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i just don't have that much appreciation for organized religions. Most organized religions fight with others or say that certain groups of people aren't as good as others. And you Christians out there don't tell me that you love everybody. I think it's nice that you want to say that. But if someone don't worship God, if someone practices witchcraft, if someone is gay then what are they? sinners. same goes with most other organzied religion. Do we need to believe and belong so bad that we will hate other people just because we're told to? I just don't understand this, please correct me if i'm wrong on something and tell me what you think please.

2006-10-23 13:24:40 · 31 answers · asked by lalapalooza 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

31 answers

I think that the darkness in which the existence of we, so calls humans is imbued, is great. Besides not having a single clue about what are we doing or are supposed to do on this life, we are in the mid of two greats mysteries, one is behind and the other is in front of us: before and after life. I guess it must be scary and depressing for the arrogance of many, not been in the total and the absolute control they believe they should be, as the all wise and power full they think they are. So, my dear friend, this type of person need to believe in something, even if it is a lie, even if it is a fantasy whose reality or use for the human life is yet to be found. This type of person feels de need to scape his or her personal missiries, thinking that they're some what special, better than other, because of this or that religious believe, even if they can't make a single leg of sence of theirs religios falacies. In the other hand, we also have thouse who takes advantage of the ignorance and supperticions of the peoples for many types of personal gains, they're usually called charlatans and demagogues.

2006-10-23 17:15:52 · answer #1 · answered by Simon 4 · 0 0

I share your thoughts on organized religion. When we theorize about the creation of life, soul, and "afterlife", we're all just "pissing in the wind". Why is it that some of these theories have sustained, though they make absolutely no sense? Its still shocking to me that otherwise intelligent people proclaim, with glazed and vacant eyes, to know the most minute details of the meaning of life as it were, in the utter absence of scientific proof, of any proof at all. It is my belief that all organized religions were/are utterly contrived to control the masses. People still cling to them because it's too scary to imagine that we live and we die and that's all. They can't live with the knowledge that we don't have anything better than this life to look forward to, which is really quite sad. If they did accept that, then maybe they would live their lives in more constructive ways, or at least be less obstructive to the lives of others. The reason for certain religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc... sustaining through the ages, well, probably because followers can take comfort in the fact that they've been around for so long...surely, they must be true. It's a very dangerous thing.

2006-10-23 14:45:54 · answer #2 · answered by Janice 1 · 0 0

You need a reality check... First off in the Bible it FLAT OUT STATES even Jesus had faults. This means It is all right to be faulted...
Another thing is Jesus died so we could live in sin... (We are all sinners). So I don't see a difference between someone who wants to believe in Wicca, is gay, someone who had stolen something, or someone who back stabs people when they aren't around. I have/had friends in all of those catigoies, and some that YOU may not be able to befriend. So don't talk about "Us Christians"... It is also taught that it is NOT OUR PLACE TO JUDGE...
You are also forgeting to think of all the fund raising that churches, sinagogs, temples... do. When huricane Katrina hit, local churches, (I only mention churches because I can't speak for the others, but am sure they too were doing the same), were gathering toys, clothes, money, and non parishable food to send to those affected... I live in Canada.
If organized religion is such a bad thing... Think back to this when you or one of your family is affected by something and a care package is given to you. It is a sence of community, and understanding that we are ALL in this together. I understand that there are SOME in all groups that give everyone a bad name. But I will not let you paint everyone with the same brush... Not just fellow Christians, but I say this for my friends who are of different relgions as well. We get a long fine thank you very much. We respect each others veiws, and learn form them as well.

2006-10-23 14:10:11 · answer #3 · answered by Joe K 6 · 1 0

Because a group organizes (a religion), this doesn't mean that it is true. Many of these are like the blind leading the blind. Remember, the basis of sin is the human mind, not just a few groups of "hard-core" sinners. Christians advocate loving one another, but this can't be done without understanding in a spiritual sense. Evil personalities and doings by the person are not lovable, so you do not love the human sinner that freely crossed the line to check out evil, but you can love their true spiritual nature which is opposite from what they express here on earth (in other words you overcome hate by understanding what man really is). For instance, I do not like what some people have done to me, and I would never retaliate and do the same evil to them. This is because I know better; I have a higher understanding of things than they do. Nobody hates elementary school kids just because they don't know as much as high school kids. Tolerance of religions is a must, but evil needs to be rooted out of human thought.

