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can u give them fruits..n can i give them milk , wat else can i give them bides its own food, an what do they like idk anything u can tell me about him... oh yeh im not sure if its a he or her the guy told me it was too young to tell..

2006-10-23 15:12:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Other - Pets

15 answers

if they will eat fruit it's ok, not too much and you can buy them treat sticks, and chew sticks, they love them, the more you handle them the less they will bite

2006-10-23 15:21:20 · answer #1 · answered by michael m 6 · 0 1

Ferrets are strictly meat eaters - so no fruits or veggies please. Milk can give them an upset tummy, so is best avoided. The special milk that you can buy at the pet store for cats is ok. They do like little pieces of cheese, but don't give them too much or they will get fat.

A ferret needs lots of playtime and toys, otherwise they will get very bored and grouchy. You should always tell them off if they nip you or are naughty. A good way to train them is to use a spray bottle with plain water in it and squirt them if they are bad, firmly tell them 'NO' at the same time. They will soon learn who is boss!

When your ferret is older it will be important to know if it is a boy or a girl. Girl and boy ferrets should be neutered if they are to be good pets. A boy ferret that is not neutered will smell really horrible. A girl ferret that is not neutered will suffer from a nasty condition when she comes onto her first heat and this can kill them. Your ferret also needs to be wormed, so my suggestion is to book an appointment with your vet, who can help you out with this and also give you lots more useful advice.

2006-10-23 15:24:23 · answer #2 · answered by stienbabe 4 · 1 0

They make treats for ferrets that have fruits in them. I believe it is put out by 8-in-1. Put you must remember to only give them it as a treat never as food. Do not give them milk, it will make them miserable, they are lactose in tolerant. Please make sure that you are brushing his or her teeth daily. The plaque can eventually cause kidney failure wish can be very hard on the ferret and hard on your back pocket.

A good way to tell if it is male or female is to look on its belly. If it has something that looks like a belly button then it is a little boy. Ferrets have no belly buttons.

Ferrets are wonderful pets, but do require a lot of attention and maintenance.

The best things that I have found for ferrets are cat toys especially the ones that have little bells in them. My ferrets always manage to get my kids bath toys but watch them with these because you surly don't want them chocking on the rubber.

Hope this helps

2006-10-23 16:22:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OMG, no fruit and no milk, please!!!!
The cannot handle fruit or vegetables because their intestines lack the part that is called the cecum and cannot digest it. Matter of fact, raw vegetables can give them bowel blockages.
As a treat, and only as a treat, for instance during training, they can have a tiny piece of raisin or banana. Tiny = half a raisin total. They can have one Cheerioh as a treat or a tiny piece of COOKED vegetable. I give mine a jar of Gerber Stage 2 baby food on occasion, the Turkey or Chicken with gravy kind. It's good to get them used to the flavor of things like that. It'll come in handy if and when they get sick and cannot eat their regular food. I also give mine a piece of lean cooked meat or a piece of egg.
Other than that I stick to ferret treats, most of which aren't good for them either, like Yogies, and ferret foods
Ferrets cannot tolerate milk either. It gives them diarrhea.
The high carb contend in fruits, veggies, grains and milk is often blamed in the development of a disease called insulinoma. A very common ailment in older ferrets. So don't chance it.
As far as sexing your ferret, he/she's not too young. The store clerk just didn't know what he was doing. Lots of that going around. Most ferrets are already spayed or neutered and descented, if you're living in the US. In UK they are usually fixed, but not descented. On girls the vagina and the anus are really close together right under the tail. You can tell when they use the litter box too. They poop and pee on the same spot.
Boys have the anus under the tail and then almost halfway up the belly they have what looks like an outtie belly button, well, that's the penis. If he were not fixed he'd also have a scrotum with testicles, but most of them don't have that anymore.
Chances are, if you cannot tell which it is, you are dealing with a girl. LOL, my little Socks was sold to me as a boy and started her life with me as Socrates. Well, he's a she...common clerk error.

2006-10-26 05:29:41 · answer #4 · answered by Huh? 6 · 0 0

fruits don't hold much nutritional value for ferrets but it is cool as a treat just make sure they are fresh(not dried) and haven't got alot of fiber ferets can't digest fiber well. NO milk upset tummy BIG TIME. if the ferret is eating solid food you can tell kinda like a dog but smaller boys have a bump in the tummy area and girls don't my little girl had **** at 12 weeks so yesyou can tell oh and if the pet store can't tell you if it is male or female are you sure it has been desentedand fixed?? if not a female can die if she goes into heat and not breed quickly get to a vet PRONTO they cantell you more.

