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Some people have recently been arguing for a general ban on the wearing of hijabs or burkas, on the grounds that they cover the wearer's face and this was unacceptable in western society.

(NOTE - I am talking about calls I have seen for a general ban here. Banning them from the classroom is a more specific issue, and I'm not talking about that here! I am also NOT talking about whether these items should be worn in a security-conscious location.)

Below are some examples of items of clothing that cover the face.

Do you think that any or all of these should be banned? If so, why? If you think one should be banned and not the others, why?

Example A:


Example B:


Example C:


2006-10-23 00:22:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Something I forgot to mention. Do not make any assumptions regarding the motives of people wearing these items of clothing. Do not assume that they have been coerced into wearing them, for instance.

2006-10-23 00:23:47 · update #1

Unfortunately, roo, it's not all about you!

2006-10-23 00:24:43 · update #2

Hmmmm, I wonder if anyone has read beyond the first line of my question yet?

2006-10-23 00:26:10 · update #3

I am going to give an automatic thumbs-down to anyone who does not appear to have read the question properly.

2006-10-23 00:28:42 · update #4

The reason I am posting this is because I got a poor response when I posted a similar question on Friday evening. I think most of you are missing the point of the question.

Rebecca W gives an interesting answer. At least she bothered to read the question. She thinks A should be banned, but not the other two. But she doesn't give a reason why it should only be A that is banned.

This isn't one of those questions where I just want you all to agree with me. It's more of a survey. And I'm interested as to why people think a hijab veil is wrong but a veil worn by a belly dancer, or a mask worn by a cyclist, is OK.

2006-10-23 00:37:24 · update #5

My_1, you say that the burka or hijab are religious issues. In a sense you are correct, if the person wearing them chooses to do so for religious reasons.

However, the true issue here is freedom of choice. Regardless of the reasons for wearing a garment covering the face, the important thing is that you are wearing it because you WANT to wear it. Religion may explain why someone wants to wear something, but in a secular legal framework that treats all religious positions with equal respect, the religious justification should be entirely unnecessary and irrelevant.

Someone who wears a mask for religious reasons should be given equal footing with someone who wishes to wear one for reasons of fashion, or simple expression of their individuality.

Whilst you may disagree with this on a personal level, our legal framework here is and should be 'religion neutral'.

In case you are confused about this, I am NOT saying that anything should be banned here, in fact quite the contrary.

2006-10-23 02:45:37 · update #6

drawings_online, I wouldn't have posted this question if I hadn't encountered a number of instances where people were discussing a blanket ban on veil wearing.

Numerous questions and answers on Y!A have sought to promote this position. On tv news the other night, they reported on a Belgian town (Antwerp, I believe) where they have banned the wearing of veils, period, and they were asking the question, should we consider doing this here?

The Daily Express recently showed a picture of a woman dressed in a burka, with the headline 'Ban It!'

So there is an issue at stake here that is broader than the issue of whether women should have to show their faces when they walk into a bank or a petrol filling station.

2006-10-23 04:51:28 · update #7

....and have you noticed, drawings_online, that someone has gone through these posts and given a thumbs-down to everyone who expressed disagreement with the idea of a total ban? Including yourself.....

2006-10-23 04:55:02 · update #8

18 answers

Hello again, lurkin. Iv studied the question and the pics you posted and have tried to see the point i think you are making, here is how i see it, working from bottom to top.

The sports masks have a purpose to them that may pretect the wearer from harmful gases, or if they should have an accident. They are also generally worn only during the sporting type activity the wearer is doing. And in most cases the wearer takes it off when entering a bank, office etc. So you cant ban this as it has a proper use and is not worn all the time anyway.
The belly dancer, has chosen to wear a thin veil to accompany her risque costume, in order that she can earn a living, doing what she chose to do, there fore we cant ban this because its entirely her choise to wear it occasionally.
Now, the full veil. Goerge Galloway told his listeners that the koran, does not ever mention woman having to wear a veil to hide them from other mens gaze. So why is it called a religous garment? It is not in the muslim bible, so cant be religous. Muslim men made there wives wear it, as they were scared other men would try and lure there ladies away. A might extreme do you not think. And these insecure men, then told us all it was worn as there religion states. Thats rubbish, it isnt mentioned in there religion. So we can assume muslim women are infact made to wear them, and probably believe they are a religous garment when we know they are not. as we are a civilized country, i think it is up to us to educate the muslim women and let them know there being had, because of there male ancestors being so possesive and barbaric, and there men today following suit. For this reason i would ban the full veil, because it is not being worn by choise, but by force.

