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i have been in a bit deppresed this past year, but i would never kill myself or kill / seriouly injure someone(i might kick their ***). i believe that if your sad, its because you have to deal with the problems at hand, and not dose yourself to the eyeballs with happy pills. wouldnt that kinda make you another person? if something is altering youre mood then technacly its not you. I have to be honest thou, my reasons for being deppreses or not great, compared to some people have to deal with. my reasons are because i have almost no friends, im not popular. i know that sounds really shallow(and it is) but im not use to that, i was always popular, and i always had friends at my disposal, so this is a big change to me. and i even thou i have lots of money and i am beautiful, it saddens me to see that such shallow reasons make me feel this way. well anyways, just thought id give you guys a little( or alot =) ) of background b4 u answer my question

2006-10-23 11:32:51 · 14 answers · asked by Dark Angel 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

14 answers

The fact that you are asking - and can explain why you are feeling down - means you probably dont need them

But you must take positive action to resolve the problem - make friends but be choosy - and then value them

2006-10-23 12:41:46 · answer #1 · answered by Steve UK 1 · 0 0

If the pills weren't prescribed by a psychiatrist in conjunction with or after talk therapy, I say skip the pills and try therapy first.

And don't just pick any therapist. If you have as much money as you claim, do some research and find the best therapist you can find and work on changing your perspective in life. If after some time your doctor determines the talk therapy alone is not helping, then take the pills.

In the mean time try looking for less external factors (looks, money, so-called friends) to make you happy and work on internal traits that can improve your self-esteem. Start exercising, volunteer, learn a new skill, even something as silly as karaoke.

Good luck and feel better.

2006-10-23 12:03:33 · answer #2 · answered by aibnyc 2 · 0 0

Angel, I've been on antidepressants for over 24 years, and probably will continue to be on them all of my life. I have clinical depression, which is treatable, but not curable.

That said, please know that antidepressants do NOT make you "happy". They make it possible to have normal highs and lows, such as other people have. They restore equilibrium.

I feel that I am very much myself, just as I was before I developed depression. Of course, I'm not just swallowing pills; I also see my psychiatrist regularly.

I can't advise you about your condition; only your personal doctor can. Perhaps your depression is situational, or temporary; perhaps you have what *I* have.

Either way, there is no reason to suffer. There is all manner of help, and not all of it is chemical. But, sometimes, that is what will work best.

My heart goes out to you; you're not alone, sweetie. Take care, and see someone, soon. You'll be better for it, I promise.

2006-10-23 11:46:37 · answer #3 · answered by silvercomet 6 · 0 0

I honestly wouldn't take them. I wouldn't want to be dependent on them. At the end of 2003 to the middle of 2005, I think I was suffering from depression, but it was because I felt like a failure and problems I was having with friends. All I wanted to do was eat and sleep, which of course led me to gaining over 40 lbs. I would wake up every morning and just relive every mistake I've ever made and hate myself for it. I would cry almost everyday during that time. I would constantly think about ending my life. I've never told my family about this (I opened up to one of my friends), I dealt with it privately. I didn't get over it until I started writing about how I felt, and getting my first job helped me as well. It took a while, but I eventually got over how I was feeling, and I'm stronger for it. I've lost 32 lbs since then and I'm looking to lose more. But you have to do what is best for you. Try writing or talking to someone before going on the pills though. It might help you deal.

2006-10-25 13:40:22 · answer #4 · answered by ??#??Y? 2 · 0 0

No, you don't need a drug to help. I had the same problem so i know a little about how you feel. Start to meditate get a book on it or take a class. A drug will help but you will become to dependent on them and once they go away you will just take more and the prob will still be there. Meditation will help you get rid of what ever you are trying to get threw. It may take a little time but it will work. I really hope you get threw what ever it is, and hope i could help.
Good Luck

2006-10-23 11:48:45 · answer #5 · answered by timothy 1 · 0 0

Friends at your disposal??? Really popular???? Lots of money???? Your beautiful????
I don't mean to sound mean but your first problem is your defining yourself to us as a very very shallow person. Friends are not at our disposal, they are a support circle, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my friends to help me or have me help them through the hard times. Screw popular, what is that anyway? Lots of money is of no use other than the regular things we need, money buys nothing when it comes to friends, so your beautiful, so what, is it only on the outside?
Rethink this question and then ask it again when you have re evaluated yourself.
Take the drugs and see if it helps your attitude and good luck.
Oh, all the things you describe are temporary other than the friends.

2006-10-23 11:46:53 · answer #6 · answered by sideways 7 · 1 1

Yes i think you should take your pills. I have been depressed alot of my life,,,even though i have a son,,and a great man these past 2 yrs. I get depressed alot of the time too...and noone understands what i go through feeling this way. I was on meds for awhile and they seem to have helped me alot,,but then i losy my health insurance and now i dont have meds anymore,,,,so im back to the same ole feeling again,,,and sometimes i dont even know why i feel sad. Speaking from experience i think you really need to take your meds like you are suppose to and give them a chance and see if you feel any better on them. Trust me i understand what you are feeling,,,and if you dont get help you are going to continue feeling helpless. Whatever you do,,if you start taking them and want to stop,,you CANT stop the meds cold turkey because it has side effects if you do it like that. You need to ween yourself off them. But my best advice to you is to give them a try and see how they work for you.

2006-10-23 11:47:39 · answer #7 · answered by michelle 5 · 0 1

no, do not take them there are many side effects. l have a few friends who started taking pills for depression and now they are all messed up. just live with your depression then you you will feel better on another day. life has it's up's and down's learn to deal with it.

2006-10-23 12:12:53 · answer #8 · answered by catsclaw 6 · 0 0

NO don't take them.

Change your lifestyle instead.

See, you're not sick *because* something is wrong with you. If you are sick (at all) it's because of what's happening around you. What you eat. What you breath. What you hear. How you live.

You are a survivor. You are the daughter of a daughter of a daughter of a daughter (etc.) and that's been going on for thousands of generations. You're the best. What could be wrong with you?
how you

Change that.

Don't take them pills.


2006-10-23 11:42:56 · answer #9 · answered by reading_is_dangerous 3 · 1 1

Are the pills for depression or bipolor because of mood swings,If for bipolor then I would do as the doctor says because you will be more level minded,I know that they helped me and my relationship.I hope this helps you It took years for me to admit I needed help

2006-10-23 11:43:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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