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Honestly, I have NO pain tolerance...god just didnt bless me with that I guess...but do Epidural's really work?? If so then...what do they make you feel like(like numbness, still pain but not bad..etc) Dont be rude..cuz it really upsets me PLEASE...thanks in advance

2006-10-22 17:00:26 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

27 answers

First, don't apologize for wanting less pain in childbirth. I don't get why people feel like you need to "experience" the ripping pain of birth, but if you have a toothache, the first thing you do is reach for a tylenol.

Yes, epidurals work almost all the time. If you have no pain tolerance, I would HIGHLY recommend it. You should know, though, that if you go into labor, but you aren't dilated to a certain amount (I'm wanting to say 4 cm), they won't give it to you yet (it can slow down the birth process a teeny bit, they want you really in the groove before drugging you up).

I was terrified of the epidural itself, because, you know, it's a procedure. In my mind, the best way to do it would have been to give me some nitrous oxide so my mind wouldn't freak out at what they were doing to my body, then to rub a local anesthetic on the skin where the epidural would happen, then use a small injection of medicine to numb the entire area, THEN give me the epidural. :-) The nurse just laughed when I told her that. I think she may have thought I was either kidding or insane.

Anyway, you'll have to sit forward and be very still, and they'll insert the needle (DON'T LOOK AT IT!!!!) There's usually the anesthesiologist and at least one nurse, and that was the part of labor and delivery I nearly broke someone's hand, but the nurses were really nice, and the guy really knew what he was doing.

Mine wasn't a steady drip, it was an injection into the line. With my first baby, I think I had two of the injections (one shortly before I began to push, which they don't usually want to do).

I didn't feel the labor pains and contractions at all (oh yeah, I meant to tell you, by the time you get an epidural, if you've gone through even a few labor pains, any discomfort you have while you're getting the epidural becomes obsolete when compared to the pain you'd otherwise be feeling). With my second baby, I recall telling my mom something was hurting, and she teased me about how I have no pain tolerance. Then the nurse checked me, and HERE COMES COLIN! I think I could have had that kid with the amount of pain one might feel over a bowel movement had the nurse not gotten there to set me up for pushing.

You'll feel pressure, but the pain will have subsided enough to make it so it's relatively easy for you. As the baby moves down the birth canal, however, the pains will pick back up again, but those are short-lived, since that's towards the very end.

A few things to keep in mind:

After you get an epidural, you will not be able to leave the bed or move around much on the bed

OCCASIONALLY (but not often, by any means) an epidural can not work or can cause a problem to the nervous system or spine. If you get a really bad headache, tell your nurse immediately.

Having an epidural can make it a little more difficult to push. Basically, if left to its own devices, your body knows when to push, and how to push (you push using a different bunch of muscles than I thought I would), but since you're numbing yourself to the pain and pressure that lets you know what to do, it can lengthen the time you push, or make it to where you really have to concentrate to do it correctly. This was not enough of a deterrant to make me think it would be a good idea to go drug-free.

I was numb for a while, and one leg stayed numb longer than the other, which can be pretty normal. The numbness and tingling can last for up to a few days.

I think you'll be just fine. We're women. Believe it or not, even for those of us with no pain tolerance, we were made for this purpose, and our bodies are able to cope with it, even if our minds have a hard time seeing HOW. :-)

Congratulations and good luck!

2006-10-22 17:26:37 · answer #1 · answered by CrazyChick 7 · 0 0

I'd have to say it's a 50 - 50 thing. I've had three kids the first two epidurals worked the last one worked temporarily, it bailed on me when i needed it the most...from 9 centimeters on! If it does work, the actual act of receiving an epidural hurts really bad, I'm not going to lie to you. It's a 9 centimeter long needle that is injected into your spine, it kills. I've got a pretty high pain tolerance and it does hurt. Considering however the pain you're all ready in during labor....it's far better than it's alternative. Numbness pretty much sums it up complete loss of feeling from the waste down. The only thing I found hard with the epidural was the pushing. It's very hard to push when you can't feel which muscles you're forcing during labor. Usually an epidural can last anywhere between 5-12 hrs , and the after effects normally where off 2 hrs after you start to regain feeling.

Please for your own sack have a back up plan. My Sister in law was in labor, and in advanced so quickly that by the time she got to the hospital she wasn't able to get an epidural most hospitals will not administer an epidural after you have reached 8 centimeters. Try to discuss with your doctor in advance what your partner or nurses can do to help your pain in this situation. A nurse really helped me out With my last child. Hot compresses to the lower back during contractions ! It was like a god sent!

Good luck !

