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2006-10-22 07:32:35 · 17 answers · asked by han h 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

17 answers

Find the spiritual essence in you and work with it happily towards achieving total well-being.

2006-10-22 07:35:06 · answer #1 · answered by Bright 6 · 2 0

the meaning of life is to increase fitness.

This is the quick answer to this fundamental question. In order to start giving the long answer, we should first examine each of the key terms in this sentence:

a very complex concept which can have many interpretations. In this context we will assume it signifies the "why" (origin - past) or "wherefore" (purpose - future) of life, but in a way our answer also may explain us the "what" (definition - present).

in this context it normally means our present being here on earth, but this may be generalized to include life as a particular type of organization and development characterizing biological organisms, and even more universally as organization and development in general.

intuitively, a system, configuration or "state-of-affairs" is fit if it is likely that that configuration will still be around in the future. The more likely we are to encounter that system, the more fit it is. Though there are many ways to be fit, depending on the exact situation, we may say that fit systems tend to be intrinsically stable, adapted and adapting to their surroundings, capable of further growth and development, and/or capable of being (re)produced in great quantities.
Fitness is the most important and tricky term of the answer to define. It can only be defined in terms which are not obvious themselves, and so need further definitions, and so on. One can hope that after a few rounds of definitions, the meaning will become sufficiently intuitive to be satisfactory for most readers. The whole of Principia Cybernetica Web can be viewed as an attempt to provide a sufficiently extensive semantic networks of concepts clarifying concepts (such as "fitness").

this should be obvious enough. The use of the term "increase" implies that the concept to which it is attributed, "fitness", is to some degree quantifiable (see e.g. a definition in terms of transition probabilities). Note, however, that it is everything but obvious how to do this: fitness is difficult to measure, and is relative, depending on situation, environment and moment in time. At the very least, we assume that there exists a partial ordering, i.e. some configurations are more fit than others. A more general form of the answer is "not to decrease fitness": in some circumstances it may be good enough to keep fitness the way it is. Increase of fitness determines a preferred direction of evolution.

2006-10-22 14:40:41 · answer #2 · answered by susan21835 1 · 0 0

Excellent question!
I believe the meaning of life is that we may experience. Once we experience, we know ouselves both conceptually and experientially.

The best reference I have come across in understanding the meaning of life is a book called Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. I first stumbled on the book in the public library.

To explain the concept, All That Is could not know itself except conceptually. Only one reference point existed, and that was the single place within. And so All That Is divided Itself becoming all which is this and all which is that and all that was neither. It is the nothing which holds the everything. God is All Things--seen and unseen. In creating that which is "here" and that which is "there", God made it possible for God to know itself. As the elements of all raced forth, time was created. God created the great polarity--the absolute opposite of love--everything love is not--what is now called fear. In the moment fear existed, love could exist as a thing that could be experienced. God gave to each of the countless parts of God (spirit children) the same power to create which God has as a whole. God's purpose for you is that you should know yourself as God. You as pure spirit must enter the physical universe to know experientially what you know conceptually. The physical universe allows you to know what you are not, so you have a reference point to know what you are.

To learn more about it, I suggest reading the book several times. You can thank God in advance for love in your life. Love is already there, you have just forgotten it is. It's a point of belief or the sponsoring thought behind the thought that is creative.

2006-10-22 14:42:36 · answer #3 · answered by mach_92 4 · 0 0

The meaning of life is to find purpose. When we are born, we are given all of our features and qualities. We are given our life before hand. We are given the 'tools' necessary to live the life that has been pre-intended for us.
However, though we are given those tools, and every thing we need to live, there is one crutial thing we are not born with. And that, is the knowledge needed to use said tools properly.
The usage of said tools is to be refurred to as 'purpose'. We are not given all of these tools at the begining. most of them, we earn as we grow older. These tools may be certain gifts of fitness or creation. Some of these tools may be ideas or perspectives. And these tools could also be people.
Not to say that human beings or animals should be treated as inanimate objects for the sake of purpose. But they must be used. Sometimes we use our tools without even thinking about it. Your mind is another tool. The most important tool in fact.
You must use your tools wisely, or else suffer consequences. Such as heartache or missfortunes of other sorts.
Some people never find out how to use these tools correctly i am afraid. These people are those whom are found sitting around wondering why they were born and what heavan had had intended for them when they were born. They wonder if they were a mistake of fate. And lose hope that they could ever become otherwise.
I am not one of these people. I am aware of the tools at hand.

