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As we look around at our modern world, we can't help but notice the mass communication capabilties we have: cell phones, ipods, and computers.

Is this a better world than our grandparents lived in?

Will generations from now see as entrepeneurs of the human spirit, or a self-absorbed society waiting to see the next Janet Jackson nipple?

2006-10-23 11:40:11 · 9 answers · asked by Matthew R 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

9 answers

Both. History has and always will repeat itself in some form or another. Any idea man has come up with has been presented before to humankind by humankind. Societies rise, societies fall. I am convinced that there have been societies on this planet before our time that have come to as much or more technological advances than we have at this point. But where are they now? They eventually were destroyed or self-destructed. This is progression and regression.
There is progression and regression on many different levels, however. Technologically, we're progressing. Perhaps on emotional or social levels were are regressing. Or maybe it is ethics and "family" values that are failing. These were once held much higher in society than they are now overall.
As for generations from now seeing us in any light, look how we study the ancient civilizations now. We dig through their trash, everyday things, and their tombs to get some idea of how they lived. Will our descendants only find dvds and pieces of plastic that say Visa on it?

2006-10-23 12:09:58 · answer #1 · answered by steubified 2 · 0 0

Yes. How's that for philosophic? The world is both progressing and regressing. Time is not a one way street, but rather an ocean of waves. Some of these waves crush and move with the speed and force of Tsunamis and others move gently and unpreceptably, but still create change over time. The world is better than the one our grandparents inhabited in some ways. A black man and a white woman can walk down the street hold hands today, but they have to lock their car when they get out. We can get information from anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye, but we are too scared to speak to the people who live next door.
We are entrepeneurs of the human spirit who make music and movies that take us to another place and time. But at the same time we are a self-absorbed society that watches Entertainment Tonight every night and think it really matters.
We are everything and we are nothing all at the same time.

2006-10-23 13:35:58 · answer #2 · answered by smittie2452 3 · 0 0

I believe ingredients of the sector are progressing and regressing. China and India are progressing and I cheer them on. Africa has the capabilities to cheer them on and I'm glad approximately that. The US... we're regressing quick and we do not even understand it.

2016-09-01 01:36:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In addressing the question one must carefully define one's terms. Societal health and technological prowess are both valid measures of progress. In terms of technology the industrialized nations seem to be making "progress" at the moment. Societal health is much less clear-cut. One need only look the the problems with the US. public educational system, the US health care system, corporate/consumer culture, and the differential birthrates between educated and less educated individuals to see some serious problems which might lead to what one could quite legitimately refer to as "regression."

2006-10-23 13:14:32 · answer #4 · answered by run4ever79 3 · 0 0

technologically we are progressing so we are better off than our grandparents. However as a civilized people we are regressing, we have become so isolated from each other due to the technological advances that we are becoming unable to communicate and work together.

2006-10-23 11:43:47 · answer #5 · answered by The Seeker 2 · 0 0

Depends on how you look at it. It's quite possibly doing both at the same time. Seems like those in favor of regression are winning at the present time.

2006-10-23 11:53:20 · answer #6 · answered by oceansoflight777 5 · 0 0

I think if you look at the new awarness of the social and enviromental aspect of companies effect on the society they live in you will see we are making steps in the right direction

2006-10-23 11:53:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you look at Rome and Greece you will notice their path was much like America and right now we are going down hill.

2006-10-23 13:09:25 · answer #8 · answered by Zeela Ravana 2 · 0 0

In my opinion, mankind if far stupider today then when we first started out. Sure we have so much knowledge, but we do not properly apply that knowledge so it's really worth nothing.

2006-10-23 13:47:26 · answer #9 · answered by Gray 2 · 0 0

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