2006-10-24 15:16:11 · answer #5 · answered by Lisa M 2 · 0 0

First of all ,You have to know what You are getting into.....Ferrets are complicated to care for. They like to "steal" things (hide them over and over ) It is a game w/ them. Anything shiny catches their attention. also they have a musk gland by their rear that can be removed (it is only for mating and to mark territory) and is awful smelling. Next they like to poop everywhere so require alot of rearing. They need tons of attention also. But to answer Your Q:Dried fruits, nuts, Fish of anykind, cereal like cheerios, ect. They require special food from the pet store and vitamins.
ake a vet appointment A.S.A.P. 'K? And buy a book on them or You may get overwhelmed w/ Your pet and not be able to enjoy it ! They love hammocs and their own beds. They are very independant as they grow older and sneaky. They are from the weasel family so expect a fun time finding your keys and hide valubales. THey can also fit practically anywhere so make sure they cant get into the walls in any way. ALWAYS use a fairly tight leash or snug-fitting harness when going out or they will run-off and are almost impossible to find until they turn-up later. Mines' name was dookie if that tells You anything!!! Glad to help! Jen from Mich.

2006-10-23 15:27:16 · answer #6 · answered by Jenny 2 · 0 0

YOu can give them fruits but they can't live off of fruit so keep it as a treat. They like apple peices. They love chicken, so when you buy them food make sure the first ingredient has chicken. or at least some kind of meat. It keeps em pretty. they can't have milk, it'll make them sick. just water.. nice cool water. WEll girl ferrets are much smaller and have bad attitudes :) so if he is lazy fat and happy, it's a boy. They like tunnels, so get him a card board box or a laundry tube or something. They like to wrestle and run. so try chasing him around and if your lucky he'll chase you back. if he has a biting problem tey puting lemon drops on ur fingers and he'll never bite again. IT's not mean. dont let em get too hot, they'll die in 90 degree or hotter.. k good luck I have three i know what im talking about

2006-10-23 15:25:55 · answer #7 · answered by mistalina 3 · 0 1

hi. I somewhat have in my opinion followed from Sandi. I somewhat have 2 ferrets from her. Your daughter and her BF might want to improve up. They signed a freelance. If at ANY TIME Sandi does no longer sense they are finished filling the contract she has the right to eliminate those ferrets. It says it in the contract. You, your daughter or her BF do no longer have the right as to what Sandi feels is or isn't the "staggering" habit. SHE does. examine THE contract!! second of all, in case your daughter and her BF do no longer have the money ($three hundred) for breach of contract then how in the international are they assume to seem after those ferrets? They followed OLDER ferrets. Older ferrets advise extra health subject matters. Sandi hasn't ever kept a unclean or unclean residing house. She hasn't ever had any such enormous volume of ferrets they were filled right into a community. 20 or so ferrets isn't something surprisingly for a guard. in case you would possibly want to do analyze first you would possibly want to comprehend this. for sure if any of you 3 might want to have carried out analyze first none of this may be happening. i imagine the bottom answer is, DO YOUR analyze and skim THE contract FIRST!!! All of this may were prevented in the journey that they could have. there is no scam. Sandi hasn't ever had to call for the go back of ferrets she has followed out. i do no longer remeber a time at the same time as Sandi has ever had to sue for the $three hundred. NOR has she ever had to get the $three hundred. it is a first for me.

2016-12-05 04:03:18 · answer #8 · answered by fechter 4 · 0 0

Yes, they can have fruits (most of mine love bananas & strawberries!), but not too much because the natural sugar can hurt them. Cooked chicken is another favorite.
There is no such thing as a ferret being too young to be sexed. Just look at your ferret's belly, if it looks like it has an 'outie' belly button, then it is a boy. Hope this helps you question...

