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Hi, i have constantly of constipation, i have irritable bowel movements.1st of all it my be from my medication.But i have a week or a week and a half of constipation.It takes for ever for bowel movement. I take metumusil alot, and tons of fiber,nothing ever works. Lots of fiber and fruits too.apples,oranges,grapes.Sometimes i take laxitives so i can get rid of pain.Can my intestines be screwed up or something.And i have seriouse bloating where it hurts i nthe middle of the night.I need someone to tell me whatelse can i take,something that i wouldnt expect.I even execerise, and i am eatin healthier than i did before, so nothing helps me.Sometimes i will poop for 3 days i na row,than it stops. :(.please help me, i dont qwant to get surgery or whatever.

2006-10-23 14:00:51 · 9 answers · asked by askalotofquestionsmom 1 in Health Women's Health

no prine juice please, :) haha, i wont drink it, and i tried prune juice

2006-10-23 14:07:11 · update #1

I take thyroixine medication for my thyroid and i think that is it, what can i take to make my bowel movements normal, cause i think it is the medication.

2006-10-24 02:17:35 · update #2

9 answers

I take a product called Herb-Law it is safe and gentle. It softens Fecal matter. Is 10% laxative and 90% detoxifier. Aids digestion, Flatulence, gas, digestive upset. Is not habit forming. Before I took this product I was always bloated and never had regular bowel movements. Now I am regular and don't have that bloating feeling.

2006-10-23 17:28:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first of all, don't believe that crap about the food you eat. BOWEL MOVEMENTS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TYPE OF FOODS YOU EAT. That is long-held information by the medical community that is just plain wrong. Constipation or any type of bowel movement problem is a problem of the autonomic nervous system. The A.n.s. controls peristalsis of the g.i. tract. so when it's all screwed up, that's what happens. the a.n.s. consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. the para. largely controls the g.i. system. Things that can screw it up are stress, anxiety, etc. when you're chronically stressed out about something, the sympathetic over-rides the parasympathetic, and the g.i. gets screwed up. Are you a nervous or anxious person? if you are, this is most likely the cause of the problem. I've had the problem in the past, and I noticed there are different stages of this, based on teh severity: for our example, stage one would be a normal bowel movement, then stage 2 is constipation, and stage 3 is the irrittable bowel movement, simlilar to diahrhea but not the same. this is a sign that your a.n.s. is all screwed up, mostly likely due to chronic stress or anxiety. at its worst, i.b.m. occurs. then as you calm down as the stressful incident subsides, constipation occurs. this may be due to a reflexive action on the part of the a.n.s. Constipation means that too much sympathetic activity is occurring and it's stunting peristalsis. peristalsis is the movement of foodstuff through the g.i. tract. the thing is, it doesn't directly correlate with you calming down; that is, you can be calming down and still experience symptoms. This is a chronic problem due to chronic sympathetic over-innervation to the g.i. tract. The only way you can solve it is to calm down and relax on a long term basis. don't get excited or nervous. relax. become self-aware of how tense you are--you probably don't realize it. you can eat all the grapefruit you want, but it ain't gonna solve the problem, because it is an autonomic nervous system problem. The reason the medical community doesn't go along with this is because of its resistance to bring together the psychological with the physical. the medical establishment has always been resistant to acknowledge the psychological aspects of health on the body. this is one of them.

one other thing--if you're on medication, that could be the problem, too. if it is, then disregard everything above.

good luck.

2006-10-23 14:51:40 · answer #2 · answered by djbod2006 2 · 3 0

There are enough of the stock answers...... death and taxes!! I believe that given enough time, everything must change. Our reality is bound by the 4 dimensions, namely space and time, Within these confines, unchangeable is merely a concept and no reality. We can not experience the unchangeable, because it is through some change or the other that we gather any experience. Constancy in our reality is nothing but the limited concept of the state between two adjacent changes....... these adjacent changes are experienced by us as a beginning and an end. Anything unchangeable must have no beginning nor end and such a thing would obviously exist in a higher dimension than the 4 dimensions that enclose our existence.

2016-05-22 02:57:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

This is going to sound too simple and maybe a bit gross but it works!!

Warm some prune juice and put some butter in it. Then down the hatch. You'll see results the next day. Hospitals use this as a natural laxative.

2006-10-23 14:04:47 · answer #4 · answered by swomedicineman 4 · 0 1

1. Go on a liquid diet for two weeks.

2. Drink plenty of water.

3. Before every meal for one week take 1 medical cap of Milk of Magnesia, which is about 3 1/2 to 4 tablespoons. It comes in a dark blue bottle with the cup on top. Buy it at drugstore.

4. Purchase Glycerin Suppositories. Follow the instructions. Purchase at a drugstore.

5. Eat no bread and no white flour products, i.e., pancakes, cupcakes, biscuits. You know what I mean.

6. Wash your hands in bacterial soap, rinse with peroxide and dry your hands. Dip your middle finger in mineral oil and insert your finger to pick out the turds in your anal area. (If you have impacted bowels, this is what they will do at the hospital anyway; after you have had a colonoscopy.) The colonoscopy is painful and I'm not going to lie to you. I was in the room with her when she had it. My mother had it and she said they told her they would give her a shot for pain. She said it felt like she was having a baby. The pain doesn't last forever, but going through it is out of necessity.

7. If you are an anal lover, stop doing it. The anal area is to let out toxic waste only. Anal satisfaction causes bloating, soreness, hemorrhoids and veneral diseases. You suffer the consequences.

