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The inner area of vagina is swollen what is the best thing I can rub there other than drugs to soothe the pain.

2006-10-23 02:15:14 · 6 answers · asked by I love the Lord 1 in Health Women's Health

6 answers

Yogurt with active cultures, eat a lot of it every day! Stop the rubbing. Rubbing will cause more pain and swelling and open the skin to infection. Eat your yogurt!!!

2006-10-23 16:43:38 · answer #1 · answered by noonecanne 7 · 0 0


2016-09-08 16:36:22 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Yogurt is probably the best home remedy for a itchy yeast infection. I know this may sound gross but Garlic actually works to get rid of the yeast infection. Yes you would insert a small bulb of garlic wrapped up in gauze into your vagina. Your infection should be gone in about three days. You will smell a little garlicly but it works.

2006-10-23 07:50:19 · answer #3 · answered by shuga 2 · 0 0

Cure Yeast Infection Holistically : http://www.YeastCured.com

2015-05-24 07:40:18 · answer #4 · answered by Andrew 2 · 0 0

the best i can say is stay away from bubble bath, douches, vaginal sprays and powders. remember that a yeast infection means that the ph balance of that area is not balanced. therefore too much is being made (or not enough) . i would say got to doctor or get over counter medication, but not the 1 or 3 or 5 day stuff get the one with the longest period i think it is 7 days. a doctor told me that and ive always remembered.

2006-10-23 03:08:37 · answer #5 · answered by porsha226 4 · 0 0

Take a warm bath with a cup of white vinegar added. Make sure it gets inside as well as outside. Dont use soap just sit in it for about 20 mins.

2006-10-23 02:20:13 · answer #6 · answered by dragonrider707 6 · 0 0

Drink lots of cranberry juice, it helps.

2006-10-23 02:17:31 · answer #7 · answered by happytraveler 4 · 0 0

Okay ... it is time for me to add to the "gross" category of remedies that work and are good for you, but you guys out there might want to close your eyes and cover your ears. Or, if you are brave, share these remedies with a wife or friend who might be having the problem.

This home remedy is for vaginal yeast infections.

1. Go to the store and buy a small carton of "plain" yogurt -- doesn't matter whether it is name brand or store brand or is nonfat, lowfat or wholefat because you are NOT going to eat it. But make sure it is PLAIN with NO fruit, NO added sugar (milk sugar listed on the carton doesn't count of course), and NO flavoring in it of ANY type. You should make sure that whatever type yogurt you buy has "ACTIVE CULTURES" listed on its container.

2. While you're at the store pick up a box of tampons to go with the yogurt.

3. Pay for them. No one will look at you weird and no one will ask for any ID. ( this #3 is a humorous point only, so laugh .... but do pay!)

Now you're curious, aren't you?

But seriously now,

4. Go home and take one of the tampons and dip it into the yogurt and insert it into the vagina, allowing it to stay in place for at least an hour or so -- longer certainly won't hurt you. It is COOL and SOOTHING for one thing and will get some of the "good bacteria" right where it is needed the most since that is the main reason to use it -- to get the "GOOD" bacteria into where there is a build up of too much "bad" yeast type bacteria.

5. Continue this for once or twice a day for two or three days, or as long as needed, until the situation resolves itself.

6. Of course, REMEMBER TO KEEP THE CONTAINER OF "MEDICINAL" YOGURT SEPARATE FROM THE OTHER ONES IN YOUR FRIG THAT YOU MIGHT EAT (and of course throw out any leftovers). You can more than likely use homemade yogurts too.

I have tried this myself a couple of times in the past (even inserting one at night before I go to bed and leaving till the morning), and it has worked like a charm.

There is also a homeopathic product on the market that you can get over the counter, I forget the name of it but most drug stores carry it, but the yogurt seems to work well.

A friend shared this yeast infection remedy with me one time because she was having a recurring problem with it herself until someone shared it with her.

