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Do you think there is anything wrong with modern feminism? Such as a woman trying to raise and family and have a career but both are suffering because you can't do everything? Is it overpromising the achievements to young women today?

2006-10-23 12:05:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

7 answers

The promotion of lies driving us towards total societal breakdown. because of the lies told women have continuosly tried to grab the brass ring...now we have women in their 40`s who can`t get pregnant due to effects of years of birth control use, and then spend millions of dollars trying to get pregnant via invitro or suffer depression...we have women spending hundreds of thousands of our medical dollars to have abortions, to fix a problem they created trying to have it all, then become depressed over it and go on meds...we have women who move from one unsatisfying relationship to another, end up raising a child alone, depressed and on meds, we have women turning to other women as a replacement of the traditional male /female relationship and spending thousands of dollars demanding equality because it looks like a "normal family". They adamantly promote the lie that the can go it alone so women opt for sperm donors then demand special programs to be away from work due to the demands of being a single parent...usually resulting in more depression and more pills. It does not take two incomes to raise a family...I raise 10 kids on one income...two of whom are in university...we just don`t get sucked into the luxuries or that our kids by virtue of their birth are entitled to every game activity or experience that exists in life. People really need to rethink this...very hard.

2006-10-23 13:11:09 · answer #1 · answered by Therapist King 4 · 2 2

The basic premise of feminism is that men and women are basically equal and should have the same rights and responsibilities. That's also a basic premise of all of the civil rights movements, and I'm not sure what the bad is about making people equal and free? Yeah, there are idiots out there on the feminist side, but, sigh, there are always idiots in every group.

I think the career/family issue is one of feminism not managing to get far enough. In a truly equal society, the husband and wife would raise the children and take care of the housework together. Unfortunately, women are still doing most of the chores, whether or not they work outside the home. Also, as a society, we need to learn to be more accomodating towards families. We need paternity leave and flex time for men and women. Men should be able to have all the joys and responsibilities of raising children and keeping house. Again, the problem I see is of just not getting far enough. It's like the society as a whole said, "Okay, sure, whatever, work for a living, but don't think that you can get out of doing the dishes, too".

2006-10-23 14:01:00 · answer #2 · answered by random6x7 6 · 2 1

I'm a feminist, and I consider it very important to stay home with your children (I plan to do so), especially when they are very young, and before they enter kindergarten. But do I think there are negative implications/consequences? I think as long as the FATHER can pitch in and help with the parenting and household, then there will be no negative consequences. However, if the father doesn't do his share (equal share) then, yes, it IS too much to do. And the children, household, and relationship will suffer. But is this the woman's fault for wanting a career and family? What about the man, who wanted a career and family as well? Why should it be the women to solely take on the majority of the parenting duties and household duties? If these are shared equally, then there can be no detrimental effects to the family, and they will benefit from the additional income.

2006-10-23 16:40:59 · answer #3 · answered by wendy g 7 · 1 0

well, i think feminism in theory was to get the right to vote, to be able to move up in the corporate ladder, to make the same amount of pay as male counterparts...and i think we have come a long way. *however*, along w/ feminism came the idea that women are "better".

problem #1: the ORIGINAL problem occured when Men thought they were 'better' than women.....

problem #2: WHY does it make sense to now do the same to men? to act as if women were 'better' than men? NO that is NOT what the feminist movement was about!!!

think about it this way: a male's stereotypical job is to bring home the 'bacon'. to make money to financially support the family. a woman's stereotypical job is to nurture the family, pop out the babies, take care of the household. they are both Different and EQUALLY important.. not one more than the other.

once we accept that, we will realize that whether or not a man stays at home, or a woman stays at home, it DOESN'T matter as long as you appreciate your spouse, and do ur best to take care of the family and Fulfill the Roles in order to keep a Successful and Complete family unit!

women need to stop thinking "i don't need a man", and men need to stop thinking "women are weak and less important", or worse yet "women are now tougher, so i just need to sit back and relax while women do the work".

good luck to us all~

2006-10-23 12:19:34 · answer #4 · answered by sasmallworld 6 · 2 0

One of the things that came out of feminism that is bad, besides what you already mentioned, is that nearly every family HAS to be a two-income family to achieve even the most basic luxuries, like owning your own home. Even when I was young it was normal for a woman to raise the kids and her husband to work and they could buy a home and maybe a new car once in awhile. By the time I came of age you could still do that, but more families had to be two-income to do it. Now there are families where he works two jobs and she works one and they can barely survive.

2006-10-23 12:10:40 · answer #5 · answered by Joanne B 3 · 2 0

I have to agree with Wendy and Random. They both have very good points. I, too, am a feminist. There is nothing wrong with post-modern feminism, modern feminism, etc.

"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people too."

So far the only negative implications we've encountered is the fear shown to us by a very patriarchial society. Instead of trying to understand what the women's movement are trying to improve, they keep trying to prove us wrong. People tend to fear what they don't understand.

Feminism/women's movement is not an attempt to be better than anyone else, but to attempt to work better together in a positive ambiance.

We've all heard women wonder if her career/profession will affect her family life; but we've never heard a man ask that question. He has to learn to take part in the raising of the children, handling households as much as women. Even before feminism, women have all taken sole responsibility of the family and the household and have also done more work because of that. Where is the man? Working, of course. Then coming home to insist that he also be waited on.

Since the rise of women's movements, a number of positives have come in to play. Such as child protection, fight against family voilence, proper childcare, education for women and girls, as well as boys.

There is also the attempt to change the media's mispresentation of distorted beauty (which is the number one cause of eating disorders). Teaching young girls that the beauty of a model, who's face and body was touched-up by a professional photographer is not as important as how they feel about themselves.

Teaching children in general that their own self-worth is more important than trying to look like someone in the movies or in magazines.

Teaching girls to be acheivers, so they don't fall in to the same trap women of yesteryear went through. When women of days gone by went through divorces, death of a spouse, she was left with nothing. She was uneducated, dependent, and had absolutely no income.

Women's movements are trying to change that so that girls are now taught to take better care of herself; be independent, self-sufficient, educated, so that she'll have something to fall back on perchance she gets left alone with her children, which is more often the case in this day and age.

Everyone in here seem to talk about the importance of a father figure in the life of the family, when in fact, the father usually runs off after he realizes just how difficult it is to raise a family.

Instead, we should all put our heads together, and teach the world new things. Self-respect, self-love, self-confidence, strength, courage, a mentally-healthier lifestyle.

You just can't force an unhealthy person to go take charge of his family. He has to be taught first. A good time to begin teaching them is when they're still children. We are still far from ever hoping that men will just suddenly take charge of a family he helped create. So we do the next best thing. Teach girls to be educated as a means of taking care of herself.

2006-10-23 19:44:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No more than it would be to not expect a working man to be a dad.

2006-10-23 12:13:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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