I don't know what I'm going to do... my friend got angry at me for an unknown reason, when she called me a hypocrite. I hadn't even spoken to her, I was reading a book, and she called me a hypocrite.
The next day, she told everyone who I liked. And it's humiliating... I want to be friends with her again, but yet I don't. What do I do? I'm furiously angry at her for telling people my secrets, but a friendship is important, isn't it?
10 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Friends
Leave her alone. If that's the kind of friend that she is, she doesn't deserve you. There are more people around you who can be your friends. Don't limit yourself to just a friend like this. You need to give her time to reflect on what she did. If she knew that she was too immature for the action, she would grow. At least somehow, you helped her. Time will tell if she becomes your friend again.
Don't worry about the secrets she revealed. If she continues to do that without you stopping her, she would get tired of it. ignoring that will let other people with whom the secrets were shared will also ignore those matters.
Your life isn't destroyed yet...
2006-10-22 06:30:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
As you get a bit older, you'll get a bit more life experience and you'll be a little more mature. Things like this won't happen as often and you'll also be able to tell who you're real friends are.
Yes, friendship is important. What you're going thru right now is "friends with training wheels".
Good luck and best wishes.
And, no, your life is NOT ruined forever. It just feels that way for now.
2006-10-22 14:04:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
She sounds like a b i t c h maybe its cuz of what you've done. Maybe you say that you hate people that do this or that and you're one of them thats doing it. Talk to her keep trying and trying true friends are forever but if this one doesn't wanna try no more than go on and find someone else. Life moves on i know its really hard but that's just the way it is. Good luck
2006-10-22 13:46:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There has to be more to the story than this. You have to talk to her about it. If she doesn't want to talk to you, then there is nothing that you can do about it. If she is unable to explain herself, then there is nothing to talk about and no friendship to save. If she did all of these things for no reason, she was never your friend in the first place. And she has some serious issues. Either way, you can move on with your life and be careful about who you choose to trust in the future.
2006-10-22 13:38:33
answer #4
answered by black mamba 3
Your first mistake is telling her your secrets but this is a lesson you will never repeat. She's angry at you and now your angry at her. Let it cool for about a week and then be nice and make contact.
2006-10-22 13:25:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Friendships are importantant, but she broke your trust, not the other way around. Start a rumor that she can't keep secrets and eventually no one will talk to her.
2006-10-22 13:47:54
answer #6
answered by nursesr4evr 7
i don't think you should be here friend again... she has abused you're trust once to score points with other people and if she is prepared to do this to you maybe the friendship is dead I'm sure you have many other friends who won't hurt you in such way .....
2006-10-22 13:30:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
if its the first time, talk it out. find a good way to do so, phone, im, e-mail, evn a letter. find out what was wrong. if it was wrong and you really didnt realize,apologize.
if she has done this before, forget about it, if you try to talk to her, it will all go downhill..
2006-10-22 13:25:39
answer #8
answered by nightmare_reality95 1
go up to her and tell her straight out what did you do to her. scream if you got to.just make her listen to you.and if she doesnt want to listen then stop being her friend.a friend shoulnt treat you that way
2006-10-22 13:28:23
answer #9
answered by turtle 2
Let it go, move ON in LIFE
2006-10-22 13:25:13
answer #10
answered by chewy1111111 2