They can and do work, but it's hard. My partner lives in California, I am in London, so that 6000 miles and an 8 hour time difference to overcome. Trust is the key thing, if you don't have that then no relationship can work, long distance or otherwise.
Thankfully, between the internet and a great phone deal on international calls it's a lot easier than it would have been 10 or 15 years ago, although long periods of celibacy take some getting used to.
Good luck!
2006-10-22 06:31:14
answer #1
answered by Lynn S 3
Depends really on how much you know him, if you want the same things and if you are both willing to wait. My man is in Iraq has been since April it is hard, we only get to talk about 10/15 mins a week and do send a few emails, hes my best friend and from the start we sat down and spoke about how the distance would affect us, i worry about him every day and want him home, but its his job and id rather have him in my life but working thousands of miles away than not have him at all. Ive got 26 days to go until hes home for good.... cant wait
2006-10-23 01:01:02
answer #2
answered by Blondie 2
My advice would be go for it, i met a bloke on holiday when i was 16,we wrote to each other(we wern't actually boyfriend/girlfriend)for years, meeting up now and again. I eventually moved down south(400miles away from my hometown), we bought a house together and i lived there for 2 years. Unfortunately things didn't work out. I am now 27 getting married but i have never regretted that i moved down and gave it a go. The point is if you don't give it a go you will never ever know. hope it goes well, what eveer you decide xx
2006-10-22 07:22:58
answer #3
answered by fairydust 2
You don't sound like you've known him for that long so I'll say no. I'm sorry to say that but it's true. I've known a lot of people who've been in that sort of situation and I've also been in a long-distance relationship once and it's very hard to maintain. And in all those situations the me and the girl (or in other cases my friends and their girlfriends) have had trouble keeping it together even though we've known each other for a long time. So, save yourself the time and effort.
2006-10-22 06:27:35
answer #4
answered by Triathlete88 4
if u feel that both of u share a special bond and could make this work than i think long distance realashonships are possible. Call each other alot and get those web cams on the computer. If u Love him or this is the begining of something special than dont lose it Good LUck :)
2006-10-22 06:13:54
answer #5
answered by practicully_famouse 2
They can work but need more effort than a relationship with someone who lives close to home. I wonder why you ask if you can trust him, because it you have even an ounce of doubt that will eat away at you and you will probably end up making jealous accusations which is a sure way to screw things.
2006-10-22 06:18:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
A long distance relationship never been easy i'm into a long distance relationship and there is time when i feel like i want to end it cos its not going anywhere it takes alot to make it work so it's upto you to make it work
2006-10-22 06:38:52
answer #7
answered by Lord Glyde 2
It all depends on both of you but one will have to give up their family and friends (most of the time) when it becomes more permenant. Can you do this to be with him or could he do this to be with you. Only time will tell. But it has to be discussed in advance so there is no heartache later on.
It worked with me and my partner but I did the giving up but if you really love them it will works. We have been together 22 years now.
2006-10-22 06:42:38
answer #8
answered by mother sensible 3
Long distance relationships, in my opinion, never seem to work out. Infidelity is quite common because nobody is able to resist temptation.
2006-10-22 07:11:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well i am going out with this man and he lives like 2 hours away but we love each other so it does not matter
2006-10-22 06:04:34
answer #10
answered by Mcphatty 1