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I hear a lot of Propaganda from the right these days..."If the Dems win we will all die," "if the Dems win the terrorist will come and attack the United States."

Now I will grant you that not all Republicans are using scare tactics but I have seen a lot of it. And I am not saying that Dems don't have their issues also, but I am asking about Reps specifically.
Have all other issues fallen to the wayside? One thing I have heard is that "there have been no more attacks since 9-11" this argument seems mute. We never had any before so why do Reps feel that keeping terrorist attacks out of the U.S. is only because of the new policies?
Do you feel safer now that we have attacked Iraq? Do you feel that their is less animosity in the Middle East now that we have gone to war?
I am not trying to attack all Republicans but I would love to see intelligent and well thought out answers no "liberals are losers" type of answers. Show me your intelligence and sway my opinion to the right.

2006-10-23 06:08:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

Suzy- like I said I am not condoning the tactics of the Dems. I am not a Democrate.

I have seen many of these posts on YA, and many on TV also, they are not direct quotes but a generalization of things I have read and seen. Most people are trying to get a rise but some are very serious and that disturbs me.

2006-10-23 06:21:14 · update #1

I did make a mistake, I meant we have not seen one before of this scale...It was not on purpose it was a misstatement. I don't feel as though I am being snippy. i am asking an honest question and wanting intelligent answers should not be something I have to state, but unfortunatly it is.

2006-10-23 07:06:03 · update #2

To the last poster: get your email checked it is not confirmed.
You did not read my entire post, at the end in a revision you will see that I said we had not have any attacks of this scale. Next time please read the entire post before you jump to conclusions.
I was not attacking Republicans in general, I think you are confused. I was asking why SOME republicans use scare tactics such as the death of everyone as a way to get elected or reelected. I did not say that the liberals or the Democrats did not use the same tactics, I was just asking why some republicans make these wild assumptions.

Next time read the entire post before you put me down for my question.

2006-10-23 10:15:51 · update #3

18 answers

The republican party is in a major panic...the Bush administration has used these tactics from the beginning, and will continue to do so. We have been lied to and manipulated over and over again so that they can shove their agenda's down our throats. The American public is finally beginning to see this administration for what it is, and they know it. Its amazing that when they get cornered....they seem to always resort to blaming the Clinton administration for everything...its like a broken record, and its about time we get the Dem's back in so we can once again repair damage and hopefully regain some of our respect from the rest of the world.

2006-10-23 06:21:46 · answer #1 · answered by catywhumpass 5 · 1 1

Thats a lot of questions. First off the Rep do use a lot of scare tactics and your right both parties need a wake up call! I dont like the tactics used by the Reps either, I think it just stupid. But on the other hand a lot of people do not want to hear the truth or take the time to become educated about these matters. As far as other issues, well they are there but they put the scary one out front thats why its a tactic. New policies can help but only when enforced, I hear someone say yesterday and I strongly agree "We dont need more laws we need the ones we have enforced." Safer now? No, but then I didnt feel unsafe. Things happen. Here in America we dont know how lucky we are that we only have to mostly worry about the strange guy who lives next door, we have a police that for even the worst effort do a better job here than in other countries. Less animosity, there is MORE and you can bet on it! People hate the US. A lot always have now they all have different reasons but when you ignore the United Nations and go charging in to another country and into a problem that is not yours, well its safe to say that people wont like that. Regardless of attacking Reps who go charging in like a bully or a Dem who never does as much as they should, our leaders in this country need to stop and reevaluate what the people of THIS country want! We have plenty of our own problems right here, this does not mean that I dont think we can help others but for goodness sake let them ask first and go in for the right reasons not because your daddy says or thinks this or because you want to pad your pocket. Or dont go in try to help out and then at the last minute wimp out. Say what you mean and stand on your principles if the people dont like it you wont get any votes if they do then hey you did the right thing. I would like to see a person actually do what it is that they talk about. Stop blowing smoke up my bum and do something that matters! Dont just talk but do something about real life issues ones that can be changed and things that people really need help on! Thats where I stand.

2006-10-23 06:30:28 · answer #2 · answered by KittyKattsMeow 3 · 0 0

Actually, there are no 'scare tactics' from the GOP. They're flat out stating the truth - that the leftists / Democrats will retreat from the War on Terror, they will appease NKorea and Iran and Palestinians etc. Americans know this because the leftists have been saying this for years now.

And Americans also know that retreat and appeasement are not methods to achieve peace - throughout history, they've only brought on more violence and war.

As for the attacks, perhaps you've forgotten the 1st WTC bombings in 1993? So to claim 'We never had any before' is clearly wrong, and you clearly fail to see that the Khobar barracks bombing, the bombings of US embassies in Africa and the bombing of the USS Cole were all part of the attacks, too. Those type of attacks have also NOT occurred.

As for safer - we are more prepared to detect and prevent terrorist attacks than we were. And I certainly didn't feel much Middle East love on 9/11/2001, so I don't care how they feel now -except they'd better respect our ability to wipe them out.

Not sure why you think you question merits intelligent answers. It's snippy, sanctimonious, self-righteous and factually incorrect.

2006-10-23 06:42:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The constant media coverage of 'republican failures' has placed the republicans on a defensive footing. Media no longer provides 'fair and unbiased' new coverage. Due to this, 'some' republican candidates resort to scare tactics. When they do this the media is more than willing to put them on the news, though in a less than favorable light.
On to your next question. True, there have been no attacks on our homeland, this is not a mute argument however. This adds to the argument made by the republican party. I do not feel that going to war made us safer. I do believe it has given the chance for many in Iraq to be allowed the opportunity for a democratic-republic to be formed. It is pointless to argue as to the animosity coming from the middle-east. Let them vent, there will always exist some degree of animosity towards the US and the west. Heck, not even Europe likes the US, and we helped to rebuild them after two world wars!!!

