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prove it to me

2006-10-23 02:59:10 · 38 answers · asked by Erikawithasmile 4 in Social Science Psychology

38 answers

No human being can prove there's a God. Only if you believe in him he exists!

2006-10-23 03:02:03 · answer #1 · answered by Curious J. 5 · 1 0

If god exist it should be possible to prove it . I can prove all the other things people say cannot be proven mathimatically or by orther emprical studies .
They will ask you to prove god does not exist of course this is a trick it is imposible to prove a negative .
If god exist a is it imporatant problably not as this deiety has not seen fit to do any of the things a all powerfull loving god can do if this diety did exist why not show it self ?
end all of the probelms in the world many innocent people suffer and nothing is done ther are all kinds of problems .

So to the true belivers prove it and while your at it try doing some good works rather than attack those who disagree with you .
I could care less if god exisit or does not .

becuse Some one lives and breaths is because two pople of the optosite sex had sex and a a spematoza fertalized a egg .
not any other reason
So how does one prove beyond a doubt that god exist other than telling a person to read A book that has been changed over 10 x and retranslated more than that .. infact ther are probabvly 4 or 5 people on the planet who are capeble of even makeing any sense out of the orginal writtings .
Along with my favortite witch and pagan those words did not exist then both are traceable ot distincly European beginings . With very differnt meanings than theyhave come to mean
Faith is not proof either . I know of a person of great faith in both "god ' and himself he is quite dead . as he belived he was righrt about a snow bridge and that god would protect him if he fell into the fridged creek under the melting bidge of snow he fell in and before he could be saved died .

2006-10-23 03:56:25 · answer #2 · answered by crps_1964 3 · 0 0

Of course you cannot truly prove it, but you also cannot DISPROVE IT

Here is my answer to persuade you...

Some believe we all developed from some primordial soup. Ha! That is just absurd. Why have we not been able to recreate life from NOTHING then. We cannot manage to build anything without first using something that previously existed. Where did a Hydrogen atom come from? If an atom is made of protons, neutrons, & electrons, where did these 3 things come from? What makes up a proton? If we can figure that out, what makes up the objects that make a proton? It goes on and on...

Oh yeah, if anyone believes in the big bang, what started the big bang? Something had to put the events of the universe in motion. You cannot create something from nothing.

Gravitational Singularity

Based on Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, some believe that the Big Bang was produced by a gravitational singularity. Many physicists and astronomers believe that the universe is, and always has been, expanding. If this is true, then if we go back far enough in time, we eventually reach a time when the universe was infinitesimally small. When this size reaches zero, it is said to be a "gravitational singularity." According to this model, time began at the same "instant" that this singularity exploded in the Big Bang, so there was nothing "before" the Big Bang.

But where did this gravitational singularity come from? What caused time to begin?


Some say that there does not need to be a cause. We know it happened because we are here. But that answer is based on faith, not science.

The Big Bang is not science--it is an article of faith.

2006-10-23 03:15:24 · answer #3 · answered by Eric R 6 · 0 2

The exsistance of God is something that is based on faith alone. It is like a character in Contact (1997) said, " Do you love your father. " and she said " Yes" To which he replied, " Prove it. " As you can see that statement presents a host of problems. Firstly, how do you prove it. Secondly, to what measure must it be proved because each of us are different so the burden of proof would also be the same. All I can say is this. Look at this world and all its complexities and ask yourself is this something that just happened or does it seem to have a pattern or design. And if it has a pattern or design surely there must be a designer. I once read that the probability of life developing on Earth was more than a 1 in 100000000000000000000000000 chance. LOL

2006-10-23 03:30:13 · answer #4 · answered by Wordsmith 3 · 0 1

There definitely is a God and He "proves" himself to you everyday. Everyday you drive your car you always come some save and sound. Every night when you go to bed you wake up and you are still in your room and bed, therefore "proving" that someone has protected you from evil being or anything else that may be lurching. You are always looked after. You have to think of something in your life that you can't exactly explain. If you need someone to "prove" to you that God exists then maybe you need to step into a community church and talk to the people that worship there. They will tell you stories that you will might think are interesting and please explain to them that you need someone to "prove" that GOd exists. God Bless you!!!

2006-10-23 03:28:47 · answer #5 · answered by andrea R 2 · 0 0

There are a few Arguments in Philosphy that may help:
1. Argument from Design. Basically it is since all living things are complex in nature something of a greater intelligence must have made it. (ie God) "According to the argument from design, or teleological argument, the design or order found in the universe provides evidence for the existence of an intelligent designer (or orderer) usually identified as God. A classic version of this argument appears in William Paley's 1802 Natural Theology, where Paley compares the complexity of living things to the inferior complexity of a watch that we know to be designed by an intelligent being. Just as a watch could not exist without a watchmaker, Paley argued, living things could not exist without an intelligent designer."
2. Cosmological Argument: there must be some first cause which was not itself caused by anything else. And that first uncaused cause is God
3. this isn't really an argument, but interesting way to view it: Pascal's wager: If you erroneously believe in God, you lose nothing (assuming that death is the absolute end), whereas if you correctly believe in God, you gain everything (eternal bliss). But if you correctly disbelieve in God, you gain nothing (death ends all), whereas if you erroneously disbelieve in God, you lose everything (eternal damnation).

2006-10-23 03:39:50 · answer #6 · answered by Marie 2 · 0 0

There's a field in christianity called " apologetics " that's dedicated to proving God's existence. i'm not sure what that field is called in other religions.

I also tend to agree with physicians when proving God's existence. Where the vast universe seemed to be governed according to invisible rules written by complex mathematics.

2006-10-23 03:22:27 · answer #7 · answered by bobby b 2 · 0 0

The existence of God cannot be proved not now or ever. That is why it is called "Faith".

Those who cannot understand why the unbeliever cannot believe or why those of us who are pagans beleive in many spiritual paths, fail to understand that none of it can be proved.

I freely admit my belief is paganism (Wicca ) is a choice and I understand the things I accept is like Christianity a matter of faith.

The difference is pagans believe all paths lead to Deity and thefore do not proselytize, but the Christians think there is only one and they need to proselytize.

2006-10-23 03:22:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well, someone had to right the laws of physics right? Whether there is a god or not is debatable. And getting into a dispute about it is pointless. Is there a God? Maybe. Can you prove it? Doubtful. But believing in God and God doesn't exist is better than not Believing in God and God does exist, wouldn't you agree? That's Pascal's wager.

2006-10-23 03:09:52 · answer #9 · answered by three6ty 4 · 2 1

Yes there is a God. How can I prove it. The country Israel. Cause one time there was no Israel, and it came back to being a country which God fortold in the bible that it would come back and stay a country forever.

2006-10-23 06:18:03 · answer #10 · answered by jrealitytv 6 · 0 0

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