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My 5 1/2 yr old special needs son passed away in May. A few days after returning home from the funeral, my best friend called and said she dreamt about him. She said that the 3 of us were sittting in my livingroom watching tv and my son was sitting in his rocking chair, smiling. She looked at me for a minute, and when she looked back, he was gone. She got up, went into the kitchen, and saw a white dove sitting on the windowsill. That is when her phone woke her. Does anyone know what this means? I've been praying for something to ease my pain, let me know he is at peace. Thank you for your answers in advance (and sorry if this is in the wrong category, didn't really know where to put it)

2006-10-23 13:10:26 · 23 answers · asked by llsBabygirl918 3 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

23 answers

perhaps that he was smiling should be your clue. god has a place for everyone. jesus said suffer the children un to me. you son is well, be at peace with that

2006-10-23 13:13:16 · answer #1 · answered by John 2 · 1 0

My condolences on the transition of your son.

I would say this is a sure sign of your son getting a message to you that he has made his transition well.

Oftentimes spirit will connect with us through another when we are so burdened with our loss that we are not ready to feel them.

Know that although your son was a child to you he probably is a great spirit once crossing over.

In time hopefully you will be able to open up to his reaching out to you. My bet is that he will if he is capable of sending this message via a friend. What I am hear here is that he was with you and your husband while you were watching television...It seems that is what he is saying. If there was a time after his passing that you were actually doing so perhaps you felt a peaceful presence or perhaps the time will come when you will be in the living room with your husband and you will feel the energy, the presence of the one you called son in this lifetime.

My aunt lost her daugher years ago and one day she swears she was sitting alone missing her child and the room became so tight with energy that she knows her daughter was present. At that time all the pain she was suffering from went away and she was in a state of peace.

Know your son is where many of us will one day be and although he is no longer here in the physical his light is still shining brightly for you to see!

One more thing. A dove signifies peace and surely this is a clear sign that this is his wish for you to have.

2006-10-31 06:53:40 · answer #2 · answered by Coco 2 · 0 0

First of all, I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. I believe this is a way of your son letting you know that he is safely on the other side. The famous psychic Sylvia Browne says dreams are just one way our loved ones communicate from the other side. I've read many of her books, and I watch her every Wednesday morning on The Montel Williams Show. She's given me alot of comfort on this subject. I take her very seriously, and I believe she's the real deal. Right now I'm almost done reading her book Visits from the Afterlife The Truth about Hauntings, Spirits and Reunions with Lost Loved Ones. It's hard to put it down! She also has a Book of Dreams that might be helpful. Please try reading some of her books She's not a weirdo or anything like that. Her faith is Gnostic Christianity, and everything she talks and writes about is centered in God. I do remember her writing that special needs people (mentally handicapped) are very spiritually advanced souls on the other side, and I believe that. I don't know exactly what was wrong with your son, but I know in my heart he's very happy on the other side, and you will be with him again someday. That's how I feel about my loved ones who have passed on. I hope this has helped you in some way. God Bless!

2006-10-23 22:17:02 · answer #3 · answered by Starscape 6 · 0 0

It is believed that those who have passed can come to us through our dreams as it is less frightening to the living. Let's face it would probably scare you half to death if you turned around and saw a deceased loved one standing in the kitchen and then the visit would be a waste as the deceased would not be able to get their message across.

With this said it seems as though your son is going through your friend and the dove symbolizes peace. It is possible this was his way of trying to show her he is at peace, knowing your friend would tell you. It is also possible that he went to her instead of you as maybe he was afraid it would upset you or confuse you.

Either way, all that matters is that this dream your best friend had offers you some comfort in the loss the of your son.

2006-10-24 20:43:22 · answer #4 · answered by Ghostgirl 2 · 1 0

Firstly, sorry about your loss.

Secondly, that was totally a message from him!!

My mother always taught me that a white feather is a sign that someone you love is near you- you got the whole bird!! Lucky you!!

