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i don't know what my stand is on abortion. i support then i don't. I don't support because, what if i was aborted. I do support it because it's better than having people throw their children away in the trash or what if a man raped someone, i doubt they would like it give birth to the rapist's child. I don't support it because some really dumb girls are having abortions later in the pregnancy when the child is practically a real baby. well what do you think? what is your stand on abortion and why?

2006-10-23 13:06:59 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

42 answers

look at this that way!!! no matter what the law...it will still going on in back alley room like before...and women will bleed to death...I believe in having a choice....I also believe men and women should take some personal responsibility, but you can't legislate morality!

2006-10-23 13:10:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

I have pondered this question several times and have come to the realization that it is up to the individual. I don't feel that another person should force their beliefs on another person trying to make such a life changing decision. It is ok to give the opinion if asked but PLEASE KEEP THE LAWS OUT OF IT! Now that I have avoided a direct answer as long as I can, and since you have asked for my opinion Here it goes.
It all depends on how the pregnancy came to be. If it was rape, I'm all for an abortion. I know, I know, but you can give the baby up for adoption. Sure thats better, now the child has the chance to experience life knowing the mother didn't want a child and I love to find out I was a rape baby. Dumb kids fooling around and she gets pregnant. Better talk to the man upstairs. If you don't believe in God or religion then this isn't going to matter anyway. I am now realizing that this is an infinite Question. I say do what you think is the best thing, if it was the wrong thing to do, well you are the one that has to live with it. I'm sure it is not the only mistake that will be made in a lifetime.

2006-10-23 13:50:03 · answer #2 · answered by generalautomotive 1 · 1 0

I personally cannot accept the idea of an abortion. It is a life, and abortion ends it. That's killing.

Rape and incest are the reason for abortion in only about 2% of all cases. In very rare situations, I can see why that would be the best decision. However, I know a lady who has a wonderful child because she was raped, and she has never been sorry she kept her baby.

I feel sorry for people who are faced with such difficult decisions. But two wrongs do not make a right. It is better to make a good situation from a bad one, than to compound the bad situation by terminating a life.

If a person is not able or fit to be a parent, they should use birth control, and/or adoption, as the alternative.


2006-10-23 13:20:28 · answer #3 · answered by mia2kl2002 7 · 4 0

Taking personal responsibility and living through the consequences of our actions is sometimes painful. There is always adoption.

I had a friend who was raped, she kept the child and found that was the only child she would ever mother. He is the greatest of her joys. He is the most fabulous young man, intelligent, polite and sophisticated.

If you feel you could not raise the child in love then perhaps giving it to someone who would is best. Murder is never the answer. Freedom should belong to the innocent, too and not just the woman and her body. And, as for back alley abortions making them legal doesn't make them safe. Many women still die from abortions every year. I almost did.. and it was legally done in a hospital. It is a mistake I have lived with for many years and suffered through the results of my youthful and selfish decision.

When all else fails do the right thing, think of all involved not just your self.. there are two lives that will be impacted by your decision.

2006-10-23 13:25:57 · answer #4 · answered by Teresa A 3 · 2 0

Personally, even though I advocate choice I myself would never have one. I do however want abortions to be kept legal for women. Abortions would still be done, but not in a hospital or clean clinic. More women would be dying. Yes, I agree with you that late term abortions are abhorrent but some are necessary when the child is badly deformed and the deformation isn't caught until later. By the time of the third trimester an abortion shouldn't be necessary. I was raped and spent an anxious few eeks until my period showed up. That's the time I decided that if I was pregnant, then I'd have my child. It'd be "mine" and not the rapists; but others need to make their own choices. Religion should stay out of procreation and let us ladies make our own decisions. Blessings, my dear.

2006-10-23 13:17:59 · answer #5 · answered by Mama Otter 7 · 0 1

professional determination! that's continuously a womans determination! i'd not ever for my section elect to have one and if I were given pregnant now i do not understand what i might want to do reason despite the undeniable fact that i'm 20 and an man or woman, my mum says shed kill me if I were given pregnant youthful like my sister. yet tbh i imagine the in hardship-free words mission i might want to have an abortion in is that if i develop into raped. the pro existence people do not have any authentic to judge those who've had abortions because they have by no skill been in that mission and there is not any way a woman or female who develop into raped must be forced to have the baby, that's basically ill and immoral! also no one has the right to emphasize a woman to have slightly one which will endanger her personal existence. i imagine professional existence people might want to offer up getting in touch in different peoples corporation tbh. Thank god abortion is totally legal the position i'm from or perhaps loose! Abortion being unlawful extremely places womens lives in probability!

