well, the stuff is giving him gas, hence the grasping and grunting.you should be able to give him simethicone drops for that. as far as the vomiting, he probably just has a weak sphincter in his stomach (the grouping of muscles that close around the opening of his stomach to preven food from coming back up.). it may even be gastroesophogeal reflux, which in your son's case, isn't that big a deal. you may have to have him sleep propped up for a while, to help the food stay down. is he still small enough to sit in a carrier seat? if so, then have him sleep in that for a while. if this continues then by all means talk to his doctor, but if he is otherwise healthy, growing and gaining weight then don't worry. it's an annoyance more than a danger.
2006-10-22 08:57:33
answer #1
answered by Donna L 3
Advice: relactate
Maybe the baby will be able to tolerate species specific milk better.
Breastmilk is also a natural laxative.
It sounds like he might have reflux. Start by making sure you are burping him well after a feeding. When you lay him down, don't lay him flat. Lay him with his head elevated. Since you can't use a pillow, elevate one end of the crib by putting a rolled up blanket under the mattress. Or put him into a swing, bouncy seat, car seat, etc. where he is in a reclining position.
2006-10-22 16:28:08
answer #2
answered by momma2mingbu 7
We had similar probs w/ our son. He probably has colic and you may want to get him checked for GERD or acid reflux too. Sounds like the formula may be making him constipated....but I am no doc. My son only slept for 2-4 hrs a day until we got him on meds....I know how tough this can be! Keep your head up and if your doc doesn't listen to you and your concerns....find a new one that will! Best of luck! We also didn't get tested for acid reflux....its uncomfortable for the baby and costs much moola! We decided to put him on the meds and If we saw no change then we would go from there...our doc was wonderful.
2006-10-22 16:03:51
answer #3
answered by Princess T 2
My babies had the same thing. We tried Similac Alimentum and they got better but still had problems. We had to switch to Enfamil Nutramigen because they had a soy allergy and Alimentum contains Soy. Once we switched they were like new babies. My babies also vomited all they time. They continued to do this even after the formula switch. The doctor told us to give it time. By the time they were 8 months the vomiting was gone and they now spit up maybe once a day at 9 months.
2006-10-23 12:12:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
hope this helps:
try feeding him with bottles AVENT*(brand)0-3 months nipples those are very similar to the breast. I had that same problem with my first child, but with the second one I used those bottles an it helped.their stomach is so small that it can't stand big amounts of milk at a time. or if you can't afford buying those bottles, try feeding him with small amounts of milk at a time. I really really hope this helps!!!
2006-10-22 17:54:35
answer #5
answered by Iram 2
I had the exact same prob with my son. He was lactose intolerant. We changed his formula to Lacto-Free and after the first bottle he didn't throw up. Our doc didn't seem to be too worried about it either. A friend of mine who is a peds nurse suggested this. I hope it works....
2006-10-22 22:20:58
answer #6
answered by steph h 1
He probably has acid reflux. Have the doctor test him and then give you medicine and he should be fine. He basiclly is having heartburn. Imagine doing this and being fed ugly formula . Once you give him the medicine you should be able to give him regular formula. It happened to my baby.
2006-10-22 15:59:43
answer #7
answered by Linda 2
could be acid reflux and or gas. try to elvate one end of his bed put a pillow under the mattress that might help if is is acid get some baby gas drops and put it in his bottle or get some gripe water
2006-10-22 16:08:41
answer #8
answered by Big Daddy R 7
that poor baby.he may have acid reflux.if you are burping him really good and he is still vomiting.he may also be constipated,his milk may need to be changed.if it is colic all you can really do is try to comfort him and good luck with that.
2006-10-22 16:27:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
if your current doctor is not giving you answers to your problems then you need to seek the services of another doctor.
2006-10-25 05:39:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous