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Any ideas on simple hallowee games for kids?

Thanks :)

2006-10-23 12:34:25 · 5 answers · asked by deegeesqueegy 1 in Society & Culture Holidays Halloween

5 answers

you can tell the story of the dead man that's rotting and pass out common foods like a peeled grape for the eyes, jello for the brain, and spaghetti for the hair.

2006-10-23 12:39:34 · answer #1 · answered by peach49444 3 · 0 0

get some of the small pumpkins in the grocery store,, produce section,, they may be called something else lol, they are tiny, then have the kids decorate them with non-toxic markers,,,,,,,,, also, pin the nose on the pumpkin,,,,,,,,,make it out of poster paper,,,, nose out of construction paper,, i use tape instead of pins,,,, a parade, whether threw the house or in the yard or down the street is fun,,, give them flashlights, have a portable tape /cd player with "monster bash" or other halloween songs,,,, also can use that for a game of musical chairs ,,,,,,,, have fun, im working halloween night, also waiting on daughter to have grandkids for me to do all that with lol

2006-10-23 19:49:58 · answer #2 · answered by dlin333 7 · 0 0

pin the nose on the witch! i did it @ my grade two halloween party and it provided endless fun. lol

2006-10-23 19:48:47 · answer #3 · answered by getshorty 3 · 0 0

bob for apples or tie doughnuts on a string and have them race to see which one eats it faster

2006-10-23 19:41:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When the guests have all arrived, announce the contest for the best costumes are about to begin. Give prizes for the best, scariest, homemade and funniest costume, etc. The host reads out a category and the guest's call out their choice, majority rules. You could also have a secret vote and have your guests put names in a hat. Prizes can be as simple as a Halloween candy.

02. Costume Dance Party
This gets the crowd up and partying. Select some songs in advance and put them all on one tape/disk before the party. If you know a dancer ask him/her if they would like to lead the group. Some suggestions are "The Electric slide", "The Time Warp", "The Hokey Pokey" or "The Chicken dance". You can also have the guests dance to songs like "The Monster Mash", "Thriller", "Season of the witch", "Burning down the house", "Psychotic Reaction", "Bad Moon Rising", "Werewolves of London" or any other scary song you can find. .
03. Fortune Teller
Have someone dress as a fortune teller. Wear a bandana, colorful clothes and lots of fake jewelry. Set up a table in a poorly lit room with a crystal ball. You can use a garden ornament, balloon or ball under a scarf for a crystal ball. Have the guests come into the room one at a time and ask the fortune teller questions. You may want to tell the fortuneteller a little about each person before starting without them knowing it.

04. Bobbing for Apples
The traditional Halloween game! Put apples in a clean large container filled your mouth and remove it from the water without using your hands. This is a very wet, but fun game so you may want to keep a mop handy.
The indoor, dryer and more sanitary version of this game is to tie the apples to strings that are suspended from the ceiling. This way your guests will not get wet or have their makeup wash off.

Use a plastic pumpkin or container to hold slips of paper with one Halloween word on each slip of paper. For example: pumpkin, costume, jack-0-lantern, candy, spooky and any others. You will need a chalkboard or a large pad of paper to draw on. Divide into two teams. A player from the first team starts by picking a slip of paper from the pumpkin. They use the chalkboard to draw items related to the word, but you can't write the word. Team 2 tries to guess the word. Set a 2 minute time limit, than switch teams. Rotate until everyone has a chance to draw. Keep score, or just play for the fun of it.

06. Dart Toss
This is an all time favorite, but make sure your guests are old enough to play safely. One person stands in front and throws 3 darts at a large piece of plywood that has balloons with surprises in them tacked to the plywood. Inside the balloons you can place gifts like coins, gag gifts or nothing at all. You can stick in small gifts, candy, coins and a grand prize written on a piece of paper in a balloon. Some balloons can just say "boo". After 3 shots whether you hit or miss, it's now the next persons turn.

Fun for all ages. Play Musical chairs with your favorite Halloween songs. A Halloween music tape works best. This works like musical chairs. You can decorate the chairs if you like. To decorate the chairs, take a paper grocery bag and decorate with a coloring page from our coloring pages. The idea is to always have one less chair than the amount of players. Everyone walks around the chairs placed in a circle. Have someone stop the music once in a while, and when it stops everyone has to find a chair. The person left standing is out of the game and has to remove a chair. You than restart the music. You could give a small prize to the last person.

The group is divided into groups of 2. One person is the mummy, and the other is the wrapper. The wrapper is given a roll of toilet paper to wrap their mummy. The object of the game is to be the first person to wrap the mummy with all the toilet paper. On the word "go" each team then wraps the other person with toilet paper (adults be sure kid's do not cover their mouth, nose, or eyes!). Stick hands out in front so that hands do not get wrapped to the bodies. I then have the people carefully unwrap each other, and play again, using the same toilet paper.It's really fun.

