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In other words, why do so many people call themselves Christian but don't show their faith through their actions? You either are or you aren't. There's no in between.

In Revelation, God writes letters to 7 chuches...the loveless church, the persecuted church, the corrupt church, the dead church, the faithful curch, and the lukewarm church. The faithful church, the chuch of Philadelphia(brotherly love in Greek), is the only one that is praised. The lukewam church, on the other hand, is described as being neither cold nor hot, and God will vomit it out because it is lukewarm. I think it's obvious which church America belongs to...my question is why???

2006-10-23 08:41:36 · 13 answers · asked by Forget My Name. 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

13 answers

Some are just not faithfully seeking God's will for their lives. I think a common term for it is "backslide". You get to living in the world instead of in the Word. It happens to the best of us from time to time just because we are human and flawed.
With others I fear it is a lack of actual Christianity. Many people think that all that is required to be a Christian is to acknowledge that Jesus existed. I'd like to point out the even Satan knows Christ existed. They call themselves Christian with no real knowledge of what that truly means, and in doing so they usually end up giving the rest of us a bad name.

2006-10-23 10:26:15 · answer #1 · answered by Rixie 4 · 0 0

Unfortunatly today, people do not feel that spiritual connection anymore with God. We are raised from the beginning that there is a God or there isn't a God. Our government will now allow God back in like it did up till the 1950's. People nolonger fear God and thus think that they can get away with anything as long as there a "good" person. Well as I heard from one pastor "good" is holy and true. To do "good" you have to be doing God's will nomatter how hard it is and people want an easy ride which as Jesus discribed it "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:12-14

2006-10-23 10:16:58 · answer #2 · answered by deepwater3646@sbcglobal.net 1 · 0 0

Maybe they are not. I often consider this and I've come to think that most Christians have NO desire to be "lukewarm." MOST Christians want to change the world for Christ and they desire to love their Lord passionately.

MY THEORY - there is a serious lack of leadership in the Christian Church that is moving and motivating Christ's lambs to make significant contributions to the world around them.

When we ask why are most Christians lukewarm we are making assumptions about them. We may be assuming that the know what to do, how to do it, and how much it is going to cost them. Let's face it - we are lambs - and we need shepherds. Significant churches become who they are because a leader in that place is moving their lambs forward (I hope that's why).

It's just way to easy to point the finger at other and call them lukewarm and do nothing about it. We need leaders to move the sheep. We need leaders to put the fire under the Christians.

On the other hand - I wish believers would do more to grow personally in their life and make themselves ready to be led. The issue here may be that we live in a culture that is way too comfortable.

2006-10-23 08:47:01 · answer #3 · answered by MLK II 2 · 0 0

Your objections are spectacular regrettably, for many church homes at present. Many churchians, have lots in undemanding with ‘Atheists’ morality’. The atheist desperately asserts “no information God exists” merely via fact the churchian in elementary terms seeks the “hearth coverage” of religious overall performance, “merely in case” there extremely is Day of Judgment. there is not any distinction; they the two lack actual repentance & faith utilising diverse styles of denial. Many church homes at present have lost the want of following Jesus' teachings, maximum of all, repentance and turning from sin, clinging to an common 'merely have faith' message that's no diverse than a 5 twelve months-old’s believing interior the the tooth fairy. In doing that, is the place you get the hypocrisy – lives that have been by no skill relatively replaced, switched over by way of the expertise that Jesus took the punishment your sins deserved on His flow. Confess your sins to God top now, sorry out of your heart, and ask His forgiveness. Then turn from them in faith trusting that basically Jesus’ sufferings on the flow would be familiar by way of your Father in Heaven for the punishment your sins deserved. generally going on you postpone you save up greater of God’s wrath against you. study how the Bible says to be top with God, Matthew 4:17; Luke 24:40 six-40 seven; Romans 2:4-5; Romans 3:23-24; James 2:10; Hebrews 9:27; a million John a million:8-9; Romans 5:8; Romans 10:9-10; Romans 10:13; Ephesians 2:8-9; 2 Corinthians 5:21; a million Peter 2:24; a million Peter 3:18; John 3:36; a million John 5:11-13 ~ “So then, each persons will provide an account of them self to God”. Romans 14:12