2006-10-23 15:58:04 · answer #9 · answered by thesharklady1 2 · 0 0

ferrets eat just about anything you could feed a cat that meens no fruit, milk isn`t good for them but is ok once in awhile. thier very easy to litter box trane the love to climb and love to play the do bite but it is the way the play with each other they love socks bags things the can get in lol check the second link it is the better one the info below is from the first link
1. Pick out Some Furniture

Ferrets' ancestors were den animals, so the home you create should be like a den, too. Use a wire cage that's at least 18 inches long, 18 inches deep, and 30 inches wide. Many ferrets prefer bi-level cages that feature stairs or ramps that they can climb, and shelves or hammocks where they can perch. Avoid aquariums, which provide poor ventilation. Because ferrets are accomplished escape artists, the cage should feature a secure latch and openings no larger than one inch by two inches. Since wire flooring is uncomfortable to a ferret's feet, place linoleum tiles on the floor or line the cage bottom with soft material such as washable carpet. Not all materials will work, however: Wood flooring is difficult to disinfect, newspaper will blacken a ferret's feet, and cedar chips hold in bad odors and may even cause respiratory problems. Place the cage away from direct sunlight, in a cool, shaded area where temperatures range between 55 and 70 degrees. Clean bedding with a mild detergent and hot water, then disinfect the cage.

2. Teach 'Em Litter Literacy

You can save time cleaning a ferret's cage by simply teaching the animal to use a litter pan. Find a small cardboard or plastic tray that is three to five inches high to serve as a litter box, and secure it to one side of the cage, away from sleeping and eating areas. Clumping litter will irritate a ferret's eyes and may cause respiratory problems, so fill the litter tray with one inch or more of pelleted litter products made from paper or plant fibers. Ferrets aren't as fastidious as cats and may not cover their waste regularly, so you will probably need to scoop the litter more often.

3. Show 'Em a Good Time

Like cats, ferrets enjoy their naps and will often sleep 15 to 20 hours a day. But when awake, ferrets like to be active, so the more you entertain them, the happier—and less mischievous—they'll be. Ferrets love to crawl through almost anything, including PVC piping, cardboard boxes, paper bags, clothes dryer hoses, and even denim blue jeans. Safely secure a toy to the top of the cage, and your guest may be content to bat the object around for a while.

4. Set the Table

Ferrets are obligate carnivores and their good health depends on a quality ferret diet that contains at least 34% animal meat protein and 22% fat. Cat and dog foods are not appropriate. Snacks, such as chicken or turkey, are recommended. Vegetables should be avoided because they are difficult to digest and may cause choking or gastrointestinal blockages. Fruits should not be given because they contain fructose and sugars that have been shown to exacerbate insulinoma conditions. Egg whites (albumin) and raw onion can lead to hemolytic anemia.

5. Hold on Loosely

Ferrets are social creatures who enjoy visiting with people, so let them roam frequently in a secure area outside of their cages. Although they have a great sense of smell and acute hearing, ferrets have limited vision, which means you should avoid sudden movements and speak in a gentle voice before approaching. Because ferrets have fragile skeletons, be sure to handle them carefully. Never pick up a ferret by the tail; instead, let the ferret come to you, then lift him from behind using two hands—one to support his chest and one to cradle his hips. You can also grasp the scruff of a ferret's neck and support his bottom with your hands. Remember, too, that ferrets are known to nip. If you point a finger at a ferret or poke him, he may think you're an enemy or a source of food.

6. Keep 'Em Clean

To put it kindly, ferrets don't always come up smelling like roses. A ferret's sebaceous glands, which are used to mark territory, secrete oil with a natural musky odor, and the animal's anal scent glands can spray just like a skunk's. You should spay or neuter your ferret to minimize odors, and also change the bedding frequently. Bathing a ferret with kitten shampoo, ferret shampoo, or diluted baby shampoo can also help. But too many baths will only force the animal's scent and oil glands to work overtime.

Ferrets are prone to ear mites, so every few weeks their ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in a cleanser purchased at a pet supply store. Like dogs and cats, ferrets are prone to fleas and ticks, but a veterinarian should help you meet their needs in that department.

2006-10-23 15:30:51 · answer #10 · answered by steamroller98439 6 · 0 1

when it comes to ferrets, questions like this are best answered by a vet that has knowledge of ferrets. Not all vets know so you need to find one that cares for ferrets.
I hope you have a vet for your ferrets, because when a ferret gets sick they go down hill VERY quick and you will have no time to find one to care for your sick fuzzy. When your fuzzy gets sick you won't have a moment to spare.
My suggestion is...find a vet that is knowledgable in ferret care and ask him/her this question. And while your at it, get your fuzzies in for a checkup.

2006-10-23 15:37:42 · answer #11 · answered by mommy_2_katelynn 3 · 0 0

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