2006-10-23 06:48:58 · answer #4 · answered by You Ask & I Answer!!! 4 · 0 0

I would say I'm disappointed but not surprised at many of the campaign tactics used by BOTH Dems and Reps, to the point that I find it impossible to distinguish between the two sides (in terms of campaign strategy).

It would be naive at best (and disingenuous at worst) to try to argue that smears, misdirection and feints are not fundamental parts of the campaign vocabulary on BOTH sides. No one runs a 'clean' campaign anymore...I don't remember the last time a candidate actually ran on the issues.

Regarding terrorism and 9/11, one ought to consider both near-term and long-term history. How exactly is a nation to respond to a terrorist attack on its own soil? Before we believe either line (a - "the world is safer since we went to war", b - "the world is less safe since we went to war"), consider the short and long-term consequences and aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Consider the consequences of isolationist American policy in both WWI and WWII. Consider the consequences of South Korea and Vietnam.

It's impossible to draw conclusions in a contextual vacuum. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Both Dems and Reps rightfully acknowledge that an immediate, wholesale withdrawal of military forces from Iraq would only further destabilize the region. The debate wages around HOW we get our troops out...but then, only someone ignoring historical lessons would have presumed Iraq was going to be a 'short' conflict - we're talking about occupying an entire nation, where the long-standing regime was completely hostile to the United States. Did anyone really believe that wasn't going to be a decade-long entrenchment?

IMHO, it makes no sense to Monday-morning quarterback the ideological wisdom of invading Iraq. Why? Because we're already there, and we need to deal with the present and the future.

Rather than try to sway anyone's opinion to the right (or left), I would suggest that we would be better served by a deeper study of the historical context of geopolitical implications of military force on foreign soil, and put some of the political ideology in the back seat to determine the wisest course of action for the long haul.

Best to you.

2006-10-23 06:28:39 · answer #5 · answered by Timothy W 5 · 0 0

Well, that is an interesting question, but the truth is we did have terrorists attacks before 9/11, just not on the grand scale of 9/11. I have no doubt we will face more attacks on years to come, no matter which party controls the government. That does not make me live in fear, it is just a realization.

Also, I do not believe we will all die if Dems take control of congress or the white house. I would just prefer Republicans. I am pretty sure I heard this morning that Hilary admitted she will stand by her tax hikes, which will directly affect me. I am not rich nor poor, but I need all of my paycheck that I can get.

2006-10-23 06:17:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

properly I for one believe that the republican social gathering is in basic terms advantageous. i might want to say a similar element about your social gathering. the quantity of those who say they don't help the conflict yet help the troops is disgraceful. they are flat out mendacity. you are able to't help the troops yet protest the very element they are death for. Bush is our Commander and chief. The democratic social gathering not in any respect gave this poor guy a probability and he has been scuffling with an uphill conflict at the same time as attempting to salary a conflict mutually. I desire hippies might want to have died w/ the 70's. Sorry there is no loose love in the international and radical Islam believe it or no longer needs to kill you. so a concepts as blunders flow, the media has stated all of Bush's blunders for him. particular issues can't be pronounced w/ the yankee public. it is what's called telegraphing. Telegraphing is telling the enemy precisely what you're doing and how you'll do it. it is the reason timetables are a poor idea. bear in mind Osama Bin weighted down watches CNN also, he's familiar with at the same time as morale is low and is using the media too. it is called propaganda.

2016-12-05 03:35:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We never had any attacks before 911??????????? What planet were you on? During the Clinton regime, we were hit at least 4 times, tradecenter in NY, 2 embassies, and the USS Cole. Typical of liberals like you to call the truth a scare tactic, it's because the truth scares spineless socialists such as yourself.

2006-10-23 08:49:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

-unemployment is 10% higher than in 2000.
-there are 5 million more families in poverty than in 2000.
-this administration celebrates a $250 million defitcit, which is still the 5th highest in the history of this country.
the four higher records were set by this administration
-foriegn debt grew more in the Bush Administration than it did during the previous 224 years of this countries existance.
-Personal savings rate in August of this year was -.5%. yes, that number is a negative.
-the 2006 interest on our national debt is nearly a trillion dollars.
-Records for trade deficit were set in July and August of this year.
-There are 2 million more people without health care in this country than there were last year.
-real income of a typical household has dropped every year for the last 5 years.
-health care premiums are 70% higher than in 2000.
-college tuition is 60% higher than in 2000.
-the federal debt is at 8.5 trillion - 54% higher than in 2000

Just becuase the DOW hits 12000 doesn't mean the economy is in great shape. the above statistics tell you the true story of the "Bush Economy".

So what else do Republicans have to offer??? All they have left is fear or scare tactics. Unfortunately for America, it has worked well for them. Hopefully some people have realized that voting party line is not a good thing.

2006-10-23 06:38:49 · answer #9 · answered by truth seeker 7 · 0 1

I'm just curious to which Republicans uttered either of the two quotes you've listed above. I've seen much propaganda strewn about by both sides... could this only be more of it???
I certainly feel that our intelligent services are more diligent in trying to uncover and prevent any future attacks on America, but I think they would feel that way after 9-11 regardless of political parties in office.

2006-10-23 06:13:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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