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I am a christian and I am afraid I am bi sexual and god doesnt like people who like the sex as they are. I am scared that god is going to be ashamed of me if I am bi. I love boys I think they are so HOT! but like when me and my friend get changed I look at her development just see the difference but I am afraid I am bi becuz I try to see myself kissing a guy and thats fine but when I see myself with a girl its hard to see but like sometimes I feel like I want to kiss her becuz she is so great to be around I am wondering if this is just a phase or I am going to be like this for the rest of my life I am just about to hit puberty and I want to know if this is going to change when I do hit puberty And when I go out with a guy I feel kinda weird but when I am crushing on him I feel ok maybe it could be that becuz I have only dated 2 guys and they were both really stupid the first one used me and went out with me for 30 sec and the other one was so shy he didnt say one word to me. pls help!

2006-10-23 12:44:44 · 17 answers · asked by Kayli (: 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

17 answers

Pray about it and let the Lord guide you in every step of your life

2006-10-24 13:24:41 · answer #1 · answered by Buzzard 1 · 0 0

Okay, deep breath. Checking out another girl's development does not make you gay; it makes you a teenager. It's common. I'm done developing, and I still check out other women, I guess as sort of a measuring device. Am I normal, and all that.

Also, Jesus does not hate gay people, or bi people. He preached love and tolerance, not judgmental nonsense. Also, homosexuality is not something that is chosen; it just happens. It's unfortunate that so many have read Jesus' word and took the "don't be mean" and only got "be mean" out of it. He never once mentioned anyone's sexuality, but he did spend a lot of time preaching about motes in one's own eye and not casting the first stone. Jesus loves you, remember? No matter what. The man hung out with tax collectors, for crying out loud.

Finally, girl crushes are so normal, and they have nothing to do with your sexuality. You think your friend is awesome, but your subconscious doesn't really know how to show this without going to the sexual stuff. You may outgrow this as you get older and better able to separate emotions from hormones. After all, you are completely awash in crazy hormone tides right now, and it does calm down eventually, thank goodness.

Give yourself time, and don't worry too much about your sexuality. It's a far more fluid thing than most people admit, but it's not a part of you that you can control, any more than you control eye color. God isn't ashamed of the hazel-eyed people of the world any more than He is ashamed of gay or bi people.

2006-10-23 12:54:53 · answer #2 · answered by random6x7 6 · 2 0

First of all, I don't think you're bi. It's very normal to check out other girls' development or even like them when u're in 7th grade. Trust me, most of the girls do that. Even imagining yourself kissing a girl doesn't mean u're gay or bi because the straightest person can have fantasies of same sex sexual encounters. You'll figure out if you're a bi only when u grow up and still find the same attraction for girls as you feel for boys.

Whatever might be the case, remember that God loves you the way you are. Not because he made you that way or anythin'. Even if homo or bisexuality were an individual's personal choices rather than innate nature, I'm sure He wouldn't have minded. After all, Jesus wanted to spread the message of love and homo or bisexuality are also manifestations of love only. You do not have to believe everything written in the Bible as true. Just use your brain. I'm a Hindu. My religion says a widow must jump into her husband's pyre alive and accompany him to his heavenly abode. It's called 'Sati'. Does that mean that that is what God wants? I don't think so. If that was so, the Indian government must be a sinner to ban the practice and every widow in India should rot in hell. But that's not the case. Religion should not curb your freedom and individuality as long as you are not hurting anyone.

2006-10-23 14:22:18 · answer #3 · answered by Natasha 2 · 0 0

2 things may be happening:

1. You're bi-curious.


2. You're straight but only attracted to your friend. However, I think you're attracted to her more as a spirit, because you love the energy she gives you when she's around. If she was a guy, she would be the perfect mate. But that's not happening, she's a chick. That is confusing you.

I'm kind of going through the same thing. I'm gay and my good friend is a lesbian. Obviously, no romance will ever happen; we don't want the the other has. But on a spiritual level, we are so capatable. So we leave it at that and don't cross the boundary.

Solution: Time....time....time will tell. Let it come naturally. Obviously, you LOVE guys so maybe with the situation with your friend; your spirit is conflicting with your heart. Complicated but possible. That's what makes love so darn interesting.

Good luck.

2006-10-23 13:45:20 · answer #4 · answered by Divo Saint 2 · 0 0

First you have to believe and know deep in your heart that YOUR GOD will love you no matter what.. you must remember that HE... IS the one that created you ... You and all of your curiosities. It could be just a phase ...some people are curious of the same sex, especially if they hold a high regard for that person..You may look up to this person and even have a crush on them because of how much they care for you on an unconditional bases.. and hell who wouldn't want that for a partner..right? Just know that deep in your heart you are a child of GOD no matter what you decided to choose down the road.
Just continue to be safe when it comes to sex, and trust your inner instincts...
If you see the opportunity to advance to the next stage with a female... go for it.. you'll never know until you try..Good luck Stay safe

2006-10-23 13:57:23 · answer #5 · answered by Simply Red 1 · 0 0

The only thing that matters is that you have the longest run-on sentence I've ever read. JK!

Religion is a state of mind. It is proven that humans are born with homo-sexual tendencies, just as over 1200 other animal species have been documented as such. IF there is a god (big if), then why would HE punish you for something you were born with. Besides, if you are devout, don't worry, you've got your whole life to confess and make up for any indescretions. Go have fun and find out what life is all about.

2006-10-23 13:29:30 · answer #6 · answered by Random 3 · 1 0

I think that every girl goes through this stage. You are just curious to see what kind of changes happens to girls. Some develop early and others don't. But it's a phase and you may get over it and you might not. But hopefully you follow your heart and just let things flow. Being bi, or gay does not make you a bad person. And GOD does forgive you for your sins.

2006-10-23 12:57:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it is hard to say, in 7th grade i so crushed on my best friend ( she was so fun to be aroung and she was nice, pretty kind ect. ) it wasnt really a phase i still like love her but i wont do stuff to her or anything. I'm bi and i know it. I love guys totally but i do look at girls and stuff. I think about this question to.. i've tried to not be bi so god will love me (god loves everyone but he may frown upon it) but it doesnt seem to work. i am sorry but remember your not alone.

2006-10-23 12:48:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How could God not like you -- He/She made you that way!? If you are bi, or gay, your challenge is to learn to love yourself that way, and know that God loves you BECAUSE you are gay, not DESPITE the fact that you are gay.

There are a lot of people in the world who don't like homosexuality, and have throughout all of history. But there are many reasons for this -- they say sex is for procreation, homosexuality invalidates men's role in sex as dominating their partner, and it uproots rigidly established gender roles.

But none of them have anything to do with God. There is such a thing as sin, of course. But being who God made you to be isn't one of them.

Celebrate yourself. You and everything about you is a gift from God.

2006-10-23 13:00:58 · answer #9 · answered by ToLiveIsToExplore 2 · 0 0

Na, I don't think you are. More likely you are young and have not had a positive experience with boys. So, quit dwelling on it.
You really should not be going out with anyone in a dating scene at this point anyway.

2006-10-23 12:57:38 · answer #10 · answered by jadamgrd 7 · 0 0

It is probably a phase, you sound as if you are curious about your body and the future you have with it.

As for God as a minister this subject comes up regularly for me. God loves you as you are. The Bible only says that homosexual activity is a sin. Being gay is not. Living a lie would be a greater sin.

2006-10-23 12:50:04 · answer #11 · answered by my_iq_135 5 · 0 2

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