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Just 2 weeks ago, an ex-member of the BNP was found in possesion of a rocket launcher and what the police reported as the biggest discovery of explosives EVER IN A UK HOME. The mainstream news networks are not interested in reporting on it as the story doesn't involve muslims. The biggest ever discovery of weapons and explosives in a home, and the issue of muslims wearing veils is considered more news-worthy. What the hell is going on?

2006-10-23 07:08:36 · 9 answers · asked by mistertimgray 1 in News & Events Media & Journalism

9 answers

Media is as biased as h.e.l.l. Whatever they decided is newsworthy is what makes the front covers. A few weeks ago there was an earthquake some place and not a jot of coverage. I believe there was also a hurricane some place and but for a short bulletin in the early hours on BBC News 24 no-one would know. In fact they still don't know. Plane crashes in South America get one mention and thats it. I am tired of seeing extensive coverage of that 'war'. I am tired of the 'muslim' issue. I am even becoming tired of 'unruly hoodies' stories. I miss ITV's news channel because they were the most unbiased of the lot and gave good coverage of stories from all over the UK. The media, like the Government and most other influential businesses are controlled by the 'suits'. These evil old men will use up and toss out the best resources all in the name of furthering their aims and profits. Why release a cure for AIDS when you can make more money from the medication that stabilises the symptoms. Why make peace in the Middle East when you can line your pockets from the profits of selling arms, etc. All the while pictures of AIDS sufferers and war in far away lands continue to fill our screens. Its all a subtle way of brainwashing the masses to believe that everything not residing within the hallowed grounds of England must be diseased, war-mongering, inferior, etc. The media have a lot to answer for and I pray I will see the day when the are all made to answer for the wrong-doings.

2006-10-23 07:23:42 · answer #1 · answered by DeeDee 4 · 2 0

The media as a whole are all toeing the PC line. As you say the issue of muslims wearing veils have been the top headlines, even on question time last thursday the first topic was the veils and the only person to mention the Christian Cross was the comedian on the panel, not one of the MP's even mentioned the Cross. The BBC is run by the Government anyway. There are lots we do not hear about. Like the time in Ireland when illegal immigrants locked themselves in a church and said they would kill themselves if they were not allowed to stay! Did that make any big headlines? I don't think so. But if we were aware of everything that was going on and not fed a load of lies or cover up stories what would we do?

2006-10-23 07:23:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The poweful people who own newspapers such as Rupert Murdoch have their own agendas. At the moment in the UK, all anyone wants to know about is how bad Muslims are, they love to hate and blame in the UK, look at how the media blamed Ronaldo single handedly for England's exit out of the World Cup, they kidded themselves that it wasn't that their team was no good and they will never have a chance when the team is average. Typical behaviour blame the foreigners.

Also any headline with the word Muslim in it will sell. 'Muslim ate a hamster!' 'Muslim crossed the road', 'Muslim dared to go on an all white bus'.

Most people don't like Muslims, especially the media and they like to fill everyone else's head with poison as well. The media have many scapegoats, why would they blame their own fellow countrymen when they can blame a foreigner. They hate women and foreigners. I did a media essay all about how women are described and portrayed in the media and it is not so different from this except they are blatant and open about hating Muslims. They made sure asylum seekers were persecuted here as well, after many had escaped from their home land for the same reason.

2006-10-23 07:21:12 · answer #3 · answered by The Face 3 · 2 0

Biased = Media there picture is in the dictionary!! They have become so cut throat to get a story they do not think of the consequences of their actions. The stupidity of some of the things they do blows my mind and I thought I saw it all! When they stand in front of a nuclear plant and give directions so you can find it CMON NOW!!! The don't give a rats *** about the public its come down to the almight dollar, pretty much like hollywood!!

2006-10-23 09:07:39 · answer #4 · answered by HereweGO 5 · 0 0

You are living with Islamophobia. It started at the top when the government decided to attack Iraq. All the main news and TV directors are called in and they are given the news to be "on side". Then editors are told and all agents start to dish out anti Arab propaganda till your man in the street, with IQ at around room temperature starts to believe the rubbish and it just escalates till the government decides enough and the news is steered back to other stuff. Free press. Cloud cookoo la-la land is where you are at.

2006-10-23 12:16:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The kind & humble, charitable people in this world are light years ahead of the money-grubbers and control-freaks of the world.

Like 'Whytery..' if only the people could rule as a unit for their best and do away with the puppeteer(gods they think) playing like a giant chess board our fate.

2006-10-23 13:30:28 · answer #6 · answered by spareo1 4 · 0 0

The media sold out and become the angry mob persecuting everyone in the path and getting gangs to hunt innocents down.
They are modern day inquisitors who burn witches at the stake.
sold out to the devil himself long ago.

Now, real truth, what is truth?
Jesus asked Pontious Pilate the same,
what do YOU think?

2006-10-23 07:20:50 · answer #7 · answered by eg_ansel 4 · 1 0

.......Like the rest of us they are only interested in money.If they can make "news" sensational most of the dunces will buy or watch ...........
Have you listened recently to the today programme on radio four..? Repetitive anti-British "hate" programme .....trying daily to inflict nothing but bad news on an unsuspecting nation...making even the most optimistic listener worry about everything..!!!....

2006-10-23 07:27:43 · answer #8 · answered by notgnal 6 · 0 0

beelzebub bill is planning another attack, i bet.

2006-10-23 07:25:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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