2016-11-25 00:36:27 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You're not referring to Christians, you're referring to Catholics. To call Christians in general lukewarm towards their religion is incredibly unfair.
Catholics are lukewarm because religion has become too burdensome. For one thing, Catholics are only criticized as being crazy when they fervently believe in their religion by other, more out-spoken people, usually atheists. (If there's any religion atheists hate more than Catholicism, I haven't seen it.)
For another, who has time (understand, I'm not really asking that, it's rhetoric)? People have jobs, kids, mortgages, marital problems, et cetera. How on Earth are they going to manage to sit down and think about their religious beliefs with all of this going on? Sacrifice their "Survivor" time? I don't think so. Besides, they go to church on Sunday... when they have the time! They're giving their sacrifice to God!

I don't know, I'm a bitter former-Christian, so in my view, the people that don't know a thing or do a thing with their faith are only that way because of themselves. They collectively find religion unfashionable because it's supposed to be unfashionable to everyone else. They make up the excuse that they're too busy to not go to church. Today's society in America just has no place for religion.
And I apologize to those that actually do devote time to their God. I admire you.

2006-10-23 09:51:21 · answer #5 · answered by spewing_originality 3 · 0 0

Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims... they all believe in 'the one true God'. Yet all of the standards by which they state that belief are different. Some fanatics are taking literal translations of their prefered texts and pushing that translation on others (see: Irish Protestant/Catholic (thanks to Church of England), Islamic Fundamentalists, The Crusades, even the Witch Hunts of Early U.S. history)
One problem is letting the government get too involved in our decision making. Now they are telling us what we can believe and we've become complacent in letting them take care of us in this fashion. In doing so they declare wars in the name of our Gods when we know our Gods would never condone such actions.
As for Catholicism, they have always been about making decision for you. Who you can marry, how to perform Lord's Supper (Sacrament), how to have sex, and other ridiculous things.
As far as I'm concerned, as long as your beliefs don't disrupt my basic human rights to life, then we have no problem. If there is a problem... well what do we have diplomacy and democracy for if not to work out issues? Are we homo sapiens or not? If not, then we need to recognize that we are no better than a family of gorillas, or a herd of caribou, constantly fighting for survival in small tribes like we used to... like animals without God.
Lukewarm... heh. How about apathetic?

2006-10-23 10:47:19 · answer #6 · answered by me_a_hotdog 1 · 0 0

I think Christians are used to turn the cheek, just like Jesus told us to do, the thing is that they're turning the cheek and not taking action, I believe it is time to speak up! We deserve as much respect as any other religion. We talk about love, but we don't really love our brothers and sisters. We need to tell them that even though they're not Christians we love them anyway, that love means respect, tolerance, fairness and peace. We do not want to waste our time killing and avenging what wrong is done to us. That's why some people like to place most Christians into that category, because we refuse to take the bait and become violent. God Bless.

2006-10-23 08:56:09 · answer #7 · answered by Becks 3 · 0 0

Because most people, Christian or otherwise, do not give a lot of effort to thinking critically about anything that surrounds them in life. They would never make a connection between the fact that they go to church, but never practice what they learn there.

2006-10-23 08:44:37 · answer #8 · answered by retorik75 5 · 0 0

First, what lukewarm is? Second, who is judging if someone's actions are according or not with the scriptures?

Well, you're completly right: when Bush had declared war in the name do God, I was wondering which god was he referring to. Such "christians" are sinnerer than the divel, that don't label itself with the J.C. name.

Again, what lukewarm is???? I'm gonna look it up!

Ie - B r a z i l

2006-10-23 08:51:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We live in a material world and it is hard to not get caught up in the day to day of it. But most do not live as Christ would have or like us to but that is the reason Jesus had to die on the cross. We are sinners.

2006-10-23 08:58:56 · answer #10 · answered by mtrhodes 1 · 0 0

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