Can i also say, that emotive questions such as this are bound to get a mixed response.You should comment on all, or no answers, not just ones you dont agree with.(i remember fridays post) Thankyou for your time. Mick

2006-10-23 12:04:02 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

Although I am not for a ban on these veils and they obviously are a major factor in a muslims religion, I feel that sometimes we forget in this country that we all have to live here.II think this nation needs to stop worrying about whether we are offending
some individual or their culture.I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain. However as Britons, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle and it seems that more and more we are having to question if this is right or make changes to everyday life to be politically correct. I dont understand why such a big deal is made out of this issue. Let the women wear what they want, however it shouldnt affect how we live our everyday lives - a picture on a driving licence is an ID, this should show your face. I sometimes feel in this country we go over the top, and rules get bent just so we appear to be fair and politically correct.

2006-10-23 00:46:44 · answer #2 · answered by Lottie 2 · 0 1

For years, motorcyclists have been instructed to remove helmets at petrol stations so they can be seen by CCTV. It's amazing that every biker I know doesn't have a problem with this at all. They understand the basic concept that it's for the good of the general public.

However, you've rhetorically answered your question, if there's no security, helath hazard or similar then there is no reason they shoud be banned, and as far as I can recall, no ones asking for that to be the case.

The area which I think they should be banned is when they infringe on a company policy, where a uniform is required. A christian or non religious person would be fired for not adhering to the dress code, and the same should apply to those who wear facial covers.

Bear in mind the flipside, do you think if a christian woman went into islam and swanned about in a miniskirt, that she would be tolerated? I know from personal experience that it is, and never will be tolerated. We are expected to respect they're rules and beliefs, which by and large we do, but they do not respect ours.
Do you think for a second that my girl would be able to attend school in islam and that they would allow her not to dress in the appropriate attire?

Would it be acceptable for me to walk round in a balaclava all day? I'm quite sure people would see me as threatening, despite just being my usual self.

As you state, the law should apply irrespective of religion, but how can that apply when religion is used to justify legal infractions.

2006-10-23 04:04:02 · answer #3 · answered by Steven N 4 · 2 1

In real sense, the burqa or hijab are religion related issues. And religions are based on the teachings from GOD sent through HIS messangers. GOD Almighty KNOWS better why has HE instructed the follower of that book to do such and such things. On these issues, an authentic or a person having full knowledge, in te light of their BOOK, should comment. But these days, it has become a fashion and every one has started commenting. And this action is just like spitting in/on the sky, which will result in return / come back to the face of the spitter. I think that is a show off that he / she also exists on the earth. One should be very very careful about religious issues.
Why NOT they talk about a proper dress code for ladies. Majority of dresses used in west or even in east are nothing except shame and disgrace to a woman ( a daughter, sister and a mother).
This trend will lead to nothing except destruction of cultural, society. moral values and misguiding of future generations. Insha Allah ~ Time will come when these so called intelectuals will fell sorry and shame to their ideas but then there will be no turning point.

2006-10-23 00:43:50 · answer #4 · answered by MY Regards to All 4 · 0 2

Cycle helmets & Hoodies have been banned so it's only right that all face coverings should be.
I understand that they are worn because of religious beliefs but under todays problems unfortunately we must put safety first.

2006-10-23 00:26:15 · answer #5 · answered by JEFF K 3 · 1 1

no, that would be impinging on the right of freedom of religious expression and no one has the right to tell someone what they can and cannot wear or you'd then have to tell people tp stop wearing mini skirts and crop tops.

And to put men into the debate, there not allowed to wear jeans and tshirts
sheesh, what a stupid fu**ing idea

2006-10-23 00:28:31 · answer #6 · answered by vinyl_mad 4 · 1 2

There are some really ugly people out there. Why do you think I'm wearing this helmet. It's much safer for everyone involved.

2006-10-23 00:24:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

This debate is now getting a bit boring and as far as I am concerned the veil is not a problem to me.
Those that argue against are just plain agitators it is like keeping the fire burning FORGET IT!!!!!!!.......

2006-10-23 00:30:29 · answer #8 · answered by Rod T 4 · 0 2

Here's a plan: How about if the rest of us who feel threatened go around wearing ski masks?

2006-10-23 00:25:28 · answer #9 · answered by shirleykins 7 · 0 2

Not a total ban. It should be a "case by case" basis.
Look at me, you think i should wear a mask?

2006-10-23 00:29:55 · answer #10 · answered by Darth Jhon 3 · 1 1

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