9. Pumpkin Bowling
Roll a pumpkin like a bowling ball and knock over bowling pins.
1. Get a small or medium sized pumpkin and remove the stem.
2. Use plastic soda bottles with a cup of water (secure top) for bowling pins.
3. Place the soda bottles about 20 feet away. Each player rolls the pumpkin and tries to knock over 10 soda bottles. Play as many times as you want, or until you run out of prizes.

10. Pumpkin Questions:
One person stands in front of the crowd and tries not to giggle while the group takes turns asking them questions. The catch is that the person must answer every question by saying the word "Pumpkin." It's very difficult to keep a straight face. Some great questions are "What's that between your eyes and lips?" or "What do you think your boyfriends head looks like?" What's your favorite gift to find under a Christmas tree" "What's that under your hat?" Get the idea? If the person laughs they loose their turn and someone else stands in front. You can use other halloween words too.

11. Halloween Caroling
Same as Christmas caroling but more fun! See the "Halloween music" page on this site for halloween carol lyrics. Sing at home or as you are Trick-or-Treating. You could take a group of friends in costumes and sing at a children's ward in a local hospital or nursing home, they will be thrilled to see you and hear you sing. The folks that can't get out will be thrilled that you remembered them. MIf you can, hand out small trick-or-treat bags of leftover Halloween candy or crayons, stickers, games, or balloons to the kids and stationary & health supplies for the elderly in nursing homes. This is a lot of fun, but also brings joy in to others lives! Your local newspaper and TV station would like to report the good that you are doing on halloween instead of the usual vandalism so give them a call and tell them where you will be. You might find yourself on tv. You must check with nurses or administrators ahead of time. Let me know if you do this and I'll put your groups name and where you visited on this web site for next year.

12. Pass the Pumpkin
Pass a small pumpkin with the stem removed, about 3 or 4 inches wide, without using your hands. Start with the pumpkin tucked under someone's chin. The player with the small pumpkin now has to pass it to another persons chin without dropping it. This is a hoot to watch.

13. Halloween jokes:
Have guests volunteer to stand up and tell Halloween jokes. If you don't know any Halloween jokes go to Jokes on this web site/ The person who tells the corniest joke could win a big bag of corn chips or a ear of corn.

14. Pumpkin Ring Toss
1. Decorate about five small pumpkins.
2. Make three or four rings slightly bigger around than pumpkins. You can use coat hangers to make the rings and tape closed.
3. Measure back about 10 feet, or less-depending on age group. Give three rings to each player when it his their turn. A piece of candy is awarded for ringing the pumpkin.

15. Scarecrow Contest:
Divide everyone into groups. Have six or eight sets of old shirts, jeans, hats, bandannas in a pile. Give groups 15 minutes to assemble their own scarecrow. Stuff with old newspapers or hay. Make the face from a paper bag and markers. Give prizes for the scariest, funniest and the most likely to scare away crows.

16. Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin
Give regular party games a Halloween twist. Younger kids (and oddly enough older ones) enjoy playing "Pin the Nose On The Pumpkin." You need a paper pumpkin and paper triangular nose. Put a blind fold on the person who is too pin the nose on the jack-o-antern, spin the person 3 times and than he has to pin the nose on the pumpkin.
Thanks: Tabitha Guerriero

17. Show Time:
Rent several scary videos, turn down the lights and pass the popcorn. Is that easy or what? Rent movies depending on the age, you would want age appropriate films for everyone.

18. Scary Stories:
Tell a chilling tale or two. Nothing gets you in a halloween mood more than this. And guess what? We have a lot of scary stories right here on this web site. Visit stories and print out some of the stories before your party.
Sit around in a circle in a dark room, give the reader a flashlight. Don't use candles, they can be dangerous.

19. Halloween Candy Dash
L ike the old "Easter egg" hunt except you hide Halloween candies all over your party area. You can also hide small pumpkins you've cut out of cardboard. Each pumpkin has a number on it. Then draw numbers from a plastic pumpkin and whoever has that number gets to come pick a prize from the box that will hold the prizes.

20. Keep The Pumpkin Moving
For younger kids. Use an orange balloon with a pumpkin face drawn on it. You move the balloon by blowing on it, you can't use your hands. Have plenty of balloons on hand. You could use some of your balloon decorations.


Bobbing for Apples

Float apples in a large wash tub filled with water. The object of this game is to grab one of the apples and remove it from the water using only your mouth. Your hands must be kept behind your back. Be prepared to get wet.