Some people may view life, as an artist views a mold of clay. Unsculpted and without form. They dont know if it will be a pot, or a bowl. They do not know what it will be used for.

Layed out before the artist, a hammer a chizel, and other tools. As well as their hands.

With these tools the artist must figure out a way to mold the clay into something.

Using the tools, the artist slowly and carefully sculpts the clay gently easing it into a form of their decision.

With time and patience, the outcome of their toil is something wonderful. A beautiful pot has taken form on the table. Once glazed and painted, polished and shining, this pot will be shown to the world as a gorgeous icon of human creativity and value.

This pot may be sold, and make the artist money to create another. If the artist is lucky, they will make several more pots or blwols or scupltures to give to the world.

The artist may choose to pass on their knowlege to a younger genereation to help them mold their own creations.

Or, they might find no satisfaction in their creation and smash it against the wall. Without trying again they lose hope in their own abilities and all work and creation is wasted.

Very few people make several pots. The majority of them all are lucky to finish the first one they made. The pot is a symbol of our lives. The tools are symbols of our friends, families, abilities, gifts and passions and our experiances.

Molding our own pot takes time, and is not easy for some because they were given stiff clay to mold. These are people whosse lives are all but fortunate. Others are given soft clay to mold and stretch as they please. But be warned not to stretch it too far, or the clay wil rip thus becoming useless and making the clay harder to mold.

In a shorter statement, we are all artists, molding our clay hard and soft. Losing and winning all at once.

"What is the meaning of life?"
"The meaning of life, is to complete at least one pot. or give one thing to the world, weather it is a gift to the planet, or one to ourselves or those around us. The meaning of life is different for every individual on the face of the earth. and there is no more to be said on the matter.

2006-10-22 15:47:26 · answer #4 · answered by Sizzle 2 · 0 0

It depends ...I just took a stab at it:

A characteristic state or mode of living

The course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living

The experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities

The condition of living or the state of being alive

The period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)

The period between birth and the present time

Animation and energy in action or expression

An account of the series of events making up a person's life

The period from the present until death

A living person

Living things collectively

A motive for living

The organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones

A prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives

2006-10-22 14:51:18 · answer #5 · answered by deepak_bhat13 1 · 0 0

The meaning of life is found in the word ecstasy, from the Greek, ek-stasis, meaning literally to stand outside (ek-out, stasis- stand). The ecstatic person is the one who stands outside himself focused on others and is therefore ecstatic, or happy. The person totally focused on himself or herself, is en-static, stuck inside himsef or herself, and unhappy. The word itself reaveals the way to true happiness, and to meaning in life. It is the answer to the question why are happy people kind? and kind people happy?

2006-10-22 15:32:27 · answer #6 · answered by Heidegger 11 30 2 · 0 0

Life has only feelings it can't described by any meaning.

2006-10-22 14:52:08 · answer #7 · answered by annu k 1 · 0 0

The meaning of life is to increase fitness
This is the quick answer to this fundamental question. In order to start giving the long answer, we should first examine each of the key terms in this sentence:

a very complex concept which can have many interpretations. In this context we will assume it signifies the "why" (origin - past) or "wherefore" (purpose - future) of life, but in a way our answer also may explain us the "what" (definition - present).
in this context it normally means our present being here on earth, but this may be generalized to include life as a particular type of organization and development characterizing biological organisms, and even more universally as organization and development in general.
intuitively, a system, configuration or "state-of-affairs" is fit if it is likely that that configuration will still be around in the future. The more likely we are to encounter that system, the more fit it is. Though there are many ways to be fit, depending on the exact situation, we may say that fit systems tend to be intrinsically stable, adapted and adapting to their surroundings, capable of further growth and development, and/or capable of being (re)produced in great quantities.

