I just look at my husband and I get pregnant =)... Lets see the first one first try second one 4th try, third one 2nd try and fourth one 8 th try..... And we had sex every other day...
2006-10-22 13:07:06
answer #1
answered by Alexis221 4
It took me a year to get pregnant..it was planned though
My second pregnancy which ended in miscarriage was not plan and i got pregnant on my period.
I hadn't been on birth control in 7 years and finally yea we slipped up and got pregnant but i miscarried. We used the pull out method and sometimes condoms.
I am a 27 year old married woman with a 5 year old son and i wonder why i haven't gotten pregnant yet either. Maybe we can't or maybe it just isn't meant to be.
2006-10-22 13:09:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The first time 2 months.
The second time 12 years.
2006-10-22 13:05:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
4 months
2006-10-22 12:53:23
answer #4
answered by lv23smurf 3
6 months
2006-10-22 12:54:05
answer #5
answered by ? 6
We tried for about seven months. The last month, when I was trying to write a thesis, move out of a condo and into a house, and generally not thinking about making a baby every single second.....that's when it happened. Go figure!
2006-10-22 13:05:23
answer #6
answered by kath_08012 3
Well, I got pregnant while I was on birth control and using condoms every time...How long did that take, using both of them? I think around 2 months. Our baby girl was a miracle baby!
2006-10-22 13:08:44
answer #7
answered by cleverness_444 3
I was on the Pill, we decided to start trying after my next period. I didn't take that Sunday's Pill, which would have been the first Pill of the month, and I got pregnant Monday. Two days after my period. The first real "try".
2006-10-22 13:03:55
answer #8
answered by Cracea 3
I'm not a woman, therefore I'm no expert on the subject. If the recollection of my educational history is correct, it only took, every woman who has had this pleasure and honor, seconds to become that way.
2006-10-22 13:00:46
answer #9
answered by Dionsays 2
How long did it take me to get pregnant? About 2 minutes, although my husband says it took him longer than that! lol....actually I'm a "Fertile Myrtle", and some women just aren't.
2006-10-22 12:54:22
answer #10
answered by cowboys21angel 4