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26 answers

By all means, believe in God if you are able!

Or are you asking why people don't? People don't believe in God because they don't think it's real. Also, some people are content to let things they can't explain go unexplained until an answer is found without attaching a folk explanation to it. As to how the universe got here - I don't know - sometimes I don't know is the only real answer for a person. God would be a nice tidy belief but you have to think God is real first.

2006-10-23 13:29:51 · answer #1 · answered by catalamity 3 · 0 0

Because those with an emperisist world view have no positive evidence to suppose so, and in the absence of such evidence assume the negative. If you can explain the natural world satisfactorily without relying on such notions, why add them? Further if one accepts the Bible as literal then who many of each type of animal did Noah take on the ark? One chapter Genisis says 7 one says 2 they can't both be literally true. Further if one is Christian why it is okay to disregard most of the rules in Leviticus and Deuteronomy such is not eating meat from animals with a cloven hoof? There are many other questions like this, but the most fundamental reason is why believe anything that someone tells you without providing any means of independent verification.

Here are some of the other problems that believers typically don't explore/want to address. If God loves everyone why would anyone be born in places or times where the biblical tradition did not exist such that by chance alone such people would be eternally damned? If everything God made is great, and God made everything, then who made the Devil? Why do bad things happen to good people? (see the book of Job for examples). Why would he make the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil if he knew that Adam and Eve would eat from it. (ie Why allow them to see the Garden knowing that they would not be able to live there).

2006-10-23 20:03:43 · answer #2 · answered by run4ever79 3 · 0 0

One should believe in the God of the Bible. God is: eternal, powerful, all knowing, all seeing, creator, spirit, holy, and just. God is love and is merciful. To know the God of the Bible (the God of Israel is not from the west by the way. Last time I looked Israel was in the middle east. Sorry I could not let that one slide.)
To know the one true, living, God of the Bible it helps if you actually read the Bible. This takes commitment and time but this is the most important decision of your life and death. Even if you never read the Bible you should know this verse says.

Romans Chapter 1 and verse 20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:"

God's creation shows us that there is a Living God who can be known simply by viewing what was created. No one has an excuse to not know down deep in places that people don't like to talk about at parties, excuse the movie glib, that there is a God.


2006-10-23 21:30:45 · answer #3 · answered by daughter of eve 1 · 0 0

People should believe in the God of the Bible, because the Bible true. Not that believing in God gets you to Heaven, because it doesn't, the Bible says "even the demons beleive and tremble". I think people don't want to beleive in God because some think that whatever religion or belief you beleive in, it will come true, or maybe they dont want to fret about it so they just want to beleive they'll just disappear when they die, and that will be that. The Bible is the true word of God, whether you believe in it or not. For example, I could run in front a a car going 100 miles per hour and believe with all my heart that car was never real, but in the end, I will be dead..... God is real whether you believe in Him or not. The Bible is true, whether you beleive in it or not.

2006-10-23 21:08:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is always about the Reputation of God. First there was the "Almighty God" who supposedly parted the Red Sea. That was a mistranslation, we later learned, and the term actually was "Sea of Reeds." It had a marshy spot and the chariots got stuck and couldn't pursue in chase. The people back then attributed everything to the "Almighty God." Moses was a clairaudient. Next, Abraham, while senile and old, claimed that "God" told him to hold a knife over the heart of his son. There came the "God of Abraham" who "tests" people. Jesus had to incarnate to come to tell the descendants of Abraham, in Matthew, that Abraham was not talking to God at all and had "murder in his own heart" that day and he tried to set the Reputation of God straight when he said that God was a Father who loved the world. He said that God would send a "comforter" and plenty of psychiatrists have hypnotized thousands of people who have said that they have heard spiritual guides. They are called clairaudients and Saint Paul was another clairaudient who came to specifically talk about the Reputation of God again and defined God as Love so finally, throughout the generations, the people began to think of that God that supposedly killed two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by setting them on fire and supposedly turning a woman into a pillar of salt (which was plagiarized from a story about Zeus) into a "Divine and Loving Spirit" which He is known as today. No longer is He the God of Noah that makes "instant trees" and then withers them when He gets mad. The Bible God is just not realistic, but you can count on the God of Jesus and the God of Saint Paul to be clearly the God whose reputation is clearly one of great love.