For young children leave the stems in the apples; for older kids remove the stems.

Pass the Orange
Line up in teams.

The first person places an orange under his chin.

They must then pass the orange to the next person in line.

They must then try to grab the orange using only their chins.

If the orange drops, they must start over at the beginning.

If the person touches the orange with their hands, they would just put it back under their chin and continue on.

The first team to get the orange all the way to the last person is the winner.

Halloween Games
Eyeball Relay

Supplies needed:
1 Ping pong ball for each team (painted like an eyeball)
1 spoon for each team

Divide children into teams. Give the first child on each team a spoon and a ping pong ball.

Set up the course to where they have to carry the "EYE" on the spoon to the end of the course and come back. Hand off to the next child and continue until all children have played on the team. First team done wins!

Spider Web

Supplies needed:
Ball of black yarn

Children stand in a circle. A ball of yarn is thrown across to another child. The child holds on to a piece of the yarn and then throws the ball across to another child. Continue until a spider web is created.

Mummy Wrap

Supplies needed:
Toilet paper on a roll
Teacher or adult helper Chair

If you desire to make this a relay, then you will need a roll of toilet paper for each team, an adult, and a chair.

Each child takes turn wrapping up the adult as a mummy. Don't forget to unwrap them!

Spider Relay

Divide children into teams. Set up a course for them to race on. Have first child of each team sit down, put their arms behind them and walk (AKA crab walk) to the end of the course and back. Tag the next child and repeat until all the teams finish.

Candy Corn Relay

Supplies needed:
Candy corn (you will need a lot)
1 Pumpkin or ghost bucket for each team
1 Spoon for each team

Divide children into teams. Set up a course for them to race on. Children scoop up candy corn in spoon and race to the end of the course and dump the candy in the bucket. Run back and tag the next person. First team finishing.wins.

Pop the Balloon

Supplies needed:
At least 2 balloons for each child
Enough "treats" for each balloon to have one

Add the "treat" inside each balloon and blow up. Tie the balloon. Dump all the balloons on the floor and tell the children how MANY they may pop. The children must pop the balloons by sitting on them and bouncing.

Treat ideas: spider or other types of rings, candy, mini balls, anything small that will fit inside a balloon.

Ghost Waiter

Supplies needed:
Balloon for each team
Paper plate for each team

Divide children into teams. Set up a course for them to race on. The child has to balance a balloon on a paper plate while walking it down the course and back to their team.

Scarecrow Nose

Supplies needed:
Adult helpers

Before the party, paint a scarecrow on a sheet. Cut out the area where the nose is. Keep in mind the height of the children playing the game!

Divide the children into 2 teams. Take one team out into the hall. The other team stays in the classroom. Have the adults hold the sheet up. The first child out in the hall puts their nose through the hole in the sheet. The children in the classroom try to guess who is the scarecrow's nose.

Balloon Sweep

Supplies needed:
1 Broom for each team
1 Balloon for each team

Divide children into teams. Set up a course for them to race on. The children are to run relays sweeping the balloon along the course and back to their team. First team having all their classmates through the course wins.

Put a face on the pumpkin

Supplies needed:
Pumpkin cut out of poster board
Orange, yellow, and black paint
Double-stick tape
Straws (purchase more than one per child)

Create the pumpkin ahead of time. Make one for each team. Use double-stick tape on the areas where you want the face to be placed. Cut out, and paint, the pieces for each of the pumpkins. Create 2 eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, stem, and a leaf for each pumpkin. These will be the pieces that the children will place on the pumpkin.

Child picks up a pumpkin piece with a straw (by inhaling) and places it on the paper pumpkin that is on the wall. Tape is already on the paper pumpkin where the piece should be set. Make a relay to see which team can create their pumpkin face first.

Trick or Treat Game

Supplies needed:

Have the children write the words "Trick or Treat" on a piece of paper. Set a timer. See how many words they can make out of "Trick or Treat". Let children eat treats while they create the words.

Walk the fence

Supplies needed:
Masking tape

Make masking tape lines on the floor for each team. Divide the children into teams. Have the children walk backward on line of tape on floor. Go to end of tape, turn around and walk backward to team. First team finishing.wins.

Food Relay

Supplies needed:
Food items *

Place several choices of food on a plate at the end of a relay course. . Divide the children into teams. The first child in line must run to the table, choose a food item, eat it, swallow it, and race back to the line as fast as they can. The child tags the next in line and the race continues until all the children have eaten and raced.

* Food suggestions: 1 piece of caramel, saltine cracker, large marshmallow, olive, several M&Ms, pickle, piece of cheese, carrot, ‡ hard boiled egg.

2006-10-23 20:54:42 · answer #5 · answered by mswathi1025 4 · 0 0

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