At first I was like "WHAT!" But if you get desperate you are willing to try "unconventional methods." Also I wanted to stay away from all the prescription stuff and use them only as a last resort. Fortunately, I never needed anything else after the yogurt!

Of course, REMEMBER that this information is for "educational" purposes only, and you should check with your Doctor for medical advice when seeking medical treatments.

I am not diagnosing anyone either! (I just "had" to add this little insert -- couldn't resist since I see this kind of "additional info" in ALL the "Alternative" health books I read.

Regularly daubing apple cider vinegar in the areas prone to this infection. Your can add some garlic to stop the itchy feeling; and water to dilute the vinegar concentration

· Curds or yogurt is regarded as one of the best home remedies. In fact, it is advisable to soak a tampon into curds and place it in the infected region for at least an hour. Basically, the healthy required bacteria from the curds will replace the unhealthy yeast bacteria. This could be repeated twice to thrice a day.

· Drink at least two glasses of buttermilk a-day, whether infected or not. In fact making curds a part of the daily diet in take reduces the probability of yeast infection.

· Mixture of olive leaf extract with grapefruit seed extraction a glass of water is a good curative tonic for this infection.

Give those panties an extra scrub. As a precaution, scrub the crotch of your panties with unscented detergent before dropping them into the wash, says Dr. Crandall. Avoid fabric softener, she adds, which irritates tender skin.

Or boil the fungus away. Still another laundry and underwear study reports you can boil your underpants or soak them in bleach for 24 hours prior to reuse to kill the candida. Wash with unscented soap before wearing.

Kill it with heat. Also, candida can die when panties are touched with a hot iron.

Sleep like Eve. yeast thrives in a warm, damp atmosphere, says Dr. Spence, so one of the best preventive measures you can take against this fungus is to keep your vaginal area ventilated—that is, cool and dry. Sleep naked or take your panties off underneath your nightgown when you go to bed and give your body 8 hours of unencumbered relief.

Wear loose clothing. During the day, avoid tight-fitting clothing or clothing made from fibers that don't allow good air circulation. Those include plastic, polyester, and leather fabrics, says Dr. Spence. Cut down on the layers of clothing you wear. Don't wear panties under panty hose under tight jeans. When you get home, peel off extra layers, such as panty hose, and let your body breathe. Wear skirts when you can.

Don't dust. Starch is the perfect medium for growing fungus cultures, says Dr. Spence. Since most after-bath powders have a starch base, you're encouraging an infection when you use a dusting powder. Keep powder out of your panties.

Use an over-the-counter vaginal medicine. There are some places you just can't scratch (at least in public) and this is one of them. While your prescription medicine works on eliminating the fungus, you can reduce the itch with an OTC such as Benadryl or Cortaid. Or dab an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream around the vulva and vaginal opening to lessen the itch. Just be sure you don't use these creams before seeing a doctor because they may cover up an infection and prevent a proper diagnosis.



Let Your Doctor Diagnose
Doctors often take a culture or examine vaginal discharge under a microscope because not all discharges are caused by relatively harmless yeast. Anything from a forgotten tampon to life-threatening pelvic inflammatory disease can cause similar symptoms: itching and an odd-smelling discharge.

Other causes include gardnerella vaginalis, a bacterial infection; trichomonas, a parasitic infection; and chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. So don't play doctor. Get a professional diagnosis.

Use a natural lubricant. Mineral oil, petroleum jelly, egg whites, and plain yogurt are dandy substances for lubrication during intercourse, says Dr. Crandall, because they aren't chemically irritating unless you are allergic to them. (Do not use petroleum jelly with condoms, because it will cause holes to form in the rubber.) Do not use baby oil, because it contains perfume, which can irritate.

Say no to chemical potions. A sure way to aggravate an already delicate situation is to add chemicals to your smoldering yeast infection. Avoid douches, contraceptive jellies, foams and sprays, yeast-killing tablets, and feminine deodorants, says Dr. Crandall.

Mix yourself a healing bath. One alternative to douching is the sitz bath. Fill a shallow tub (just to the hip) with warm water, then do one of the following.