Fitness is the most important and tricky term of the answer to define. It can only be defined in terms which are not obvious themselves, and so need further definitions, and so on. One can hope that after a few rounds of definitions, the meaning will become sufficiently intuitive to be satisfactory for most readers. The whole of Principia Cybernetica Web can be viewed as an attempt to provide a sufficiently extensive semantic networks of concepts clarifying concepts (such as "fitness").
this should be obvious enough. The use of the term "increase" implies that the concept to which it is attributed, "fitness", is to some degree quantifiable (see e.g. a definition in terms of transition probabilities). Note, however, that it is everything but obvious how to do this: fitness is difficult to measure, and is relative, depending on situation, environment and moment in time. At the very least, we assume that there exists a partial ordering, i.e. some configurations are more fit than others. A more general form of the answer is "not to decrease fitness": in some circumstances it may be good enough to keep fitness the way it is. Increase of fitness determines a preferred direction of evolution.

We may conclude by paraphrasing the answer in the following way: the purpose of (living) organization is to continuously increase future probabilities of encountering this same type of organization. The argumentation for this can be found in the variation and selection principles of evolution.

"Higher" values
The above definition has been criticized as being overly reductionist, trying to reduce higher, "spiritual" meanings to mere biology. Although the concept of fitness originated in biology, its meaning here is much wider. It can be argued that our higher mental faculties and values are direct extensions of the general concept of fitness.

"Self-actualization", Maslow's term for maximally developing all our potentialities, and thus reaching the highest level of psychological health and awareness, is merely the implementation of fitness increase in the mental domain (see my paper on Maslow). Similarly, it can be argued that happiness is a direct sign that we have managed to improve our fitness. Thus, if people say that the meaning of life is to "learn and develop", "actualize our potentialities", "improve the balance of pleasure and pain", "enjoy ourselves" or "simply be happy", they are expressing a more limited version of the answer above (limited in the sense that it is more difficult to apply to non-human life, and does not take into account other aspects of life).

On the other hand, people who express the belief that the meaning of life is to "love and be loved", or "promote cooperation and togetherness" are expressing the importance of our social needs, which are another component of fitness. Indeed, fitness for individuals requires fitness for the group to which these individuals belong, and this implies cooperation and "love" rather than selfishness and hostility.

Even those people who state that "life has no meaning" do not contradict the present definition. Indeed, if "meaning" is seen in the restricted sense of a fixed, external purpose, then life has no meaning. "Increasing fitness" is not a goal explicitly imposed by some God, but rather the "implicit goal" governing all of evolution. There are an infinite number of ways in which fitness can be increased, so we cannot say that life necessarily has to move to one end state rather than another. Most changes are initially blind. It is just that some directions (those that decrease fitness) are likely to be eliminated sooner or later by selection.

We remain free in choosing which of the directions we will take: goals or values are not imposed on us. The fitness criterion is merely a guideline to help us choose those most likely to prolong and develop life. But the final decision will depend on our our personal circumstances, and therefore requires reflection. In that sense, the present answer also encompasses the answers of those people who state that the meaning of life is "a personal choice", "to be found within oneself", or even "to ask the question 'What is the meaning of life?'".

2006-10-22 14:37:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the meaning of life is death for with out death there is no life n with out life there will be no death

2006-10-22 14:41:21 · answer #9 · answered by kurdish999 1 · 0 0

The answer differs from person to person. What may mean the point of exsistance for me may be totoally different from your own.

2006-10-22 14:41:15 · answer #10 · answered by Fabledphilosophy 2 · 0 0

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