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i know that a womans diet changes during pregnancy due to the fact that she has a baby to nourish, im only a few weeks pregnant, but what are some healthy foods to eat? what certain food have more vitamins and what to stay out of. im not going to ask my doctor he'll probably give me some chart to follow my calories and fat intakes and what not, i want a healthy way

2006-10-22 12:52:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

13 answers

First out congrats on the news....
I have done a lot of research on this because my hubby and i are trying to conceive. I will run everything down for you....

Whole wheat bread and pasta, Oatmeal & Brown rice
6-11 servings daily; serving = 1 slice or 1/2 cup

The more color, the better
2-4 servings daily; serving = 1/2 cup, medium piece, 1 slice melon

3-5 servings daily; serving = 1 cup raw, 1/2 cup cooked

Lowfat you and frozen yougurt & part-skim mozza cheese
3-5 servings daily; serving = 1 cup, 1 ounce
*avoid any soft and aged cheeses*

Eggs, lean tenderloin, skinless boneless chicken breasts, chic peas & flounder.
6-8 ounces per day

you can go to www.cfsan.fda.gov to read up the the fish and the intake during pregnancy.

And of course drink 6-10 glasses of water a day and try to avoid as best as possible soda n juice containing a lot of sugar

You only really need to add about 500 extra caleries a day to your diet

Best of luck in the months....and years to come

2006-10-22 13:00:19 · answer #1 · answered by bebegurl 2 · 0 0

Try to vary your diet as much as possible, especially if you aren't morning sick yet! A good book is "What to Eat When You're Expecting". It has recipes and all sorts of stuff.
I personally was pretty sick after about eight weeks, and I had a hard time with some foods. I tried to eat a lot of calcium rich foods, and foods with omega three fatty acids for the baby's brain development. Low-mercury fish (like salmon) once a week is good for that, if you can handle it.
Don't worry if you end up not meeting your nutritional needs exactly in the beginning. Take a good presciption prenatal and follow what your body is telling you. I couldn't stomach anything green during those months, even though I tried! So the prenatal becomes pretty important, and it will give your baby what you personally can't at the moment.
Also try to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water!

2006-10-22 13:01:49 · answer #2 · answered by kath_08012 3 · 0 0

just stay away from shellfish and tuna because it has so much mercury in it...If you are really into fish do a google or yahoo search to see which fish have the least amounts of mercury. Other than that just stick with veggies, chicken, fruits, wholegrains, if you maintain a healthy diet and do excersises that are okay for pregnant women, water aerobics, yoga, walking etc. you will reduce the amount of weight you gain and have to loose after your pregnancy you will also be in great shape when it comes time to push the baby out which will definitely give you an advantage...Good Luck!

2006-10-22 13:03:27 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

just eat generally healthy foods. don't over eat too much because thats the main problem with 1st time mothers. they overeat when you only need to eat around 600-900 calories more a day for your baby. some 1st parents think "oh im eating for a football star" so they overeat, gain lots of weight, which is hard to lose in the future. just eat lots of veggies, proteins, and maybe talk to your doctor. Don't snack too much on the cheetos

2006-10-22 12:56:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i try to eat anything and everything...however, that's not always possible because it seems that my body does not accept anything and everything.but it seems to like milk, egg, veggies and bread a lot and i can eat a lot of these without any problem. when your body craves for something, just go for it. that's what i do.and of course, drink a lot of water. you really need them. so even when my list of food has been 'limited', that's where my folic acids pills come in to compensate for the loss of other food that i can't keep down my throat.
good luck.
and congratulations on your pregnancy.

2006-10-22 14:10:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Eat the food you crave!! Your body is not yours, for now. It is a baby hotel. You are craving certain foods for a reason.Drink lots of milk and folic acids. That's what I did.

2006-10-22 12:58:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My doctor gave me a very specific list of what was best to eat and what to avoid. I really don't understand why you don't consider the doctor's (he who's job it is to deliver healthy babies) advice worthwhile.

2006-10-22 12:57:38 · answer #7 · answered by Cracea 3 · 0 0

Just eat a well balenced, healty diet. Oh and make sure to take your prenatals. You will be fine. Congrats!

2006-10-22 12:59:22 · answer #8 · answered by cleverness_444 3 · 0 0

green vegetables, dry buscuits, red meat and cabbage (have alot of iron), dairy products. if u have eggs make sure they are cooked properly not runny as well as fish as this contain salmonella (i thikn thats what its called) anyway they can make u and baby sick if not cooked properly.
try not to eat to much fatty foods either.

2006-10-22 13:07:55 · answer #9 · answered by Krissy 4 · 0 0

No seafood. It could contain mercury and give your child the chance of having cancer. You don't want that now do you? :P

2006-10-22 13:00:25 · answer #10 · answered by :) 3 · 0 0

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