Well, I suppouse it could go either way. . .your period is coming, or you are preg. The discharge is consistant with pregnancy, as is all your other symptoms. In my opinion, from my experience, it is NOT too soon to feel pregnancy symptoms; I felt symptoms right away. If conception was 7-14 days ago, you can FOR SURE be feeling symptoms. If you had sex within the past like 4 days or so, I would lean more toward it being your period. SO I guess I'm saying that it's not too soon to have preg. symptoms becuase odds are by now you would be about two weeks preg., if you are in fact preg.
2006-10-22 15:41:21
answer #1
answered by misskenjr 5
The tender breasts can very well be a sign. I got that with my 3rd baby and the test still came out neg even though I had sore breasts. Of course it finally came out positive a few days later. But as for the frequent urination, that usually comes later. I am 17 weeks along right now with my 4th and I didnt get that until I was about 8 weeks along. The discharge is also a maybe, but that can be deceiving too.
2006-10-22 15:41:12
answer #2
answered by Blondi 6
It is WAY too soon to tell. The symptoms you describe don't usually manifest until you're 2-3 months pregnant anyway. Discharge is NOT a sign of pregnancy. The frequent urination doesn't usually happen until the 3rd trimester. Sounds like you are getting ready to start your period. Do you WANT to be pregrant? It may well be psychosomatic. You doc will tell you tomorrow. Good luck!
2006-10-22 15:41:39
answer #3
answered by mustangsally76 7
If it was me, I would wait a week and if I still hadn't had a period, I would go get a pregnancy test.
As far as when you start feeling signs of pregnancy, that varies by each person. My mother claims she knew she was pregnant before she had even missed a period. For me, I had a pregnancy test that showed positive, and I didn't feel any different at all.
2006-10-22 15:43:23
answer #4
answered by star22 3
Thats EXACTLY what happend to me.. but just wait a day or two and take a test. If no period in a week go see a doc for a blood test or to find out why youre late. Good Luck!
2006-10-22 16:00:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I knew that I was pregnancy when I was only 14 days! with both my children. I never waited until I missed my period. I just woke up one morning thinking that I was pregnant and sure enough the little stick turned a blank spot into a + sign. You can be or your period might be late...only one way to tell!
2006-10-22 15:43:38
answer #6
answered by anna 2
in case you like marie osmond that lots to electrify your non secular association...particular EDIT: curiously Micheal is retarded. If we base each little thing off of cartoons....we'd have an exciting international a million. we'd all have yellow epidermis, and over the direction of 20 years basically age 3 years 2. as quickly as we get offended, we'd enhance muscle groups and turn eco-friendly 3. while our companion and teenagers have been in threat, we'd be waiting to shoot spiderwebs from our wrists. 4. we'd stay in area, have robots and one eye'd buddies 5. Gravity does no longer have any result till we observed it.
2016-10-16 07:01:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well it doesn't take more than a day to know you're late. If you are always normal and you don't the monthly, chances are you could be pregnant. With all three of mine, the day I didn't start, I knew. It depends on your body. If you haven't started by morning, go buy a test.
2006-10-22 15:43:02
answer #8
answered by Beth 5
Gee, it takes longer than 1 day to know if u r on the boat or missed it. Give it a few days, it may swing back around to pick u up.
Why is this question listed in Education primary-2???
2006-10-22 15:40:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It could be that your period is just a day or two late. It happens. If you don't have it in a week then take a test.
2006-10-22 15:38:31
answer #10
answered by therego2 5