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2006-10-23 14:30:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

7 answers

Girls are better friends, but then I am a short guy and I would like more female friends. You have to know the motive of each sex, they are very different. But, with women the most important thing in their lives is relationships. For guys it's sex. So if you want a friendship then a girl will give you a better one.

Comparing men and women is like comparing apples and bananas. Both might make a good snack, but they definitely don't taste the same, they are two sides to the same coin and they need each other. Many may differ with this, but please read on and give my premise a chance.

It has been said, “The United Kingdom and the United States are two great countries separated by a common language.” It is the same with men and women, they may both speak the same language, but they don’t put the same weight or the same meaning into that each one does.

This essay is about the instincts of male and females. What I say here is not always true. I am working with stereotypes. There are always exceptions; gays and lesbian people will have differing reactions. There are other exceptions; we are not slaves to our instincts. I am only talking about the general reactions between the sexes, not every single case. I am talking about what I call the default mode. Meaning left to their own devices this is how men tend to react and that is how women tend to react.

One sure way to get into a fight is for the wife to ask her husband the most dreaded question, “Does this dress make me look fat?” The typical response from the man is a simple yes or no, and honestly that it all that he is thinking. But, the woman puts a lot more meaning into it. If the man says, “Yes” then he may only mean that he doesn’t like the dress. However the woman is thinking, “What do you mean it makes me look fat, where? What do I need to do to lose the weight, was it from doing ____ or ____? Do I need to go on another diet; do I need to exercise more? What does he mean I look fat? How dare he say that, I am going to give him a piece of my mind, and NO he is not going to sleep with me TONIGHT!” She can do all of this in the first five minutes, and has left the man’s thoughts far behind. Then the man is surprised why the woman is so angry with him.

If a man, John, asked another man, Joe, “Do you think these pants make me look fat?” Then John would answer “yes” or “no.” If John said “no” then the conversation would end right there. If John said “yes” then Joe might get mad or ask why John thought those pants made him look fat. The point is that Joe wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that John though he was fat, or cover all the other ground than a woman would. It’s all in the genes, and in the basic instincts of each sex. It also explains the default mode of thought for each sex; men are more simple and direct, while women are more complicated and put more into each conversation.

In a situation were a person is admitted to the Emergency Room (ER) and has a male and a female doctor attending him the thought processes can be different. Let’s say the person has been impaled by a stake it is in their gut and they are bleeding a lot. The woman could worry about complications, if the gut was cut then infection will be a certain risk, antibiotics could help that. If the stake hit the spine then it could create paralysis. The woman could get so caught up in the implications that the patient could die. The man would be thinking about controlling the bleeding. The surgeon is going to have to remove that stake quickly so an x-ray has to be taken. The man might miss the spinal threat leaving the patient paralyzed. His haste could ruin the patient’s life and make them wish they were dead. Who is right, and who is wrong? Neither, the male doctor didn’t take the time to consider all the problems, he wanted to move fast and direct. The woman was concerned about expected complications and took the time to consider it. If the woman didn’t take that time then it could result in serious complications, if the man didn’t move fast enough then that could result in serious complications as well. Fortunately they are both well trained doctors and they get the person off to the OR quickly, so the complications don’t have time to manifest. The point here is HOW the two sexes think. Neither one was wrong they were just different.

A 2006 from the University of California determined that women and men handle the pain of Wisdom Teeth Removable about the same, but some of the pain medication was more effective on women, and some of it seemed to increase the pain in the men; the conclusion was that women and men might handle pain DIFFERENTLY in their brains. This disproves the myth that women can handle more pain then men. However, I have to give credit to those women who have given birth to a child and women may have had to handle more pain then most men. Many women have had to go through the pain of childbirth, so they can put other pains into perspective. Men don’t have to go through that so when a major pain hits them then they are experiencing it for the first time. This is where the myth came from. The male lacks the female perspective

