Vampirism is a real mental disorder. The afflicted believe they muist drink blood to survive. The Most notable cases being Vlad Dracul The Second and Hungarian noble woman Elizabeth Bathory. Bathory believed she must kill younger girls to maintain her appearance.
Other events of the time such as plagues helped spread the myth. Most notably Typhoid. Typhoid victims often developed pale almost white looking skin and sores around their neck that looked like bite wounds and in many cases they went into a coma mistaken for dead.
Dead people were not often immediately buried due to the vast numbers and a comatose person mistaken for dead sometimes did wake up and walk around as if healthy again. Vampires as you see them in movies however are purely the work of fiction.
2006-10-22 15:36:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, Vampires really do exist! Just not the kind you would read in the Ann Rice books. The ones that exist are called Psychic Vampires, they feed off of other peoples life energies. And they can physically make someone ill by doing so. When you have been attatcked by a Psychic Vampire you will feel tired and have no energy. There are also the people who do drink blood and they only drink blood of selected donors. These types of Vampires are more underground. But they really do exist. They do not burn in the sunlight, but they do prefer the night rather than the day. Believe it or not!!! Look on the computer and do research.
Blessed Be!
2006-10-23 18:20:05
answer #2
answered by sandraanderson2003 2
There are many un-truths about so to speak lady was called a vampire but the true story of this women is that she was in fact evil and a murder.............
The first link will tell you all about Elizabeth Bathory...........the real story of what her life was about.........then the second link will tell you the hype of what has been passed down.........As a Christian I know that there are no vampires other than vampire bats.........You can always find someone who will tell you whatever you may want to hear..........
God Bless
2006-10-22 23:39:23
answer #3
answered by ChristianNanny 3
'course they don't. There is no such thing as an undead. While there are creatures that subsist on blood (from leeches to bats), there is no such requirements for human beings, and no disorder will change that... actually, drinking blood is no help with disorders that mess up yours, because it will be digested into component elements and you won't be able to use those anyway.
There may be sickos that love to see blood flow, or crave after drinking it, but they are no more vampires than I am a werewolf, even though I am hairy, tend to be excited on nights of the full moon, and am allergic to silver.
2006-10-22 21:25:31
answer #4
answered by Svartalf 6
Fiction, in the myth sense. In real life, there are psychos who drink blood and think they're vampires.
2006-10-23 00:46:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It depends on what you consider vampires to be. There are several variations that Hollywood has spit out and it all depends on what you believe. If one were to say that they don't exist might be construed as someone who is ignorant whereas someone else might think that that person is crazy.
Society has put a spin on reality, in that if you can't see it, touch it, smell, taste or hear it, then it doesn't exist.
Follow your own intuition and it won't lead you astray!
2006-10-23 01:20:32
answer #6
answered by princessslave 2
yes. vampires do really exist. check out or
if you are interested in this topic. ;) people always say they dont but they do they are just not like you would read in fiction!!
2006-10-22 23:32:08
answer #7
answered by Rosalie 1
Fact. They do exist. There are two basic types of vampires, the traditional sanguinous (blood drinking) and those that feed on psychic energy, called appropriately enough Psyhcic Vampires. While my experience with the sanguinous type is limited (I hvae only met a very few that were TRUE vampires), the psychic variety are more common.
The few blood drinkers that I have met were far different than the hollywood variety that most people expect. They did possess somewhat greater than normal strength and speed and did posses a certain force of personality that was very difficult to reisit, the similarities ended there. Their need to drink blood was also somewhat different than usually depicted, requireing only small quantities to sustain them, but wre still able to consume normal food as well, although certain scents are far to overpowering for them, like onions, garlic an drelated things. the few I have met could only verify a life of just over a century, although they did possess knowledge and information that seemed to indicate their being older and their appearance was that of msonoe in their early thirties. The blood drinkning varieties can only come into being by being born to it, or being turned into one by another. The are not immortal in the ususal sense. Besides their increased strength, speed and resiliesnce they also had an immunity to disease, toxins, chemicals and drugs. They could be killed by normally fatal means. They were not affected by religious symbols and silver meant nothing to them.
As to the psychic variety, I have met a considerable number of them over the years. In fact my first martial arts instructor was one, although he never used the term nor described himself as such. Even though he looked to be about 40 it was obvious from is skill, knowledge power that he was far older, although he said little about his past in terms of how long ago things happened. He explains his ability as the draining off of "Ki" (chi, qi) essential life energy present in all humans. by drawing off this energy he explained that a person could extend their life, also that the person that the energy was being taken from would lose part of their life span in the process. The kind of imprtality possesed by Psychic vamipres is not true immortality in the sens that we are used to hearing about. What they have is an indefinate life span as long as they ahve a supply of energy to feed off of, their aging process is almost completely stopped, they are stronger, faster and more resilient that the normal person, they are immune to diseases, toxins, and most chemicals and drugs. While they do heal faster than normal, they can still be killed by a normally fatal injury. They are not affected by religious symbols and silver doesn't do anything to them.
Psychic vampires are born to it, but one can become one by an act of will as well by learning to drain off thie energy and thus extending one's own life. Eventually the person becomes so accustomed to this energy that they no longer need to eat in the conventional sense, and normal food will actually cause them to become overweight unusually quickly.
Neither variety has the problem with sunlight that is protrayed in the movies, although they usually are more sensitive to it than the average person and do tend to have unusual sensitivity to light in the eyes.
If one wanted to become a vampire, the psychic variety is the way to go, as it is the most accessible skill to developing, also the safest, for obvious reasons.
There is also a theory that ALL vampires are psychic and that the blood is just a symbolic means of drawing that energy in physically, but it is really unnecessary. I haven't seen anything that was conclusive one way or the other.
2006-10-23 04:21:54
answer #8
answered by kveldulfgondlir 5
Vampires exist today in the form of confused adolescents who think that dressing in all black and claiming that they drink blood will suddenly make them cool, respected, and feared by all the cheerleaders who didn't go out with them in high school.
2006-10-22 21:43:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but i don't know if in the way your asking.There are groups that claim to be this day and age....that's pretty risky But, hey guess it's there thing.
2006-10-22 21:27:44
answer #10
answered by ? 6