8. If you can drink white milk, drink 1 glass and 2 glasses of water behind it. You will go to the bathroom. That is helping to work from the upper intestines to the lower bowels.

I will pray for you.

2006-10-23 14:40:44 · answer #5 · answered by Diddle 2 · 0 4

I take care of my mom and she has the same problem because of all the meds she takes. I give her a stool softner in the morning and at night. Once in awhile I also give her a small glass of cranrasberry juice. She doesn't like straight cranberry juice. Give it a try it might help.

2006-10-23 14:35:02 · answer #6 · answered by Sexy-n-Hot 5 · 0 0

There is a medical condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome and you might have it.

"A history of major life stress, anxiety, depression, abuse, or preceding infection may be suggestive, yet not diagnostic. Organs outside the gastrointestinal system may be sources of referred symptoms, and abnormalities should be ruled out. Red flags arguing against an IBS diagnosis include bleeding, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, nocturnal symptoms, incontinence, or onset of symptoms over the age of 50. Screening for ruling out colorectal cancer is still applicable"

You could have a problem with your natural intestinal bacteria, a treatment with the antibiotic neomycin may help that, but you need to see a doctor. Stress can also be another cause, or at least a big factor. How is your blood pressure? You can't tell if your blood pressure is high unless you check it. Most pharmacies have in store machines that you can use to check your BP. Look for 120/80, anything higher could be the sign of a problem, and stress is an often cause of that problem.

Allergic or immune system responses to food may also cause problems.

"ELISA food allergy panel can identify specific foods to which a patient has a reaction. Other testing can determine if there are nutritional deficiencies secondary to diet that may also play a role. Removal of foods causing IgG immune response as measured using the ELISA food panel has been shown to substantially decrease symptoms of IBS in several studies."

"Foods and beverages to be avoided or minimized include red meat, oily or fatty and fried products, dairy (even when there is no lactose intolerance), solid chocolate, coffee (regular and decaffeinated), alcohol, carbonated beverages (especially those also containing sorbitol), and artificial sweeteners. However, care should be taken to avoid adding foods to the diet to which the patient is allergic or intolerant.

IBS patients are hypersensitive to fats, insoluble fibers, and fructose"

Treatment can range from laxatives to tricyclic and SSRI antidepressants (I have taken them), to tranquilizers or barbiturates or opiates (which are addictive).

Newer drugs include:
Alosetron: which is only indicated for women
Cilansetron: which is undergoing clinical trials in Europe
Tegaserod which is marketed as Zelnorm in the US, watch out for this one. I have seen it advertised a lot on TV. It has been banned by the European Union, and the FDA has issued two warnings on it.
"Enteric coated peppermint oil capsules have been shown to relieve IBS symptoms in adults and children [24], but they are contraindicated in patients with the comorbidity of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Recent studies have suggested that rifaximin could be used as an effective treatment for abdominal bloating and flatulence [25], giving more credibility to the potential role of bacterial overgrowth in some patients with IBS [26].

Marijuana is also associated with symptom relief in sufferers of IBS. Although illegal in the United States, it has been prescribed to patients in nations such as Canada. Some of the argued benefits of cannabis are the reduction of pain and nausea, appetite stimulation, and assisting in falling sleep."

Acupuncture and Hypnosis have also been tried by some patients with some success.

The problem with IBS is there is no sure and certain test for it or cure for it. You may or may not have the problem, but I would consider it and consult a doctor soon.

I have to take a lot of medications and a lot of them cause constipation. A nurse once told me that the GI track is last on the list of the body’s systems that gets water. So you need to increase the water intake. If your urine comes out pale yellow then you are receiving enough water, if it is darker then you should increase the water intake. If it comes out clear then you are getting more than enough water.

Prune Juice also has a liquefying nature, which is why it is popular with older people. I have found that Fig Newton’s work well for me, and taste better.

You also need to increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Whole Grains and lettuce help. I take fiber pills myself. There are fiber sources that can be chewed, put into a drink, or just swallowed as pills. Fiber won’t hurt your stomach; it’s just more of the stuff that you normally eat.

Medically I have been prescribed Docusate Sodium; it is also available over the counter. It is a safer than laxatives for the long-term use. I have been taking it for years and I haven’t had any problems with it yet. You can also pick up an enema kit in the drug store. They work pretty promptly, and will give you stomach pain though.

A little GI bleeding is normal, but too much can cause problems. If the blood gets into the feces it’s clotting agents can make it hard. Then hard stools can cause tears in the GI track, which could cause more intestinal bleeding, and increase your problem. So prompt attention to this problem is necessary. If you see blood in your stools, or if you have tarry stools, or those with black streaks then that could be a sign of intestinal bleeding.

Check out this Wikipedia article for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constipation

If my hints don't work or if this condition continues for another week then I would recommend that you go to see a doctor. The fiber won't hurt you, but the laxatives can if you use too many of them. If you are taking new fruits or food then I would stop, you might be allergic to them, cut down on the foods described under Irritable Bowel Syndrome, exercise will help as well.

Cut down on your stress and contact me after you see a doctor. I can provide some advice about the medication or one related disease called Fibromyalgia; you can contact me via my Avatar.

2006-10-23 14:31:13 · answer #7 · answered by Dan S 7 · 2 0

Drink water water water water and more water
And check this website out for more information on what foods trigger symptoms of IBS with constipation.

2006-10-23 14:14:22 · answer #8 · answered by Amber L 3 · 0 0

same prob:( I am still trying to figure it out.Sorry:(

2006-10-23 14:12:40 · answer #9 · answered by Liddy 4 · 0 0

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