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In referring to Iraq, I would have sworn that he has said dozens of times that we were there to "stay the course" until our mission there was accomplished.

I was never sure what our mission was but I understood the stay the course part but now I'm totally confused and thinking of voting Democrat!

Do you get confused by George sometimes too?

2006-10-23 11:49:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

I stayed confused by his idiocy, and sometimes even rather amused.

The only part that scares me, is the fact that you can't argue with
dumb! They have a way of dragging you down and beating you with experience.

2006-10-23 11:52:50 · answer #1 · answered by wi_saint 6 · 5 2

I get confused by everyone in politics. Republicans AND Democrat. Not liking Bush is hardly a reason for voting Democrat. Really, I could write a book on why voting Democrat is a horrible move, but that's for another question.

George means he will no "SAY" longer stay the course, not stay on course. The problem with that is that "staying the course" refers to staying on track on a strait course. The war on terror does not have a strait line, it's very abstract and sometimes hard to see. The people that not only do not see the line, but *refuse* to see the line, are called Democrats. Mr. Bush is saying that he's just chaning the words that he says when refering to the war in Iraq, it doesn't exactly means that he's changing anything that he is doing. It's all formalities, really.

2006-10-23 11:55:20 · answer #2 · answered by The All-Knowing Sam 4 · 0 0

The COMBAT mission is over. There are 50,000 troops (intelligence personnel and trainers) left behind and since you have so obviously been sitting in on those White House daily security briefings and all those military meetings, I'm sure you can give us a DETAILED accounting of what no one else is privy to...right? Look, we know from your responses and your questions that you have NEVER liked our democratically elected President for whatever reasons, but if this same strategy had been proposed by a Caucasian male president you would be all smiles and bravos. In North Korea, we have troops who monitor the DMZ (NONCOMBAT troops and intelligence professionals), so why would you be so against this very same sort of security measure being used in the VOLATILE Middle East? Shame on you. You would rather leave the United States UNPROTECTED by this contingency force in the Middle East where anti-American sentiment runs HIGH throughout the Arab world, thanks to Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowicz's ILLEGAL invasion of a nation that never once attacked the U.S.? If President Obama and his MILITARY and INTELLIGENCE ADVISORS (including, by the way, REPUBLICAN ROBERT GATES) has decided that this force of 50,000 is NEEDED, then I am moved to question how anyone NOT PRIVY to the details or behind-the-scenes negotiations with the new (slightly unstable) Iraqi government can assume a "I KNOW EVERYTHING" stance of negativity! How unpatriotic!

2016-05-22 02:24:16 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It's not confusion that I have it's that he is always lying. He has no idea of what he is doing and has no plan. He went to war with the wrong country to accomplish a goal no one asked him to do.
The problem is the Republican think tank is full of muddle headed nut jobs. Instead of finishing of Bin Laddin in Afghanistan he left to go into Iraq a sovereign country and make a total mess. Stay the course making a mess or get out and let the wounds heal themselves?
History will record him as the most stupid president we ever did not elect.

2006-10-23 12:01:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well I guess we just can't believe any of these actual quotes
from the Dubya's mouth..can we?

BUSH: We will stay the course. [8/30/06]

BUSH: We will stay the course, we will complete the job in Iraq. [8/4/05]

BUSH: We will stay the course until the job is done, Steve. And the temptation is to try to get the President or somebody to put a timetable on the definition of getting the job done. We’re just going to stay the course. [12/15/03]

BUSH: And my message today to those in Iraq is: We’ll stay the course. [4/13/04]

BUSH: And that’s why we’re going to stay the course in Iraq. And that’s why when we say something in Iraq, we’re going to do it. [4/16/04]

BUSH: And so we’ve got tough action in Iraq. But we will stay the course. [4/5/04]


2006-10-23 12:06:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I thought i answerd this question before today but alright .
Is he backing down from stay the course like he did wmd's .Slowly we will hear less about stay the course and more about change for the Iraqi people .We need to change the Iraqi people to peace loving non violent tax payers who support democracy and respect each others religion .
This will be the new agenda along with The Multi colored maps that have been popping up for the last few months and the idea of dividing Iraq into three regions .
I love how you can sot the possibility of change in the news if you look carefully at it .
One week it was all the same color and the next it had some how taken on three seperate color groups .
This signals a change in the direction some may want to go .We have to get people to se it divided in their heads before we can tell them it is divided .So first comes the pictures and then the words .If all goes well we have a new plan .
I look for other signs that lead to making money .
Like foriegn papers and news reports .You have to keep up with the people to spot the trends .

2006-10-23 11:58:53 · answer #6 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 1 2

Absolutely! He has said to "stay the course" hundreds of times. But now Bush is in the middle of a meltdown and knows his Party is in deep trouble for the Nov. 7th elections. How could one be certain of what our mission in Iraq was as it changed every other week. This president is not a good leader and history will point this fact out.

2006-10-23 11:58:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

This is for the person who does not remember GWB ever saying "stay the course."

GWB saying "we've never said that" along with quotes and sources of many of the times he has said that.


2006-10-24 07:57:07 · answer #8 · answered by smartbunny 3 · 0 0

Yeah, I got a kick out of that one too! I think he's trying to change tactics before the election, but it won't work. Vote for the Democrats and give them a chance to repair our image and find a solution to the Iraq situation. I'm not sure it could get much worse.

2006-10-23 11:52:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Perhaps you would enjoy this poem composed entirley of W's quotes...


by George W. Bush

I think we all agree, the past is over.
This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
and potential mental losses.

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet become more few?
How many hands have I shaked?

They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.
I know that the human being and the fish can coexist.
Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream.

Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize society!
Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!

2006-10-23 11:51:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

I do not recall him saying "stay the course." Maybe in the future you can learn how to correctly quote someone along with the source. Then maybe you will not be so confused.

Because lets face it, if you can't keep up with President Bush, then you are not paying attention. He is very concise in his speech and he does not mince words nor he does he talk in run on sentences or use too many metaphors.

2006-10-23 11:55:03 · answer #11 · answered by barter256 4 · 0 3

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