2006-10-23 13:55:31 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

Illiria had a great response. One thing that the bible, which is the base of any "christian" organization says, is that we are ALL sinners. We know that as humans. We all know that people do harm to each other and to themselves. I agree with you that gay people and witches shouldn't be outcast but loved instead. A true christian would love any person. The tricky thing is when the gay person or witch or any sinner belongs to a Bible teaching church but doesn't want to follow the laws according to the Bible. That is relative to saying that you would like to learn math but yet you believe that 2+2=7. Hopefully I have provided some clarity.

2006-10-23 15:14:56 · answer #5 · answered by Mustbcrazy 3 · 0 0

My dear organized religion are some good words. Although the written word of God states that pure religion etc....etc... is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction etc...etc...> About loving everyone, yes as Christians it is a command not a suggestion to love everyone; Gods' written word is clear, how you choose to love people is a choice we make everyday, some we hold close others not so close, yet we love them, as long as one says yes Lord thy will be done, that is the bottom line, so we walk in peace with everyone, if we think they are good or bad does not matter, we are commanded to Love; God will handle the consequences. We my dear are all in this together. Now my dear last but not least, close your eyes, can you see a world with out God; can you see what this world would be like without God; it is not so hot now. What if there were no God?

2006-10-23 15:13:46 · answer #6 · answered by ShinningStar 2 · 0 0

I am a christian, and I believe you should trust your conscience when it comes to subjects like religion. Mankind has twisted the thoughts and hopes of there fellow man perversly since the beginning, usually for there own gain ( money, power, status, land etc.) Your good conscience will tell you whether the message or messenger is leading you awry. If your church is in a state of constant disrepair, and your pastor is driving a brand new jaguar , move on. If your congregation tells you we are going to commit mass suicide, to leave this horrible world behind, then leave you can always make changes and/or amends while alive. If someone tells you, your going to hell because your gay/lesbian then pray for them as I pray for you, because no one myself included has the right to cast judgement. Now when I ask you to trust your conscience, I base that thought process with the belief that all humans innately know right from wrong. Allthough some people are raised in a closed minded enviroment ( racist, facist etc. ) your life is yours to do with as you please, just think on things you might have thought , said or done that made you feel guilty..... conscience !!! So take everything for what it is and come to your own conclusion. There are good christians and bad christians, good muslims and bad muslims, good buddhist and bad buddhist, good atheist and bad atheist , good people and bad people all are accountable for there thoughts ,words and deeds in the end, whatever ending you may believe...........As for me, being christian, I have alot of work to do on myself.... peace and God bless.

2006-10-23 15:07:28 · answer #7 · answered by Rock right 1 · 0 0

The way I look at it. Religion is totally different from organized religion.

Organized religion are group of people who have belief and faith . They have a very strong conviction that what they do is true.

Religion is the process of the mind to discover what is false as false to arrive to what is true. (It is not organization or group of people)

Religion is a continuous observation of psychological illusions that hinder the realization of truth.

Truth is always wholly
False is always divisive,fragmented, always confusing to the mind.

With this guidelines I hope you can see who are on the road to truth.

2006-10-23 19:17:51 · answer #8 · answered by ol's one 3 · 0 0

I've been wondering the exact same thing my entire life. Organized religions tend to criticize other religions and frown upon people who do not have the same beliefs. God is supposed to love all. Which means gay people and mystics who practice the occult, even mean people. I believe in God even though I am no longer Catholic. God isn't the one who judges us. The people within their religion do.

2006-10-23 13:39:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Personally I believe organized religion is just a mere extension of whatever government is in power in that region. It's a way of dictating to and controlling of the people to do as the people in power wish!
True spirituality has nothing to do with any doctrine - it comes from within and is a simple "knowing".

2006-10-23 13:54:43 · answer #10 · answered by T-IN-GRATITUDE 1 · 1 0

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