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My hips are in just terrible pain, my mucus plug is dislodged, and I have not been able to keep down more than a meal a day for about a week. I went to the ER because i couldn't feel my baby, keep down fluids, and my contrations were getting really strong (braxton hicks) so they monitored me for 3 hours and I was hopeing that my doctor would come and at least talk to me but he didn't, the nurse just gave me a shot of morphine for my pain (which didn't work). I just don't know what to do anymore, I walk 2 miles a day, and try to have sex a day but it hurts as well... I've been almost tempted on using Castor oil, I've looked up the risks and I know what happens, but I cant get my doctor to listen to me or see me, its more like he wants a pay check out of me and thats it.... Any suggestions? Please Help!

2006-10-22 17:05:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I am 36 wks and 4 days pregnant

2006-10-22 17:17:19 · update #1

please reply to me if you have real advice, please no one else who is going to antagonize what i am saying on here... I am not lying, i'm just a woman with her first child needing help

2006-10-22 18:08:57 · update #2

13 answers

hmm...honestly..if it were me...and this is just me...I would call a different OB...even tho its soo far into the pregnancy...and tell the RN...(usually the secretary) whats going on...and go see a diff. doc and maybe they will help ya know...I wouldnt go back to the ER and if I did it would be a different one..shot of morphine?? hmm sounds fishy to me sweetie...honestly..stop the 2 mile walk..or limit it to a brief walk...Please dont drink the castor oil..you dont want the pooh's while your delivering..nor do you wanna throw your brains up...sounds like you have enough problems as it is..so dont go causing anymore for yourself..and honestly that stuff doesnt work..on inducing labor..for the pain and stuff until you can call and talk to a diff. OB...I would pop two extra strength tylenol go crawl into bed...have somebody rube my feet, lay a cold rag on my head, drink plenty of water and lay on your left side( sometimes the baby is laying funny and laying on your left side makes him-her move...which may ease the back and hip pain)...as hard as this is to do ...relax..and honestly..I would soo call a diff. OB..good luck..sweetie

2006-10-22 17:12:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

sweetheart, i hate to sound pessimistic, but it gets worse. the pain in your hips are your hips actually shifting outward to create room for the baby to come down. The baby may be pushing on a nerve or something if you are in OMG awful pain- DONT use Castor oil... you may also want to stop walking and having sex. Do more low impact exercises like lying on hands and knees and slightly shifting your pelvice. Also, take a warm shower... Use a rice pack... and don't stay in one spot at a time. Still try to take liquids... if you're too nauseous though, ask your doctor if it would be ok to take dramanine. Also, as you get closer to the end of pregnancy due to your baby being so big and there is no room to move, and due to the fact that your baby is prbably getting into position and is now stuck, you probably won't feel it as much. Additionally, if you're busy doing other things- like throwing up, you will not notice the movements. Good luck!

2006-10-22 17:44:19 · answer #2 · answered by tiyona17 2 · 1 0

I'm surprised that they gave you morphine- that's can be dangerous for the baby. If you couldn't keep down fluids, did they start an IV to keep you hydrated while at the hospital? I started to miscarry my daughter so the doctor had them give me a shot that made me kinda drunk (it wasn't morphine) but it DID stop the contractions. They watched me for about 3 hours at the time also. Is this your first one? I'm hoping for you that you are okay and baby is too. Will keep you in my prayers.

Also get a new doctor quickly- you need one that will listen to you. Hopefully you don't have the one I had when I finally delivered my daughter. Praying for you.

2006-10-22 17:15:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Number ONE, I seems like you must be near term. I know it is hard to do at this point but get another dr. Do you really want this man delivering your child when he is so non chalont about everything else? I had to make a switch when I was preg with my 1st child and I was so glad I did.
It sounds liek something isn't right, you shouldn't be in that much pain - or atleast I don't think....and you need a dr that is willing to listen and examine your concerns....and morphine while you are pregnant, I dunno that sounds assanine to me!
I dunno how you feel about it but orgasms are really what get things rockin - not just the sex if you can't do it with just hubby invest in a helper if you know what I mean....nipple stimulation, hrs and hrs of it, it is very tedious but works. Also massage your heals for hrs. I know it sounds crazy but it works. It somehow releases the chemicals and hormones needed. Also rasberry leaf tea.
My biggest suggestion get to a new OB ASAP, and tell him of the probs and what happened at the hossy with the morphine and that it didn't work and tell him you want to be induced, you cannot handle the pain any longer. I am not sure what the prob is, but if the pain is that bad it could be dangerous!
Please get to a diff dr asap. I will be praying for you and the baby and congrats!

2006-10-22 17:14:50 · answer #4 · answered by Amber 4 · 2 0

Sara...It sounds like u will be having your bundle of joy very soon indeed. I got really sick of being pregnant with my 2nd baby so while at my bestfriend wedding I had 2 dances and my waters broke there and then...lol. I have heard the castor oil thing works quite well but i am unsure of dosages....As for your Dr!! when u have your next baby dont go back to him! It may be worth a letter to the medical board about his lack of care to u. Many many best wishes to u :)

2006-10-22 17:13:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There is a horrifying hadith of Prophet(pbuh) I have no idea the specific phrases however the hadith is that If a Muslim see an oppression and makes a decision to not do whatever approximately it, does not condemn the acts of the oppressor by means of his center or by means of his speech have the bottom stage of Emaan.

2016-09-01 01:12:42 · answer #6 · answered by bachinski 4 · 0 0

how far are you along? Try soaking in a warm tub. That will help with some of the aches. Otherwise, you just have to hang in there - it will be over and you will forget the pain when you have your little bundle.

2006-10-22 17:10:34 · answer #7 · answered by different drumm 2 · 2 0

Just sit back & relax or at least try 2 don't worry your baby is fine if he wasn't they would of kept u there at the hospital.Good Luck

2006-10-22 17:09:44 · answer #8 · answered by sugarbdp1 6 · 1 1

Get a new doctor asap

2006-10-22 17:21:15 · answer #9 · answered by Ms. Plummer 5 · 1 0

how far along are you? if your dr wont see you, i would see about trying to see someone else. my dr saw me every time i needed him to. and i know it hurts, but the best thing to do is wait. the baby will come when he/she's ready.

2006-10-22 17:11:44 · answer #10 · answered by aprilrena_83 2 · 3 0

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