Add salt (enough to make the water taste salty, about 1/2 cup) to match the body's natural saline state.
Add vinegar (1/2 cup) to help rebalance the vaginal pH to 4.5
Now, sit in the water, knees apart, until it gets cool. The bath will do the cleansing.

Put spermicides in their place. Spermicides are another chemical to keep out of your vagina, especially if you are prone to infections. If you plan to use a spermicide during intercourse, put the spermicide inside the reservoir tip of the condom, where it can do the work it was meant to do, says Dr. Crandall.

No scents is good sense. Choose plain, unscented personal products. Perfumes and deodorants on tampons and sanitary pads can irritate or trigger another episode of vaginitis.

Wash with water. Soap, shampoo, bath salts, and oils remove the natural oils that protect your skin and may leave an irritating residue. Wash your vaginal area with plain water and friction when you shower. A hand held shower head is perfect for directing the spray.

Make cotton queen. Choose cotton panties because they wick moisture away from your skin. Nylon will retain heat and moisture, which invites yeast to grow. If you prefer the feel of nylon against your skin, choose panties with a built-in cotton crotch. If your panties don't have a cotton crotch, a panty liner or mini-pad may be a good substitute.

Always wear panty hose with a cotton crotch, so air can pass through to cool and dry the vagina. And remember, you don't have to wear panties with panty hose! The fewer layers of clothing you wear, the more ventilation you get.

Use uncolored toilet paper. Dye is another chemical with chafing potential. Dr. Crandall suggests you avoid unnecessary irritation by using plain white, unscented toilet paper.

Keep germs in their place. Wipe from front to back after a bowel movement. Wash anything that comes in contact with the anus before touching the vagina.

Wash before intercourse. If you and your partner are both squeaky clean, there's less chance of transferring yeast germs into your vagina. Wash your hands and genitals before intercourse.

Rinse with water only. The vagina is naturally self-cleaning, but some women feel they need to douche. If you douche, Dr. Crandall recommends a gentle cool-water douche used on an infrequent basis because it is the least irritating thing you can use.

Do not douche during your period when your cervix is open; the upward flow might push infection into your uterus. Also, never douche during pregnancy unless your doctor recommends it.

Douche with vinegar. Vinegar has approximately the same acidity as the vagina, which is one reason a lukewarm vinegar and water mix (4 teaspoons vinegar to 1 pint of water) is sometimes suggested as a douching liquid. Some doctors suggest that a vagina with the correct pH balance is less likely to grow excess yeast.

Also, there are premixed vinegar-and-water solutions available for women who don't want to mix their own.

Avoid sex when you have vaginitis. Intercourse can further irritate the inflammation caused by a yeast infection. Also, yeast can spread to your partner who may reinfect you later, says Dr. Crandall.

Urinate before and after. Men and women should wash and urinate before and after sex to flush germs out of the urethra and avoid bladder infections, says Dr. Crandall.

Use a condom. An unribbed, unlubricated condom will be less irritating. It will also protect partners from passing yeast back and forth.

Keep your blood sugar under control. Yeast thrives on sugar, according to a study at Mount Sinai Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut. High sugar intake contributes to yeast infections. It provides food for yeast. People with diabetes, who are more prone to yeast infections, should monitor their blood sugars. Also, excessive lactose in dairy products and artificial sweeteners increase the likelihood of yeast infections.

Raise your resistance. A healthy person fights infection more easily than someone whose body isn't up to par. Boost your immunity by exercising regularly, eating properly, getting plenty of sleep, not smoking or using drugs, drinking in moderation, and using caffeine sparingly.

Choose natural fibers first. Use cotton tampons instead of synthetic fiber tampons. Superabsorbant tampons and those left in more than 12 hours will stop natural drainage and encourage bacterial growth. Another idea: Use pads at night and tampons during the day.

Happy Health!


2006-10-23 02:22:55 · answer #8 · answered by Alen 4 · 0 0

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