We have this section of our yard that is a hill slope, and it is horrible and ugly looking!! its all weedy and overgrown, and ugly. So, all summer we have been trying to get landscaping companies to do it, but none of them will stay the whole day!!!
This is because my mother litterally stands out on the deck watching them work and ordering them around the whole time. Like the entire time she will be standing there, or sitting in a lawn chair with lemmonade or something yelling at them and telling them what to do. They ALL quit before the end of the day, now there is no company who will ever come and fix the hill from hell!!Its like we are black listed.
I dont want to do it WHO CAN OMGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!
17 answers
asked by
Home & Garden
➔ Garden & Landscape
Well i mean she is paying them to do work.. they need to make their livings as long as she is giving them money she should be able to tell them how to do the work. its like important especally since that part of the yard is not upkept...
Should we have a lawyer present to work out a contract saying that no matter what they finish the job without quitting or else they pay a 58 million dollar settlement fee? like that to me sounds reasonable.. And i have to admit im blameing too much on my mother....... its also me and my sister....in fact...i left this out. i must be honest with you all........Me my mom and my sister all sit out on our deck while they work, and we tell them what to do.
And, i must say that i'm not always nice to workers who work on our house............one time there was people in our house putting in new carpets......and...well my sister and i..put dishwasher soap in their coffies. And they found out.....when they told my mom, she laughed in their face..so yea.
15:33:56 ·
update #1
well its actually true...workers who work at our house are lesser beings. i mean look at my family, we have more income per month than what any land scaper has in 10 years... We can just do whatever we want because we have so much..... like our possibilities are like endless... its not our fault that those workers are jealous of us...if we are giveing them money then they have no excuse to not do what we say.
And seriously...please tell me why in the whole entire existing world why we would EVER give workers lemmonaid???? I can't even see that as coming across any of our minds...Thats just absolutely Unherd of!!!! i can't believe that anyone would ever even suggest that to me, thats just unbareable.
11:29:18 ·
update #2
You guys sound like aristocrats who look down upon tradesmen as some stupid subhuman like form. Most have a great deal of knowledge and skill. You need to change your attitude and let them do what you are paying them to do. And if you put something in my drink I would have sued you. Good luck at finding an idiot that will work under the conditions you set.
2006-10-24 02:32:26
answer #1
answered by college kid 6
It does sound like you are "black listed", so it looks like you will have to do the work yourselves. Let me ask you though, if you know you are all so bossy when overseeing, why don't you change your behavior? No job will ever be done right or even finished for you otherwise.
My husband is a A/C man and he has had several people just like you all. He says it makes his job harder to finish at a reasonable time as the person(s) keep "reminding " him how to do his job. Unfortunately, they don't know the exact steps and think he is doing it wrong. He then has to show a diagram, if possible, to prove his work. This takes even longer. Some things have no diagram, it is learned trough school and therefor he cannot show why things are done a certain way.
People need to understand, no matter what the job, (if they are reputable) the job will be done properly and on a reasonable time table. My husband understands that some people are fearful of being "ripped off" and so he is courteous and explains EVERYTHING to the customer. But again this takes extra time, and they have to pay him by the hour. They sometimes pay more this way. Who wants to pay even more? Next time, maybe you could try to stop the badgering and bossing. You might be surprised at how well the job goes and how fast! Good luck!!
2006-10-24 00:45:47
answer #2
answered by need to know 3
Being a landscaper myself, I understand where they are all coming from. And yes, you probably are black-listed. Your mother is a "hoverer" as we like to call them. Except it sounds like she is the worst kind if she is barking out directions, and yelling at them. And that is one of the most common pet-peeves among landscapers. Just because landscaping is considered a blue collar job, doesn't mean that landscapers are a lower class of people, and they deserve just as much respect as any other person you would hire to do a job. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find harder working people sometimes.
If you want to get the job done, I'd suggest finding a way to get your mom out of the house for a day or two, and having a company come in to do the job while she's gone. You may even want to go as far as explaining to the company that you understand there have been problems in the past with your mother, and that she will be gone. That being said, don't be surprised if companies still say no, or charge you more than usual, because it sounds like she's the kind of person that won't be happy no matter how well the job is done, and will call back whoever does the work.
Hope that helps some...
2006-10-23 15:15:10
answer #3
answered by Westward 2
The general public watches too much TV and thinks they know too much. Landscaping, like many other jobs, is not an exact field of work. No two yards look the same, and no two trees look the same, etc... I have dealt with people like your mother and I have to tell you that it makes my work miserable. I have stayed up at night worrying about customers like your mother and it made my life miserable. I run a very reputable company and people like your mother still think they know best. If she knew best then she would do it herself. Otherwise she needs to keep her mouth closed except when she offers the workers the lemonade that she is dangling in front of them. If the job isn't done properly...and that doesn't mean absolutely flawless....then she shouldn't pay for the job until it is done properly and within reason.
2006-10-23 15:39:58
answer #4
answered by Mustbcrazy 3
Have Mom go away for a nice trip. Maybe some people in white coats with a nice straight jacket can come and get her. Make sure she leaves her checkbook or credit card with you. Coordinate this with a landscaping company and let them know that the lady who screams at them will be gone while they work.
When mom gets home she will have a lovely back yard and a hefty pile of bills to pay.
2006-10-23 15:07:37
answer #5
answered by troythom 4
Well, it sounds like your mom is going to have to decide: does she want to yell out advice all day, or does she want the landscaping done? It's a free country, and people are allowed to not take her money and leave a job.
You should be thankful she doesn't have you guys out there doing the work.
I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who treat the help like s***. They deserve to do their own dirty work and see how they like it.
2006-10-23 19:14:47
answer #6
answered by Madame M 7
Try to get your mother out of the house the whole day like
go shopping something to keep her alway from your house and while she's gone ask a company to come fix
the hill some one who you haven't called. On the same day your mothers gone.
2006-10-23 15:08:18
answer #7
answered by DA GAME 3
I say "black." maximum black human beings i understand say "black." the only time each physique says "African American" is while they're on solid Morning u . s . of america. I propose, I do understand why this term has progressed, and that i understand the background it is occurring, and the undeniable fact that "black" has replaced different words that are genuinely now no longer acceptable, and probably sometime "black" will connect the ranks of words like "colored," which make human beings flinch immediately. i think of it behooves us all to be quite comfortable to those variations, and not in basic terms brush off all of it as workstation thuggery. yet i do no longer think of we are there yet with "black."
2016-10-02 21:32:49
answer #8
answered by spies 4
LOL!!!!! See if your Mom will have a retaining wall built. It will Cost some big money.but you maybe able to handle the hill better.Or just see about teariest. Plant flowers and that way it won't be a weed patch.
2006-10-23 15:07:07
answer #9
answered by whataboutme 5
get your mum to do the work
sounds like shes a lazy biatch if she can afford to sit on a chair with a glass of lemonade and watch people work.
otherwise tell her to shut up and go back inside, i would quit too if she was ordering me around
2006-10-23 20:37:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous