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This is my first time voting.... I want more info, not about where to go to vote, I know that, I need to know whose running for what, what are their plans, the laws out there to vote for, HELP!!!!!!!!

2006-10-23 06:52:53 · 9 answers · asked by latina83 1 in Politics & Government Elections

9 answers

There are good people and bad people in both parties. The hard part, and our duty as citizens, is to do our research and select the one who, in our opinion, would best represent the American people, the people of our state, and our own ideals, within the Constitution of the United States. One very important thing: DO NOT LET ANYONE, ON EITHER SIDE, TELL YOU HOW TO VOTE OR WHO TO VOTE FOR.

Having said that, here are a few things you should consider...

Do you think that most of the wealth of the United States should be in the pockets of a wealthy few at the expense of the many, or should middle-class Americans share in that wealth? Should the wealthy eat caviar while the poor starve, or should the Government and the more fortunate among us help care for those who can't help themselves? If you think the wealthy should get wealthier at the expense of the middle class and the poor, then you should vote Republican.

National Security: Five years after 9/11, our borders are still not secure, our ports are wide open, only a small percentage of cargo entering the United States is inspected... And our military is so tied up in the Iraq quagmire that we have no military strength left to influence events in North Korea or Iran, let alone Darfur. This Administration and its congressional allies have even tried to sell control of American ports to a country (Dubai) that has terrorist ties. Anything for profit. If you think that is a good thing, then you should vote Republican.

Our current President, who swore to "Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States" has instead for the most part ignored it, assuming more and more power to himself, personally, and taken it away from the American people. The current Republican controlled Congress and Senate have not held him accountable and have simply rubber-stamped his wishes over 90% of the time.

If you think we should continue giving up more and more of our Constitutional rights and liberties to give even more power to the Republican party and this President, so they can continue thier proven incompetent anti-terrorist policies, then you should vote Republican.

Estate tax? This affects only the very wealthiest Americans and costs them relatively a very small amount of money. 99% of Americans do not and will not pay Estate tax. It is a mechanism to force the wealthy, many of whom would not do so otherwise, to help the poor. Some wealthy Americans are not willing to even share this small percentage of their wealth with the poor and, like vultures over a carcass, like greedy relatives attending the reading of a will, are trying all in their power to make us feel sorry for them and get the Estate Tax repealed. If you are one of those people, you should vote to repeal the Estate Tax.

But don't let me tell you who to vote for either. Don't unquestionably take my word for it, or anybody elses either. Research the issues and see which side you fall on. Just remember, generally speaking, Republicans believe in concentrating the wealth of America in the pockets of the few (including, of course, themselves) while throwing a few bucks to the poor so they will look magnanimous. They generally believe in concentrating power in the Presidency, so long as a Republican President is in power. They not only believe in, but have redistricted every state so that in most districts Republicans outnumber Democrats (to be fair, Democrats might do the same thing if they could).

DON'T BE FOOLED by temporarily low gas prices (remember, they are still about double of what they were when Bush was elected).

DON'T BE MISLED by statistics which say unemployment is down. That only reflects NEW unemployment claims, not the number of people who have gone off the unemployment roles or have just given up on finding a job. It also doesn't include those who are employed, but at wages far below the poverty level (Republicans have consistently fought against a raise in minimum wage, while giving themselves raises time and time again).

DON'T BE MISLED by reports that the American economy is doing well. Under Clinton America had the largest national surplus in history. Bush and his Republican congress have not only squandered that surplus, but have turned it into the largest deficit in history. American national debt has also reached unprecedented highs under Bush and the Republican congress. That might make the economy look good, but it's not free money. You, being a young person, and your children and grandchildren will bear the burden of that debt.

DON'T BE FOOLED by the argument that since we haven't had another attack within the country since 9/11 that Bush's anti-terrorism policies are working (previously, we hadn't had an attack within the US from 1993 to 2001, which, if you buy that logic, would mean that Clinton's anti-terrorist policy was more effective than Bush's... and Clinton did that without getting nearly 3,000 of our soldiers killed).

Consider these and any other facts you can gather, then make your decision about which way to vote and who to vote for.

Thank you for being a good citizen (most Americans don't even vote, especially in the mid-term elections!). Thank you for caring enough about your country to vote and, more importantly, for gathering information before you do and not just voting a party line or voting the way your friends or church leaders tell you to. Best wishes to you, and God Save America!

2006-10-23 07:53:25 · answer #1 · answered by Don P 5 · 0 0

Use your computer to look up the different national parties, and then see if they have links to your location and the offices that are up for vote. Another way would be to read your local newspapers online and find out all you can there, then log on to your local tv stations and see what they have. Many times they interview the candidate or have something about them. Once you know what the races are then look up information on the candidates online. I would find out as much about the candidates as possible like their stands on things that you believe in and what you are against. If they are already in office and are trying to keep that seat, you can look up their voting record in the Congressional Record, this will tell you how they voted on certain issues. Just remember that sometimes they seem like they did not vote the way that they said they would, but the real reason might have been because something was "tacked onto" the legislation and made it impossible for the vote to be placed as expected. Politics is something that is very interesting and at times extremely frustrating because of all of the deceiptfull dealings. You may not know everything that you want to in the next two weeks but at least find out as much as you can and Vote. Then try and keep up on the issues, this way you will be ready next election, which is probably next Spring. Good Luck. E.

2006-10-23 07:04:29 · answer #2 · answered by snowedbear 2 · 0 0

In the primaries, ninety% of black Democrats voted for Obama. That was once wonderful considering the black vote in PRIMARIES is regularly SPLIT a number of the Democratic applicants. This is a main motive why Hillary was once knocked out. In 2000, Bush received slightly below 10% of the black vote and in 2004 he received eleven%. That entails the blacks who're registered as independents, republicans and people who don't vote for the Democratic celebration candidate. The black vote has stayed CONSISTENTLY at round ninety% for the Democratic candidate in each GENERAL election when you consider that 1964 so Obama being black can have NO EFFECT in this 12 months's election. Obama might be white or asian or hispanic or polka dotted. It does NOT topic to them. Blacks effortlessly vote for the Democrat. Period.

2016-09-01 01:27:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Where to vote? Check with you local newspaper or library. They usually have a list of poling places. AS to how to vote, lets make it easy for you. Do you want higher taxes? Do you want amnesty for ILLEGAL aliens? Do you want the murder of unborn children to continue? Do you want our country turned over to Islamist terrorists? If yes, then vote Demorat. If you want a strong, financially secure, morally strong country, vote Republican.

2006-10-23 06:58:23 · answer #4 · answered by Spirit Walker 5 · 0 1

Check with the registrars office. They should have sample ballots and info on the initiatives, measures, bonds, propositions,
and people running.

2006-10-23 07:40:48 · answer #5 · answered by eehco 6 · 0 0

Don't even bother voting, because THIS secret and evil group has been in control of everything for far too long!...

2006-10-24 06:25:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should have gotten a sample ballot by now. I believe you can pick one up from the library. From there they have web sites to look up.

Good luck!

2006-10-23 06:59:05 · answer #7 · answered by nordic_winds1969 2 · 0 0


2006-10-23 07:12:19 · answer #8 · answered by Unfrozen Caveman 6 · 2 0


2006-10-23 06:55:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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