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I'm going though a rough time, I'm looking for a little relief and a bit of courage to confront the problem.

What can you do what life is at its worst?

2006-10-23 09:51:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Other - Social Science

Please don't tell me to prey, I'm not religious. I need to solve the problem myself not let God do it for me. That way I don't learn anything.

2006-10-23 09:54:01 · update #1

15 answers

You need to confront the problem so that you can start dealing with the problem. This procrastination is what is making it worst. If it is what it is then it's not going to change so just get it over with and the cards will start playing themselves and you will deal with each problem as they come.
Start realizing that some other people have it worst. Notice the people who seem to have it worst than you and put yourself in their shoes and start appreciating what you do have rather than what you don't and be thankful for it. It is a widely known technique called downward deprivation.
Depending on your problem, seeking out other people that have the same or similar problem then talking about it will let you know that your not the only one suffering in this world and sharing your feelings will help relieve the loneliness and stress you are feeling.
If your problem isn't life threatening realize that in 10 years 5 years or even 6 months things will be totally different depending on the decisions that you make. If you are unhappy do what it takes to find something or something else that makes you happy.
It is very important to feel needed and feel good about yourself. Go out of your way for somebody else and do something out of the ordinary that will make someone very happy. Don't ask or accept repayment or compensation because if you do you will lose the good feeling you will have otherwise known as an intrinsic reward.
Good luck and hope you find a way to lift yourself up:]

2006-10-23 10:15:00 · answer #1 · answered by deutzvenholf 2 · 0 0

Try, for starters, to make sure you find time in each day (often setting aside a specific time each day) to get away from your worries mentally. Give you mind a rest. Listen to uplifting music, have the lights in a way that make you feel best, light some potpourri, etc. Even if this is only an hour or so it will give you some rest and the chance to regain a little mental energy.

Also, make it a point to find something to laugh about each day. Laughing changes your brain chemicals, and helps you from getting too "thrown off" "chemically" for too long without interruption.

Make it a point to get some fresh air and/or sun each day, evening if that air is evening air. Even if you just out and sit for fifteen minutes it can help.

This isn't good to do in the long run, but eating a little more fat, sugar and salt actually helps you feel better. It has been found that a certain type of fat in tuna helps people with depression. Don't go wild with the added fat, but it does help calm you down and yet make you feel a little more "you" during times of stress.

Try to do a small thing here or there that will aim toward keeping your environment organized. Even if you don't have the energy to do a major organizing effort, a little thing each day will make you feel a little better and will eventually result in better organization.

Make sure you have a cheerful thing here or there in your environment as well.

Try to make a list of what is wrong that you can either change or take steps toward change even if immediate change is not possible.

When it comes to things you cannot do anything about right now/today try to just tell yourself to put them out of your mind until some action can be taken by you.

All you can do is everything you can, and if there's something you cannot do anything about right now at least try to take a mental rest from it. Sometimes when we realize there is no action we can take to fix something it automatically makes us stop spinning our wheels.

If you do some things that are basic (such as what I mentioned above) you may find it just gives you the short-term, temporary, relief you need to find the courage that you already probably have.

Best wishes.


2006-10-23 17:10:09 · answer #2 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 0 0

Here are some things you can do to help give you relief:

Talk to someone you trust, someone that can keep your confidences (if you need it kept confidential).

Write it down, all of it. There is an exercise in writing classes that has helped me in other areas .... set a timer for 5 minutes or so and begin to write. Do not stop writing, even if all that you write is 'blah blah blah' until something comes.

Find what is positive and cling to that. When your thoughts begin to give you negative ideas, discard those for something that is filled with hope.

Find something good in yourself and write it on your mirror so that you can see it everytime you look.

Without knowing the problem, it is difficult to give you hope and courage to face it, but know that courage is not being unafraid, courage is being afraid and doing it anyway.

Also, please know that your circumstances will change within 2 years, everyone's does. Even credit card companies and mortgage banks know this; they do not care what happened if it is over 2 years old because they know that peoples circumstances change every 2 years.

2006-10-23 17:07:13 · answer #3 · answered by arewethereyet 7 · 0 0

I'm not religious either. But I believe that things will balance themselves out. So when things get really bad, I know that they will soon get better. Plus I know that how people react when the going gets tough says a lot about their character. If I can get through some bad shi* without losing it and acting like a moron, an insecure crazy woman, or something of that sort, it speaks volumes about me, vs. most people who would break down and start acting psychotic.

2006-10-23 17:16:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry all the above people said what you told them not to!(Although God probably wouldn't do it for you anyway,thousands of disappointed people can tell you that.....) any way, try not to dwell on the problem All the time. Difficult advice, I know, but think what you CAN do to solve it, as many solutions as you can then just wait, if you have done all you can, all problems go away sooner or later, trust me! Good luck :)

2006-10-23 17:02:31 · answer #5 · answered by Juliette 3 · 0 0

Think about what you have- focus on the positives. Are you breathing? You are ahead of all of those who aren't. FInd something to occupy your time- I love to walk and listen to music- put on something liberating and stomp on the ground. Talk to someone you trust or pray about it. If you believe in God, just talk to Him. You'll be in my prayers. I hope everything works out for you. Chin up, chest out and tackle it!

2006-10-23 16:56:26 · answer #6 · answered by firelook 2 · 0 0

1. Think that It could be worse than that
2. Know that it won't last for long
3. Listen to Up! by Shania Twain (seriously, it helps and you could even end up singing)
4. Tell yourself how good and smart you are

2006-10-23 17:03:16 · answer #7 · answered by marianixtwim 2 · 0 0

Always remeber two things: no matter how bad it is ther is someone somewhere that has it worse, and that it WILL ALWAYS get better. Life is like that, a balance betwwen good and bad, and it always goes back and forth!

2006-10-23 17:00:58 · answer #8 · answered by lostbreath777@sbcglobal.net 1 · 0 0

OK, i will not tell you to prey, i will however tell you to pray, it works, or you can try to figure it out yourself and keep running in circles. good luck and God bless

2006-10-23 17:03:04 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

pray... it is what got me through my worst times ever. Read the bible, people went through some rough times there too.

2006-10-23 16:52:33 · answer #10 · answered by jah_love_97 2 · 0 0

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