When men and women go to a strip club (males to a see female strippers, and females to see male strippers) then the reason for it is the same; to have fun. But, the men are fantasizing about having sex with the striper and this is their major thought. The women are there to have fun and socialize. Both sexes could go in a group, but how they are thinking is different. The men want sex with the strippers, they are sexually aroused and each one would like to get a stripper alone to have sex. They may talk about other things, but that isn’t what is their real goal. The women may get sexually aroused, but not so much, not as much as the men do. The women will socialize with each other and party. The goal of the women isn’t to have sex with the strippers; they want to improve their relationship with their friends. The results are different as well, both strippers are doing it for pay, and because they don’t mind doing it. The female strippers will be looking at the men as walking wallets; if they have sex then you can be sure she will be paid for it. This is the stripper’s job and there is no danger that she is going to fall for her male clients. The male stripper will be open to sex, he might even get some, but no money will have to change hands. The women may want to have sex with the beautiful male stripper, but they don’t want to have a long relationship with him, they won’t take him home. The most probably outcome of this is that both sexes will want to go home and have sex with their mates. I can guarantee that the woman who wants sex will get it, but it is more problematical with the man leaving the strip club, his mate won’t be as eager for sex as he is.

To men things like their first kiss, and their first time to have sex, are more goals then events that are special onto themselves. For women they want these events to be “magical moments.” A man will want to please a woman in this, but if the woman wants a true “magical” moment then they will have to create it themselves. Again it is in the original design, it is all in the genes. By nature men are goal setters, women are more complex, to both of them the actual act is great. To a man the event is reaching the goal, but to a woman the event itself is the most important thing.

Men are fairly simple creatures; it's in our biology. Men are geared to reproduce quickly and often. That is why sex can be so short for us; and why a picture of a hot woman is enough to get a man aroused. Men are capable of multiple relationships with multiple women. They can stay in a serious relationship, but only if they are willing to make the commitment. The biggest problem with men is that they often think with their lower head, rather than the one that sits on top of their neck. From teenager to almost their graves men are thinking about sex at least 52% of the time (from an episode of 20/20 aired on ABC on Sept. 30, 2006). This is because as far as biology is concerned men are walking sperm factories. The best survival tactic for men is to breed as often and as quickly as possible. This is what makes us seem like such hound dogs. It isn’t because men are pigs, it’s because we were designed to breed with as many women as possible. This is the way our genes evolved and it is in our instincts. It also explains why the default male thinking is simple and direct.

As I said women are more complicated. They need to carry a baby to term and raise it; this is in their genetic design. A picture of a hot man can get some women excited, but not for long--they need a relationship. They want to know a man, and they want to be able to trust him to possibly raise a child. Women are geared to hunt for a mate that they can raise a child with; it's in their biology. Women want a stable relationship with one man. A woman often seems to get less out of sex because their biology requires either multiple sessions or they require a longer session to insure that the male has a better chance of putting his sperm where it can create a child. This explains the women’s greater need for foreplay. They need to build up to a climax.

To the woman her genetic design, her best survival drive to insure the continuation of the species is to get a mate, get pregnant, carry it to term, and raise the child to an adult. To do this the most important thing in a woman’s life is her relationships. She needs the male to protect her and her child, which is why women are attracted to dangerous men. She also needs her mate to help provide for her, to facilitate that women are able to have sex all year round. To help insure her survival and the survival of her children then it is important for her to have a good relationship with the people around her. This need for relationships is as ingrained in the woman’s genes as is the male’s need for sex.

When a woman gets pregnant her body starts to adjust and change to help the newly conceived child. Her brain also changes, for a short time it shrinks and rewires itself, returning to normal size. When the child is born the woman starts to lose interest in sex. When she is taking care of the child her brain produces more endorphins (the feel good hormones) then she EVER got through sex (from an episode of 20/20 on ABC aired on Sept. 30, 2006). The man doesn’t understand this, and wonders what he did to make the woman lose interest? He will try to entice her and when that fails he will get frustrated and tempted to leave her. This can cause a lot of problems in the marriage.

Many women are attracted to the dangerous man. While at first this doesn't seem like a good idea, the dangerous man is more likely to win in any competition. If a woman is with such a man then she can be assured that another man won't try to take her away from him. Again it's all in the biology. Look at the lion pride. The strongest male has a harem of females. He gets them pregnant and they raise their cubs. The male has to defend himself, and his pride against other rival males. He spends most of the night making loud growls to show the others that he is the dominant male, and he will fight off any competing males. When a new male takes over, the first thing he does is to kill all the old male's cubs. This puts the females into heat, and he can breed with them.

The best mate for a woman is often the least desirable. Mild mannered people are less likely to beat their family members. Nerds and Geeks are usually better off financially than the dangerous man. This can explain why some marriages fail, the woman is looking for an improvement in the male that he just doesn’t want to do; if the woman chose the “weaker seeming” man then she will probably do better in her marriage. Don’t forget I am talking instincts and the default mode here.

