This post is meant for the asker, as she posted the following statement when asked what was most important to her going into the elections (when I was done typing the other asker had already chosen a best answer, so I couldn't post it haha):
"Morality and justice.. so it's gonna be STRAIGHT Republican baby."
Morality and justice? Out of curiosity what rock have you been under for the past couple years? Iraq is a god damn mess, thousands of young American men have bled and died because of failures on the part of elected republican officials.
Also do I have to bring up Mark Foley? Wow I love a guy with good moral republican standing that sexually messages his male pages, who by the way are under 18. Nothing more morally sound than a good pedophile.
Dennis Hastert, who has been pointed to by numerous republicans of knowing about the Foley situation, yet choosing to do nothing. God forbid these morally binding people do anything that might lose them a seat in congress, otherwise think of all the terrible things democrats could do with it. I mean what can they do to top that? Maybe the new democrat would be sitting behind his desk emailing an old page asking if he was still wearing pants and then remarking that he is "horny". Oh no wait that's a moral republican, my fault.
Oh let's not forget our good friend, and might I add former House Majority Leader, Tom Delay, also a moral upstanding republican. I mean he didn't really do anything wrong did he? I mean so what he only laundered a couple hundred thousand dollars to support Republican candidates, that is perfectly moral.
Oh lets not forget our famous hunter, Dick Cheney. He managed to shoot his friend while hunting (not sure if you've ever been hunting before, but you wear bright orange suits, it's nearly impossible to mistake a human for an animal, unless you're hunting giant fluorescent orange badgers or something). He has a great sense of morality and justice, considering according to NUMEROUS former military generals accounts Cheney literally expected to march into Iraq, capture one city, and then the Iraqi's would embrace the Americans and revolt against Saddam. Hmm that great judgment, coupled with W's military ineptitude meant bringing in far less troops than actually required, even though they were warned off backlash during the occupation time by every general. Apparently Dick and Bush know more about war than those that are actually over there controlling troops.
Ah mix that in with a bit of Abu Gharib and some water torture. I mean honestly there is nothing immoral about torturing a person right? Oh no remember, the republican party is very morally sound. I mean they only condone torture (besides McCain, he is a good man and a hero and I would vote any day for him), racial profiling (don't believe it happens? I worked at the airport, and though I was never a part I can guarantee it happens). and wiretapping of millions of American's domestic phone calls. Remember what the administration said about the wiretapping program and how it worked? We were told that they were only monitoring a select few phone calls out of the country to known terrorist possible countries. Instead it comes to light that really the government has been gathering information on millions of domestic phone calls, and logging times, lengths of calls, and both the caller and receivers numbers. If you are halfway intelligent I assume you understand how big of a breach of the Bill of Rights this is. "But would you rather give up some civil rights, or risk getting blown up" is a republican comeback to that. Well here's an answer, once you give up your civil rights you might as well let the terrorists blow up the entire country, and the country was founded on these rights, and that is what makes this country great. When these rights are broken is when the country begins to lose the ideals that it originated with, and by breaking those ideals the terrorists in essence have won the battle. They have managed to take down the mighty American democracy, turning it more and more into a dictatorship like their own countries where the general population has no rights and the government is allowed to do whatever they want.
Oh and let's not forget about Halliburton. You remember them right? You know someone was on their board of directors if I remember correctly. Oh yeah Cheney. But no he certainly wouldn't give extra benefits to a company that he holds stock in while in political office now would he? Most definitely not, it's certainly a coincidence that upon the invasion of Iraq rebuilding plans had already been signed with one company, that's right Halliburton. Hmm I wonder what his stock will be up to when he gets out of office. I'm sure he's made quite a nice profit, just like the other oil companies who posted record profits while telling the average American consumer that they were not gauging on gas. You know the average American is having to work more hours to come out with the same amount of pay due to having to pay more for gas driving to and from work; but we all know the oil companies were 100% committed and thinking of these people when they rose the average price of gas to $3.50 at one point, all the while telling the public and government they weren't gauging yet posting highest profit margins ever. Certainly the government when investigating them had to have looked at the books and asked the question everyone was thinking: "Why are your numbers so good?" It couldn't be that they feigned an investigation not really caring about increased profits since both the President and Vice are stockholders could it?
