I know EXACTLY what you are going through. I am only 14, and my period was absent for seven months. I am still a virgin, of course, and that is what scared me-I knew I couldn't have been pregnant. I had a bunch of blood tests done, and everything was normal. Then, I visited my gyno, and they started me on progesterone pills. Still nothing. Finally, they began giving me birth control pills to stimulate periods. It was a really awkward experience for me, but I encourage you to talk to your mom about it. Believe me, she can be the most helpful person in a situation like this. I really hope everything turns out okay for you!
2006-10-22 08:36:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You definately need to take a home test. You can get them fairly cheap at a store like Wal-Mart. Use it the first time you urinate in the morning. If you have a negative result, tell your mom that you want to go to the doctor because your period is irregular. She'll probably be suspicious, and might ask if you are sexually active, just be honest with her, because the doctor's going to ask the same question. There is no point in lying. It is possible that at your age your body's hormones aren't able to keep you regular all the time. When I was your age I once missed my period for 6 months, and I wasn't sexually active. You should have a period at least every 3 months if you aren't pregnant, so it might be necessary to take medication to start your cycle up. Even if the doctor were to put you on birth control to regulate your cycle, don't rely on it alone to keep you from getting pregnant. Always use condoms, they protect against so much more than pregnancy. Good luck.
2006-10-22 15:48:08
answer #2
answered by S. O. 4
At your age it maybe just an erratic period. In some people it takes awhile for your period to start regularly. It can also be caused by stress, too much exercise, etc. If you are at all concerned that you might be pregnant, then go to the store and get a home pregnancy kit. If you're not pregnant and you don't have a period, then go to the doctor. Good Luck!
P.S. You can too be pregnant at 16 if you've had sex!!!!
2006-10-22 15:23:49
answer #3
answered by iluvcats91 1
You need to have open communication with your mother, even if you think she will vaporize you. Just tell her not to get upset and that you came to her in confidence. Let her know what is going on. She's your mother and she cares about you. Second, what everyone else is saying on here is true. It could be stress, weight gain can also do it. There are a number of factors that can contribute to it. Just remember to be open with your mother. I always tell my son, I'd rather have the truth and be a little upset, but I'd be relieved to know that he can talk to me about anything. Good luck!
2006-10-22 15:34:05
answer #4
answered by rellimztik_arual 3
A few things can prevent a period from happening : pregnancy is the most obvious, but intense stress can do it as well. Anorexia can do it, or just being severely underweight or very active (having a low body weight percentage). A few birth control methods can mess with your cycle, and some 16 year olds have very irregular cycles as it is.
2006-10-22 15:24:23
answer #5
answered by bumbleleigh 4
The first thing to do, is get a pregnancy test done, a local (or not so local) chemist will be able to do one for you, or buy a test. If this is negative at least you know its not that. I would go see your doctor anyway, lots of things can cause your period to stop, stress, depression, dieting, hormornal changes etc, better to get it checked out just in case of anything more serious.
Good luck!!
2006-10-22 15:23:55
answer #6
answered by Sandi 3
pregnancy could be a good possibility, but there could be a possible female problem lying underneath. i'd start by taking an at home pregnancy (ept) test, go to planned parenthood, or the local health department to get a test done. or talk to your mom, especially if you have a close relationship with her (let her know that you are scared and really need her... also give her time to get the shock out of her system, if it is a pregnancy). this could be a good time to gain a closer bond with your mom.
2006-10-22 15:25:41
answer #7
answered by Karen M 2
tell your mother because if you are your not being smart by avoiding, and your only 16 you should be more involved in your school, your future than having sex. If you are pregnant you must face up to it and you and your partner take the responsibilty. if my daughter was pregnant Id want her to tell me because she would need me and I do have a daughter who is 15 ( not pregnant) You have to trust your mother.She will always love you no matter what
2006-10-22 15:27:16
answer #8
answered by Alyssa C 2
Maybe it's stress or the mkind of food or maybe you changed countires or even maybe you're pregnant, check your doctor and if it is stress they will give you calming pills. You can even have tea with Cinnamon or sesame oil, these two are very good in bringing your period faster.
Good luck
2006-10-22 15:24:46
answer #9
answered by Ramona 1
go to the schools nurse, and ask them where u can take a pregnancy test. Like the planned parenthood or local public medical office... There are free medical help out there for young teens. Just tell them, take the test, if you are. you are going to have to tell your mom.. she will find out either way. if not. just tell your mom u think something is wrong. and she will take u to the doctor.
2006-10-22 15:21:19
answer #10
answered by Mommy2Two!! 4