Humans are one of the few creatures that are always in “season.” A human can breed all year round. This makes it better for the male to spread his genes, and lets the woman use the allure for sex to hold on to their mate. When sex becomes less frequent the male’s attention may wander. Generating sperm is easy to do, and men do it in the thousands for most of their lifespan. Women have a set number of eggs and a period of youth and adult stages when they can get pregnant. Carrying a baby to term is a difficult, and often a dangerous task, one that can only be attempted by someone who is very fit. This is why women have menopause and why after a time sex starts to lose its attraction. It is possible, with modern technology, to make a 50-year-old woman pregnant, but normally it would be impossible. It is very dangerous for a woman that old to get pregnant so her body’s design prevents that.

Communication is the best way to check on and improve on a relationship. For men the relationship isn’t that important. Two men can go for 2 weeks without saying more than 12 words to each other and still consider themselves to be good friends. If a woman tried that then her friend would be thinking, “What is wrong, why isn’t she talking with me? What have I done to offend her? How dare she act this way with me, the next time I am going to see her I am going to give her a piece of my mind!” And she can do this all in the first five minutes after discovering the problem. This is why a man can go for a week and only speak 20,000 words, where the woman needs over 70,000 words (from an episode of 20/20 on ABC aired on Sept. 30, 2006). I am not saying that women are chatterboxes; I am saying that they need to use more words so they can communicate better.

To a man the most important thing in the world is sex, to a woman it is relationships. These instincts come from the genes and cannot be denied. A man can no more go without sex than a woman can go without talking (or communicating).

Unfortunately, since women are complex creatures they think that men are. This can lead to a lot of misunderstandings. Men are simple creatures; they look for the simple and straightforward solution of problems. Since men are less complicated then women we tend to have problems understanding them. Complexity doesn’t mean smarter than simple, it means that a different approach is being used.

Men like sports because it is a trial by combat. They may claim other reasons, but the most basic one is the combat. A male biology gears the man to be able to defeat his rivals and hold on to his mate(s). This is why men are better fighters.

Humans may be reasoning and intelligent beings, but they still have the same instincts that they started with. We are a lot closer to animals than we think. The difference between humans and the animals is that mankind can rise above their instincts. We can use tools, and change the environment to suit us. Once that happened though mankind became immune to evolution. We can attempt to improve the breed, weed out problem genes, and turn others on or off, but we cannot escape our instincts.

Our intelligence lets us rise above our instincts. A woman can be a soldier, but she may prefer a more caring approach. A man can be a homemaker, but he may prefer to go out into the wild and hunt (he often does this by getting a job). Women and men can do each other’s jobs, but their biology has defined roles for them and their instincts have to be overcome.

Men are better because they can see the simple solution to a problem and they will solve it without wasting too much time thinking about it. Men are better hunters and fighters.

Women are better because they can find a solution to a complex problem. They don’t mind taking the time required to think something out. They are more caring and nurturing. They are also able to work better together (except when hunting for a mate).

With animals the instincts rule; they seldom go against them and once you understand their instincts it is easier to understand the animal. Dogs are pack animals and to them the most important thing is their place in a pack. When a human has trouble with her pet dog often it boils down to a misunderstanding of the dog’s primary motive. In a human family the dog is usually at the bottom of the pack, but he is well cared for, he gets to play and do what he wants so this makes him happy. If you feed a dog first then they will think that they are in charge. This can cause a lot of problems. Why do dogs bark at strangers? It is because of the pack instinct. When a stranger comes by the dog, knowing that he is more sensitive to this than his master, will start to bark. When the stranger goes away then the dog feels that he has done his job, and it reinforces the behavior, so the next time a stranger comes by they will bark again. Why do dogs love to lick people? Again it is part of the pact instinct. When a mother wolf comes home to her pups they come up to lick her and she responds by feeding them. Sometimes they even regurgitate food. When a dog licks a person’s face they are often petted and spoken to. This is a good thing for the dog so he will keep licking faces.

If you understand the instincts involved then you can better understand the animal. It is just as true for dogs as it is for men and women. We can arise above our instincts though. I, a male, am giving a long and thought out answer; women can give short answers too. Men can be the caregivers, and a woman can be a good soldier. Both sexes can commit crime, but 90% of those in prison are men, we are the more aggressive sex. When dealing with people you are dealing with animals, but they are thinking animals and they don’t always act true to their instincts. However, in general, typically, and in most cases the instincts will determine the response.