2016-10-16 06:09:01 · answer #6 · answered by branaugh 4 · 0 0

Let me give you the response from a "Bible Thumper":
While the Constitution guarantees the right to life and liberty to every person, the Supereme Court decreed that an unborn child is not a person, and in 1973 abortion was legalized. Since then, there have been millions upon millions of abortions and it is now the most frequently performed "operation" in the U.S. Just because something is legal, does that make it moral? While the Supreme Court doesn't see an unborn baby as a person, does God?
-"For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb" (Psalm 139:13).
-"And now says the Lord, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, to bring Jacob back to Him" (Isaiah 49:5).
-"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5).
-"For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and he will drink no wine or liquor; and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, while yet in his mother's womb" (Luke 1:15).
-"But when He who had set me apart, even from my mother's womb, and called me through His grace" (Galatians 1:15).
The Bible makes it clear that an unborn baby is a person who is known by God. Besides the emotional, phychological, and physical complications that are so often connected with abortion, in the eyes of God, it is the murder of an innocent human being. The truth is, at conception, that single celled person we like to call an "embryo" contains his or her full complement of DNA (everything the full grown adult will be).
I have to agree with the bumper sticker I saw not too long ago: "As a former fetus, I oppose abortion." What if your mother would have had an abortion? What if the mother of Noah, Abraham, or Moses would have had an abortion? What if the mother of Jesus would have had an abortion?

2006-10-25 12:07:40 · answer #7 · answered by Questioner 7 · 1 0

I've never been a rape victim. I've never been a 13 year old girl whose uncle crawled into bed with her. I'm not a mentally challenged person who is incapable of taking care of a child. I've never carried a fetus that I knew was going to be born developmentally challenged and not have a fighting chance, or born with a disease that would mean the child would suffer its entire life. And I've never been a young teenager who made a mistake and got pregnant before becoming an adult herself. But if I were any of those things, I would appreciate knowing that there were options out there and that I could make my own choices. In a perfect world, children would be made with two loving, stable parents and under the best possible circumstances. But this isn't a perfect world and awful things happen. I wouldn't want to have to raise and nurture and be responsible for my attacker's child. Maybe there are some out there who would. But in the end, women need to have that choice or we'd be reduced to back-alley abortions with coat hangers and many would bleed to death.

2006-10-23 13:24:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

why stop a beating heart
a fetus is a human being in its earliest form
the miracle of life is just that ..a miracle ..why do we take it for granted....because theres too many of us and we are disposable

insest and rape are the arguements that people use because thats all they've got.....play on your emotions

If abortion is legal only if you've been raped- then people will claim they were raped so they can have an abortion and crime numbers will supposedly skyrocket. Police will have alot of so called unsolved crimes (leaving the real rapists on the street because there will be so many unsolved cases to investigate) or the women will have to point a finger at somebody to keep from going to jail for a false police report and accuse innocent exboy friends of rape rather than having a child...........

Its a complex deal.......I don't want to live in a country that slaughters its youngest people.........yet the more the idiots slaughter their off spring the less of them there will be.........

2006-10-23 13:19:14 · answer #9 · answered by Patrick 3 · 1 0

I don't know! It's such a contreversial topic. Sometimes I support it, within limits, and sometimes, I'm against it...

Right now though, at the very moment, minutes, second in time...

I support it, but only in rare occasions. Like if something very bad happened to the person.

Well, maybe not completely support it, but I don't go insulting people who have one, if I ever knew any...

Now at this very moment in time...

I and against it completely! You are destroying innocent lives, that could grow up to be great people.

Hmm, well, i guess my answer if somewhere between those two opinions... I don't know.

If people do have abortions, it shouldn't be done just because it was a mistake, or if was intentional or anything.

They should only have in rare occasions, and should think long and hard about what they are doing.

Just my opinion though! ^_^

2006-10-24 16:20:58 · answer #10 · answered by Kalia 4 · 0 0

The baby is a REAL baby as soon as it is conceived.

Keep in mind that should you abort your first or second or third child you will always know you murdered your child or children.

When you finally have that first baby that you carry to full term and diaper and feed and love and educate, How can you not be in pain having the knowledge you killed your first baby or babies?

Abortion is not birth control. If you are not ready to raise a baby yet. Place that baby for adoption instead of killing it. You can be punished for killing puppies or kittens, how can it be legal to murder our babies?

If you kill a fetus in some states in the commission of a crime you can go to prison for murder. So why wouldn't
abortion be illegal?

Use double birth control to avoid being put in this position.
Having a live baby or aborting it can change your entire life.

2006-10-23 13:23:58 · answer #11 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

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