Not likely. You can bet they have some kind of documentation showing why she "needed" a c-section. It's almost certainly a croc but they'll still have it.
2006-10-23 13:35:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Why is the doctor forcing you too have a c-section if you do not need one? I would not let them do the procedure unless there was a good reason. If the baby is in the right position he/she does not have that right. Maybe it is more expensive this is why he/she is forcing you too have a c-section.
My doctor was suggestion that I have a c-section also and I told him that it is not necessary because I always had my babies vaginally, why all of a sudden.. He mentioned that I had an operation before and he did not want the ruin to rapture.. The thing is I had a baby prior to that vaginally and nothing happened so why should I get that bikini cut... I said No and he left me alone... Tell them NO!!!!! Good Luck!!!!
2006-10-23 21:04:45
answer #2
answered by Vicky 6
Did you or someone close to you sign a consent form, if yes I dont think you have a case. You said yes to the c section. Doctors dont usually do c sections unless they think there is a problem. If you are unsure why you had the c section ask why you had to have it. Maybe you wernt told while in labour so you didnt stress or get upset.
2006-10-23 21:51:33
answer #3
answered by lividuva 3
They may have persuaded her to have a c-section, but they could not have FORCED her to. Unless of course she was physically forced. In that case, yes the doctor should go to jail not be sued. But then again...who decides whether or not it is necessary to do a c-section?
2006-10-23 20:37:55
answer #4
answered by Psalm91 5
Anybody can take anybody to court for any reason they want. SO my answer would have to be, YES. That's not sayin that you will come out on top. It's hard to do something like that. My Uncle is a RN & he said if the doctors can show they felt she needed it then you don't get a thing. I'm sure this case can be worked out with a lawyer in your area.
2006-10-23 20:45:26
answer #5
answered by ancestorhorse 4
This country is so sue crazy.
There must be some reason why they did the c-section that you are not privy too. Relax. As long as the baby is okay, life is good.
2006-10-23 20:34:05
answer #6
answered by Trollhair 6
you'd have to get a lawyer and prove that it was unnesessary. It's hard to prove tho, because sometimes, they will give you one if they start to be a little worried about the delivery. C-sections are safer than vaginal birth sometimes, that's why they do it. But I would be just as mad as you if they did it to me. but I bet that if you could prove it, you'd get a lot of money.
2006-10-23 20:35:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No they can not because there is a reason for her to undergo the c-section. The doctors won't do that invasive procedure unless it is necessary.
2006-10-23 20:34:15
answer #8
answered by jshepard17 5
No, there was something that was wrong & the c-section needed to be done.Be happy you & baby are alive & well.
2006-10-23 20:50:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'd certainly hope so! That's just woman should be "forced" into a c-section if she doesn't have to have it or want it.
2006-10-23 20:36:01
answer #10
answered by "Urban" 4