not the equivalent of getting drunk. Alcohol kills more people than all illegal drugs combined. You can't OD on weed, and even if you could, you'd pass out before you got to that point (or you just wouldn't have the energy to put the pipe up to your face and suck). People who are high don't get pissed off and beat their wives or start fights, and there have been studies showing their reaction times are very close to that of a sober person, meaning they are less of a danger on the road than a drunk person. (I am not advocating driving while high, I'm just stating that I would rather be on the road with high people than drunk people). There is no logical reason for this to be illegal and it makes me sick that it still is.

2006-10-23 22:35:05 · answer #5 · answered by Reject187 4 · 3 1

I would venture that most people have smoked pot at one time or another. It's certainly not my drug of choice, but I don't have a problem with people doing it.

The ads, I believe are directed at kids, and it stems from a bunch of do-gooder senators who promised to implement a plan to cut down on drug use. OK! So, whats the most-used drug?

Stupid and I hate seeing tax dollars going toward propaganda against a drug thats less harmful than alcohol.

2006-10-23 22:20:34 · answer #6 · answered by Roadpizza 4 · 1 1

Denial is not a solution! Stop before it is too late. A drug-free person is not only mentally stable but have 100% self worth and motivation! Get a hobby, play Bingo or something. Please dont depend on artificial susbstance to avoid loneliness or boredom your time in the weekends. The money you spend every weekends better off to spend elsewhere and by the end of the year you save hundreds!
Goodluck buddy!

2006-10-23 22:46:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Smoking weed is one of the dumbest things in life you can do. If done on a regular basis it becomes addictive. It smells bad. Since it is illegal in most places you have to deal with criminals in order to buy it. It is over priced( you can grow your own easily and cheaply), and it destroys your brain cells at accelerated rates as opposed to those who do not partake. People who tend to use it have to restrict their social lives so as not to include people who might tend to report them to the authorities. And to top it all off, when I used to smoke it, it made me so sleepy I could hardly stay awake to do anything. Haven't had any in about thirty years and don't intend to . Its really stupid!!! And it doesn't help your sex life either!!!
I Cr 13;8a

2006-10-23 22:32:33 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 3

get a job! just kidding. its all about money. the government cant legalize a drug that theyd have to get from mexico. they know we would all still buy it from our dealers and they wouldnt make money. i dont think it has much to do with what they show on tv. you notice they dont show advertisements of people high on xanax running over kids and i know way more people who abuse xanax than weed. weed is fine- its just illegal.

2006-10-23 22:22:07 · answer #9 · answered by whatever 3 · 1 1

no the ads are dumb asses i do it on the weekends to acutally weed is good for your system..or they wouldnt give it to cancer pacents

2006-10-23 22:21:12 · answer #10 · answered by jc m 1 · 0 1

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