So why are women considered the “weaker” sex? Yes, a woman can work in the fields and suddenly give birth to a child, but this is in a primitive society. When my mother had her last child she was at work that day and then drove herself to the hospital—that is not the actions of a weak person. However, once she got into the hospital she got some high-powered help and skilled care. If the woman is to survive the experience then this is good to have. If there is a complication with either the baby or the woman then that high-powered help can be all that keeps them alive. She had to spend a few days in the hospital to recover. Then when she went home she had to care for the child. During this time she couldn’t put her attention on her business, she didn’t go out much, and she stayed with the baby a lot. This is what makes the men think that the woman is weaker. It is a misunderstanding that has gone on for millions of years; it started when “Ugh” was the latest word in communication. Men go out in the world and “hunt:” for food, now days they “hunt” on the job. Up until the 1950s it was traditional to have the woman stay at home and care for the family. This just adds to the myth about the “weaker” sex. Physically, men do tend to be stronger, they have to so they can beat off rivals and “hunt” for food. Women tend to be a little smaller and lighter than the average man so they may seem weaker. However, if you think that remember the old saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” An angry woman is a powerful force indeed and she has no problem fighting dirty. Since men fight a lot (or they used to) and since they compete a lot they have formalized the rules of competition. Women don’t have that tradition so they don’t have the problem with going all out in a fight.

This is not meant to be a sexist essay, it is meant to educate. I have used pieces of this answer in other responses and I have gotten several positive comments on it. I hope that this essay can inspire discussion between the sexes and let each other understand the other. If a woman knew just how much a man NEEDS sex then they might indulge their partner more. If a man knew just how much a woman NEEDS to communicate then they may not seem like fortresses of solitude, with closed and hidden feelings. And the women may also stop expecting so much from a man when it usually just isn’t there.

Comparing men and women is like comparing the heads and tails of a coin. They are two opposite sides of the same coin. They represent two different approaches to survival and civilization.

2006-10-23 17:18:56 · answer #1 · answered by Dan S 7 · 0 0

I think guys are better friends. Guys may act a little mean to their friends, but that is how we communicate. and guy friends will always be there to back you up whenever you need it. And when we get in fights with each other we get over it real quick. Girls tend to hate that person for a longer period of time after.

2006-10-23 14:39:32 · answer #2 · answered by Damien 2 · 0 0

I choose to be peers with ladies, considering they have a tendency to be extra sympathetic and worrying. Another motive is considering I relate to them higher. For instance, it could be awkward speaking to a man approximately female disorders. Also, whenever I have a man pal we constantly become liking each and every different. But men are cool, too. I'm now not announcing I like ladies extra, I could simply as an alternative be peers with them. EDIT: And I see a couple of individuals on right here hate ladies and believe we are those horrible creatures, which isn't real. I'm a lady, and I'm now not an average man or woman in any respect. I'm so worn out of the sexist generalizing and stereotyping of ladies. Not all folks are those evil creatures individuals make us out to be, and I'm fairly indignant by way of Anna's reply. When individuals are sexist closer to ladies, nobody cares; but while individuals are sexist closer to guys, everybody makes a massive deal approximately it. Am I the one man or woman who has spotted this?

2016-09-01 01:42:15 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Guys are better friends. Guys are honest even if it hurts your feelings where as girls try to be around the bush or just ignore you completely when something is bothering them. Girls also tend to get their feelings hurt or get angry when you tell them something is bothering you. Guys will most likely blow it off.

2006-10-23 14:48:31 · answer #4 · answered by avonlady_IL 2 · 0 0

I definitely think girls are better friends than boys.Girls are more likely to stay true to a friend than a guy.Plus a guys more likely to steal his friend's girlfriend than a boy.

2006-10-23 14:33:37 · answer #5 · answered by debralizjr 4 · 0 0

I thik that guys are better friends .Beacuse they do listien to you. So do gurls but not all gurls do .They talk about guy so for that i thik that guy are better. Ok will i hope you get your answer ok.

2006-10-23 14:40:02 · answer #6 · answered by one hot bitch 2 · 0 0

yeah why not.

2006-10-23 14:32:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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