2006-10-22 17:16:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have had 3 children..the first, they did not get the epidural done in time..this was in the 80's and things have changed alot since then..so yes, I felt every horrible pain but I was young and in shape so luckily the labor only lasted 14 hrs:)) the second, was my New Years Day boy born in 2000, I got the epidural at 3 centimeters(I was in tears by then because I DONT have a high pain tolerance) and I went through 17 hrs of labor quite comfortably..it feels like very little pressure in your bottom, sort of like a bowel movement...and my 3rd, who is 4 now..that was my horror delivery, I went through a plancental abrubtion, and TWO epidurals because the first one was not administered correctly and it numbed my right leg...they did it once again and lets just say it was bearable...no matter the pain, what you are blessed with after makes you able to do it all over again. Nowadays I think they can give epidurals as close to an hr or so away from birth..hopefully, you are one of the lucky ones and have a speedy childbirth..congratulations and I wish you the most joy with your new child.

2006-10-22 17:09:07 · answer #3 · answered by crimson_ghost03 2 · 0 0

I was going to attempt natural, but kept the option of epidural open. I had 17 hours of labor and after Pitocin there was no way in hell I wasn't taking the epidural. It REALLY works. God bless whoever discovered/invented the epidural. To me labor was great after that. I could have been in labor for a week with an epidural and have been totally fine. I could not feel when or where I was pushing and could not feel my legs. Only thing I would have done differently was asked for it earlier. It made the experience much more pleasant as well because with the labor pain I had a hard time focusing on anything. My son was also facing wrong and I had what they call "back labor" as well. I don't remember any pain when they administered it...all I know is I was so greatful, I could have named our son after him LOL!
Best wishes to you and baby!!! Everything will be fine.

2006-10-22 17:14:56 · answer #4 · answered by brat789456 4 · 0 0

Epidurals are WONDERFUL. I felt NO pain while I had mine. You dont feel anything. But if you try to move your legs or something, you just cant. And getting the epidural doesnt hurt either. I didnt even know they had put it in, except my leg twitched, which is normal. My epidural wore off before I had my baby, cuz I was in labor for 38 hours, and the only doc that could give epidurals was gone at the time. So I went thru the worst part of my labor without it, but while it was working, it allowed me to get some rest for when I had to do the real work. I felt NO pain with the epidural. You are paralyzed from the waist down.

2006-10-22 17:05:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes it works wonders..trust! I have had 2 kids and had the epidural with both. My first was 5 yrs ago and when they gave me the epidural they only dispense half of it to you for the medical reasons. But, I felt the pain like crazy! OUCH!!! With my recent *1 yr ago* I had a FULL epidural. It does not hurt like people say it does. If u do not look at the needle like I do cause I cant stand the sight of pain myself, then u will be ok. The nurse hold you tightly against her chest to make it comfortable and as pleasant as possible for you. Once they stick u, u will start to feel a cooling senation through your back like someone is blowing really cold wind on you and about 1 minute later ALL of the pain will be gone..u will not feel any contractions and u will be 100% numb. I couldnt even lift my bottom when I was ready to push because I couldnt feel my body from the waist down at all.I could not feel my baby coming out at all and he was a 9 lb boy.. Its lovely trust me..Highly recommended and very safe! Good Luck!

2006-10-22 18:02:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had my daughter 14 years ago.I remember having an Epidural but it wasn't strong enough so all I did was ask the doctor for more. The WORST pain I felt was the hemmroids from the pushing so have Preperation H ready. People are so cruel I was so scared of childbirth & people would say You'll never be able to take the pain which made it worse.I was 88 lbs before getting pregnant went up to 140 & had a 8'10 baby & I really don't remember the pain I have a video & it doesn't seem like I was in pain. Good luck & when the babys born e mail me & let me know

2006-10-22 17:08:00 · answer #7 · answered by gitsliveon24 5 · 0 0

Epidurals are the one man-made invention I praise every day. lol It worked great with my son. I had a really hard labor and they gave me that. It feels like ice running down your back. A very cool feeling. Didn't hurt going in. It numbed me but not enough so I couldn't push. Sometimes it does that though. Talk with your doctor about your concerns. Congrats on haing a baby. It is THE most rewarding thing in the world. I'm not sure what I would do without my 4 year old son. By the way I was 18 when I had him, so I was really freaked out too. Good luck

2006-10-22 17:04:58 · answer #8 · answered by cia939 2 · 0 0

Hey hun -

In my case, I tried to have my baby naturally but I was stuck at 7 and would not progress farther, and could not handle the intensified contractions after having Pitosin. In my experience, I can't even remember my epidural hurting because it was given during a contraction. It took about 4 minutes to take affect. It made me pretty sleepy but I didn't feel a thing when I was pushing my baby out! I highly reccommend the epidural!

Also, my cousin has zero pain tolerance as well and she had an epidural and too said she couldn't feel it because of the contraction.

2006-10-22 17:15:47 · answer #9 · answered by McComasMama 2 · 0 0

Mine worked really well. I was totally numb from the waist down. I couldn't even feel that I was having contractions. I ended up having a C-section, but I didn't feel that at all either. And I am just like you... no tolerance for pain. I was scared to death of having an epidural, and it did hurt a little when they put it in, but it was so worth it.

2006-10-22 17:03:18 · answer #10 · answered by Stephanie73 6 · 0 0

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