Ah yes W. Now here's a beacon of both morality and justice. What was it, 150 executions when governor of Texas? Wow that's quite alot of deaths considering he was only governor for 5 years. Here's an even better statistic for you, taken from an interview prior to his first presidential campaign. "134 Texas executions were fair and just." Hmm 134? Out of 150? Meaning 16 weren't fair and just? Does that mean, oh yep yep I understand, you put 16 innocent people to death. And if you want to argue semantics that technically the courts put them to death, hate to tell you but every inmate on Death Row has a chance to be pardoned by the governor, even stayed if new evidence has come to light meaning they could be found innocent. But nope good ol' Georgie felt like going ahead and putting 16 to death, rather than pardoning or staying their execution. Gotta keep TX as the number 1 state in the land after all.
Obviously 9/11 wasn't Bush's fault, and anyone who says it was is retarded. However everything after that point certainly was. The invasion of Afghanistan? PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE. But why isn't the focus still there? Oh yes Bush's assertation that Saddam was building WMD's. Anyone remember those? Probably not because they didn't really exist, just as Hans Blix stated after doing a search of Iraq, but Georgie was determined! So he takes the attention off the real terrorist (what ever happened to Bin Laden anyway? oh that's right he's still out there) and instead invades Iraq, without so much of a plan for victory. But even though they didn't have the plan for victory they still decided to budget $40million in the US Budget for a "victory celebration for Iraq." What the hell is he throwing a $40million kegger? We playing pin the diamonds on the donkey? You know what kind of party I could throw with $40million? Here's an idea: I WOULDN'T. That $40million could be donated to cancer research, AIDS research, hell even the retarded border fence idea.
Ah yes the illegal immigration. Now Bush got the short end of this stick, illegal immigration has been a problem for quite some time, Bush just got stuck with trying to come up with a solution. I actually don't fault his plan, besides the border fence. Any idea what kind of cost a border fence is? $750million. That's quite a bit of money since the US economy hasn't been in the black since 1999. I do agree with Bush's idea of offering illegals a chance at legally immigrating, if they don't pass the test then they leave. I love immigrants, but nobody should be able to bypass the system. My mother emigrated in the 70's from England, and she went through the system and did everything by the books. Everyone should have the same process, nobody should just be allowed in, and you don't pass the citizenship test, you don't get in.
Ah morality, that is Bush's forte. Remember the main topics that drove right-wing Christians out to vote? Abortion and homosexual marriage. Last time I checked the gay marriage topic was in the courts prior to the election, only to be thrown out immediately after. And the republicans that campaigned so hard saying they were against gay marriage, as well as Bush, have yet to bring the topic up again. While I personally am for gay marriage, the fact that these congressmen promised the voters to make gay marriage a priority if elected have basically shunned and lied to their entire voting contingent. Bush has started the process on Roe vs. Wade being overturned (abortion in case you didn't know). He managed to turn the supreme court conservative, leading many to believe it will be overturned. I personally am in favor of outlawing abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and danger to mother's health, so I applaud Bush's aggressiveness on this issue.
Finally Bush's great economic presence. The United States has officially posted the highest unemployment rate since 1990 (hey wasn't his dad in office then?). Millions of jobs have been outsourced overseas, including hundreds of thousands of factory jobs in Ohio alone. Apparently the Republican ideal of tax-breaks is really paying off for everyone. The idea itself isn't bad, if it weren't for greed. The idea of the tax break is to give businesses a break to pay less, thus making more profits and in turn offer employees raises in order to keep up with inflation. Except that's not what happens. In reality the businesses take that money, pay it out their top CEO's as bonuses (Remember Enron?), and then figure that they can make even more money by shutting down plants in the US and opening them in India for half the cost. I mean really, those CEO's needed that 3rd Ferrari, 8th beach house, and $10 million bonus right? Who really cares about the average John Smith who has worked 25 years at one company, knowing only the steel industry only to all of a sudden find himself unemployed while losing his retirement 401K and finding that there are no jobs that match his specialization or skill sets.
Basically as you can tell reading these facts on the republican party, as occurring within the last 10 years, and the majority in the last 3; you can tell that they certainly live up to your labeling of "morality and justice." And if you can't understand my sarcasm on that statement then you are an idiot.
2006-10-26 00:25:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous