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if they win in November.

According to the United States Census black babies are 7 times more likely to be abandoned and be waiting for adoption than white children in the U.S.

According to the United States Census and Center for Disease Control blacks are 4.5 times more likely to be on welfare than whites.

According to the Center for Disease Control 21.5% of black babies are born to underage mothers and 69.1% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. 46% of inner-city blacks between the ages of 18-62 are unemployed.

Not to mention the well over 12 million illegals who take advantage of these social programs without contributing to them. These statistics brought to you by the United States Census and the Center for Disease Control, non bias, pure facts.

2006-10-23 04:51:32 · 15 answers · asked by Watermelon N' Chickin 1 in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

The wealthy might as well be looking for more off-shore investments to circumvent punishing U.S. tax rates that Dems will likely increase on the order of 15-20%. Spending on social programs has exploded under Bush. What more do these Robin Hoods want? How much is enough? Continuing to fund a "broken" system is ludicrous, but never underestimate a Dems ability to find ever more ways to waste your taxpayer money. It is about time that only citizens or legal immigrants are permitted to be eligible for government aid programs.

Dems will never learn until they kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. What fools.

2006-10-23 05:48:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well lets see how i can tax you ok .Well you make 9 dollars an hour have a wife and two kids at home that your wife cares for .You work 50 hours a week and spend an hour in traffic both ways so you do not get a lot of free time to work a second job .So you total income for the year is a little over 24,000 dollars you pay rent of 1000 dollars a month and have a 3 bedroom apartment .You have a 250 dollar car payment and 125 dollar insurance payment .Each month during the year you have elected to average pay your utilities so summer and winter bills do not sky rocket on you .Payment for utilities runs 200 amonth One of the kids is in diapers still so your food and household costs are running 350 for the four of you .Your wife will leave you if you do not take her out once a month and diner and a movie run 100 bucks including paying a sitter .She also wants some clothes to wear and that cost you 50 Dollars a month and you spend forty a month now the kids are growing so the oldest one needs new clothes one pair of pants each month and a shirt cost 20 dollars and shoes 10 .Now to keep up with insurance for the family they take out 95 dollars a week this is you portion and your employer pays the rest .NOw lets go back and add this up before we add in the cost of gas and your lunch each day cable and a cell phone .
THats 2,240 a month thats 24,980 a year and you still do not have any gas for the car cable a cell phone furniture or anything at all .
SO how much can i tax you . nothing on what you are getting paid you can not afford to live .
For all those republicans that like the minimum wage at say 9 dollars and hour Which they do not tell me how people will raise a family on that kind of money .
Some how 60 years ago my parents managed to raise 4 kids and put them in private schools buy new houses and cars and do it all on dads income who did not go to college .
What has changed in america .i am in my 40's and people who work two jobs have less then my folks did with only one job .
HAs the work gotten harder or the people stupider or exactly what is the problem .Its not democrats or republicans is it. They where around my whole life so far .
IT's attitude .Folks in my parents day expected a decent wage and got it a man could work hard buy a home and put food on the table .Today you can work as hard as you want and still not have anything but rent reciepts and debts .
Those people who own homes and have the nice government jobs are happy with the system the way it is .Well as one of the workers in america who pay for all this comfortable living I want government cut in half spending reduced and people working to make a product of some kind instead of trading on money earned by a previous generation .

2006-10-23 05:25:31 · answer #2 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 1 0

What I would expect Democrats to do is roll -back the Bush tax cuts, not raise taxes. This will have little effect of 97% of Americans. I don't expect "more" funding for social programs. The first thing I expect them to do is use the increased tax revenue to pay down the debt. That's what Democrats do - work to pay off the debts of their Republican predecessors.

I won't comment on your anti-minority rant other than to say that, while your facts are accurate, they ignore the larger question, which is "Why?". Poverty among blacks, both married and unmarried, after declining from 31.3% in 1993 to 19.3% in 2000, has been steadily rising ever since. You can attack the end results all you want, but unless you look at what is causing those results, your "findings" are meaningless...

2006-10-23 05:12:49 · answer #3 · answered by john_stolworthy 6 · 0 0

the tax. They also need to impliment a "means" test so that old rich people can not draw off social security or medicare if they can afford to pay their own way. Additionally, they should do away with the "limit" on paying the tax. Someone who makes 100k pays the same amount as someone who makes 2 million or 2 billion, at least from the SS aspect, although they still have to pay into medicare. Please keep in mind that anything a candidate says about anything that requires help from the legislative branch should be thought of as goals,and not promises. And, I am voting for Obama because I don't need a mini-Bush in office wasting our countries resources in Iraq.

2016-05-22 01:17:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

blacks make up 12% of the population. you can throw statistics out there all you want. the true question is why are the statistics like that. if you put a White,Asian, or any other in the same position you would probably get the same statistics. your a moron trying to feed off ignorance, cause a smart person knows to look at the big picture.

2006-10-23 05:02:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yet, ironically, it's the Republican neo-cons who are against abortion. Left to you, half of America would be homeless, destitute, and you'd wish them dead and gone. Yet you folks are all for helping "bring democracy to Iraq" at our children's children's expense, but want nothing to do with helping your own people. You justify your biggotry with a tainted false-morality that's nothing but elitism. You leave half of America behind, then complain that they're a nuisance, spewing self-serving intolerance wherever you go.

You have forgotten the American legacy, the words on the Statue of Liberty. You spit on your own people. You ignore the words of the Declaration of Independence.

Biggotry has kept the black people in our country at a disadvantage. It has kept them in the inner cities, surrounded by violence, lack of work opportunities, and devoid of any real hope. Oppression is not easy to rise above. Blaming a problem on itself is not fixing the cause.

Fix America before you go off fixing other countries. Throwing your own people to the dogs just doesn't cut it. Get off your self-righteous and elitist podium, and do something to help your fellow Americans live the 'American dream'.

2006-10-23 05:44:33 · answer #6 · answered by tat2me1960 3 · 0 0

Social programs should all be de-funded and disbanded, regardless of which race(s) may or may not benefit from them. Unfortunately, we will see significant tax increases for the exact opposite purpose under the rule of Democrats. It's not a race problem -- it's simple statism.

2006-10-23 04:57:24 · answer #7 · answered by Zombie 7 · 0 1

I dont know...how much do you make?

I'm already taxed to death. I think that little war in Iraq, paid for with our tax dollars, all thos contracts to Halliburton, paid for with our tax dollars, costs more than the above mentioned programs. Guess it doesnt matter, though, people like you dont see that you are being manipulated by your FEAR.

2006-10-23 04:55:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

According to your dorky little icon, you're a hate-spewing fool infecting our nation of justice and equality like a dirty little tumor. So, really, the evidence goes both ways on this.

2006-10-23 04:55:22 · answer #9 · answered by Zafrod 2 · 2 0

Your statistics offer great support for the expansion of affirmative action.

2006-10-23 04:55:28 · answer #10 · answered by Brand X 6 · 2 1

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