Today the people, in reading the God of the Bible, feel separated from Him, so in their separation, they yearn for sameness and join Christianity to try to worship, but that God doesn't make sense to them because a Satan is preached.

There is no Satan. Jesus fought this illusionary Satan just to dispel the myth and told the people, "Okay, Satan's gone forever, you don't have to worry!" because if he had said there was no Satan, he wouldn't have gotten very far. So he went around "casting out demons" and putting up with the people's fears. We know the story of Adam and Eve was just a myth and the Stone Age was real.

You should read the Bible to FIND God within, not believe every man who wrote every story. That's how you become wise.

Good hunting.

2006-10-23 20:59:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you look at various religions and philosphies around the world, you'll see how many different ways there are to view spirituality. It begs the question, why is only one answer correct? And how do we know?

We don't. We merely believe that. There isn't any inarguable proof for anything spiritual.

The question becomes, not why shouldn't we believe, but why do we?

Well, if one needs to believe in something, I say have at - but understand that your answer is not someone else's answer.

What I've come to believe is that deities and all related spiritual symbols are metaphors for something very sublime, very profound, but abstract and incomprehensible to the human mind. We create deities and spritual beings to try to define this, the something that can't be defined. The more you define it, the farther away you get from what it really is.

I can't help but believe in something... but I've gotten very comfortable with the abstractness of the idea, and I've come to trust implicitly that when we die, everything will be all right, one way or the other.

2006-10-23 19:44:33 · answer #6 · answered by KC 7 · 0 0

One can only believe there is a God for there had to be an intelligence to form the very first cell. No matter how you believe the earth began a Supreme Being had to create that first cell of life. It is the only logical explanation to whether you should believe in God or not. Jesus Christ is the only human who is God also that rose from the dead also showing us He is indeed God.

2006-10-23 20:03:07 · answer #7 · answered by alana 6 · 0 0

A world without god would anarchy. If you really thought that after your time here was over you simply blinked out of existence, with nothing else beyond, why should you car about anything? What would stop you from killing people or doing everything bad that you could think of? If there were no consequences for your action after this life is over why car about anything at all, after all it is just going to end after this anyway isn’t it? I believe in god not only because it keeps me grounded but also because I feel it in my bones. I know god is out there waiting for me. Some may criticize me for it but I will not believe that we just disappear into nothingness. Knowing that God is out there is a feeling that I cannot describe to you. I would encourage you to read about the religions of the world and find yourself in their words and the knowledge that those books contain. If after you put forth your best effort to seek him out I guarantee you will not disappointed.

2006-10-23 22:24:22 · answer #8 · answered by countsoss 2 · 0 0

I was raised that way, and I have friends that don't believe in God, but I do. It's the only logical asnwer that happens to your soul after you die. Rencarnation is against the Bible, so you can't do that. What I'm trying to say is, that yes, believe in it. If not, where would you go after you die? Have you thought about that?
Wasn't Adam and Eve the first people?

But, if you believe that there isn't a God, then ask youself this...

How did we get here?

2006-10-23 20:19:27 · answer #9 · answered by Ice Dragon 1 · 0 0

The main reason is because the preponderance of evidence (at least in the physical world) is that there is no God. Of course, the evidence is subject to interpretation and all that. The corollary of your question is also valuable (if what you're looking for is validity, again) "Why SHOULD you believe in God?"

If you think it's only for social order and morality, then you'ld be barking up the wrong tree. Many Atheists are moral, as are many agnostics and pagans for that matter.

2006-10-23 20:26:35 · answer #10 · answered by billclawson 2 · 0 0

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