I was always a non-believer until a 'crazy' aunt of mine gave a message to me, for a friend who's mother had died, before we had met. I knew no details so couldn't have been giving her 'signals' but she told me stuff that turned out to be accurate.

Various stuff has happened since, including a very real feeling that my grandparents are with me....

Finally, I had a dream not so long ago that featured my grandparents and my friends mother. It was a glorious dream and made me sure that they were all in a good safe place.

Chances are though, he went to your friend because it's too soon for you to deal with it. The message I had for my friend came 5 years after her mother died and was the first contact she'd had. Since then, she feels more at peace and believes she's had contact from her.

Keep and eye out for white feather and say a little prayer and a quick hello whenever you see them!

2006-10-23 20:54:38 · answer #5 · answered by spagbolfordinner 3 · 1 0


To dream that you or others are smiling, signifies that you are pleased with your achievements and approve of the decisions you have made. You will be rewarded for the good things you've done for others. Alternatively, you may be seeking for something or someone that will make you happy.


To see doves in your dream, symbolizes peace, tranquility, harmony, and innocence. In particular, to see white doves in your dream, symbolizes loyalty and friendships. It may also represent a message and blessing from the Holy Spirit. You have let go of your thoughts of hate and revenge.

To dream that doves are mating and building a nest, symbolizes a joyous home life filled with tranquility, pleasure and obedient children.

God bless you.

2006-10-31 19:53:54 · answer #6 · answered by friendly advice from maine 5 · 0 0

Dreams are mostly pure symbol. Your son displayed happiness, disappearance should symbolize his passing, and the dove is a symbol of peace and good fortune. In my opinion, it clearly states that your son was not a distraught soul and has passed on with ease into this next incarnation! =D Although this may be one of the most difficult times of your life, you need to understand that the body is a mere shell and that the soul goes on and on. That dream clearly stated that your son was happy when he left this plane. You should feel satisfied that you gave him 5 wonderful years of life. =) He's found his path safely.

2006-10-24 00:19:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lala, my condolences to you and your family. I think your son was giving you the message you were so longing for and that is that he is okay and around you still.
Doves are birds of peace in our reality, so maybe the Dove meant he is at peace now and not to worry (which i know is easier said than done).
Your child will always be around you no matter what, take comfort in knowing that.

2006-10-25 07:01:01 · answer #8 · answered by *JC* 4 · 0 0

So sorry for your loss, after the death of someone, ppl will usually have dreams about them, I'm not saying the dream ment nothing. The dreams always mean something, that's why you get them, luckily my friend is an expert in interpreting dreams, so i called her and told her and here's what she said

To see doves in your dream, symbolizes peace, tranquility, harmony, and innocence. In particular, to see white doves in your dream, symbolizes loyalty and friendships. It may also represent a message and blessing from the Holy Spirit. You have let go of your thoughts of hate and revenge.

To see your dead sibling, relative, or friend in your dream, foretells that you will soon be called on for aid and assistance. It may also mean that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, you dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one.

She also said she is very sorry for your loss and wishes you many blessings, as do I, good luck!

2006-10-23 20:34:14 · answer #9 · answered by StarGirl 2 · 0 0

I'm going to answer your question in 3 parts. The first 2 parts are from the doctrine of my faith (LDS commonly called Mormons) the third is my opinion

1. All young children who pass away go straight back to god they were more spiritually advanced than the rest of us and came here to aquire a mortal body and bring love into our world.

2. Special needs children were much more advanced spiritually before coming here and are born the way they are to ensure they maintain their innoencence. When we meet them again in the afterlife we will be amazed at how advanced they really are compared to the rest of us.

3. You NEEDED a sign. You were given it.

2006-10-31 03:28:40 · answer #10 · answered by Sid B 6 · 0 0

You first need to figure out what all of the things and symbols in the dream mean to your friend. A dove may symbolize peace for one person and love for another. Figure out what is symbolizes for her and go from there. I have a feeling the dream is not going to be what you want.

2006-10-23 20:28:10 · answer #11 · answered by freedom 2 · 0 0

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