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24 answers

soul exits with the living body as as total body. there will not be any soul in the dead body or elsewhere after death.
hence purification of sou is essential during the life time only for welfare of self as well as

2006-10-22 04:19:52 · answer #1 · answered by prince47 7 · 0 0

Ok, here is my theory. Why should your soul be any different from anything else that dies? It decomposes and is dispersed in the same way your body does if it is left to natural forces. Bits of it are eaten by ants and scavengers, some of it is absorbed into the earth itself, some of it merely evaporates. I guess what I am saying is this, it does'nt come to a total end but it loses the "self" of it. Maybe a better way of describing it would be that the soul is like a glass of water. When you die your glassfull is poured back into the well. The Well of Souls. when another life is born bits of your soul are mixed with bits of all the others who have died. Assuming the very act of being alive imbues you with a soul all living things are linked together in this way. Just a theory I am working on. Gotta die to prove it though. I'll wait a while on the answer I hope;)

2006-10-22 11:16:50 · answer #2 · answered by voodootex2u 1 · 0 0

When God breathed into Adams nostrils Adam became a living soul. The bible says ..the soul that is sinning..it itself will die. You are a soul....you do not have a soul. Haven't you heard people say..oh that poor soul?
When you die the memory of you goes back to him that gave you the breath of life..God. He uses that memory to raise you in the ressurection at the end of time.
He cares so much for you that every hair of your head is numbered. When you ask for forgiveness from sins he instantly forgive and forgets your sin. Stop worrying about the soul and be more interested in the man you are because how you act is what reward you will get. Store up treasures ( good works) that will get you life everlasting.

2006-10-22 11:15:39 · answer #3 · answered by debbie2243 7 · 1 0

To answer this loaded question one first must quickly explain what the soul is, what death/life is. So here’s Existence 101 in a nutshell.

The Universe: It exists as two distinct parts, parts we’ll call the real and the primed universes. Why we call them real and primed isn’t important right now; what’s important is the relationship between the two. This relationship is that of opposition. In the primed universe every real true statement is false, every real object is its mirror image, every real distance runs in the opposite direction, and even time runs backwards. It’s Superman’s bizzaro world, but not. See, the parts of the individual universes don’t really “exist” the way we usually mean “exist”. What exists is the intersection of the two universes. This is fortunate, because the two universes actually straddle each other; so they intersect wherever we want. But does an intersection point exist in the real or primed universe? Both, really, but we usually pick one. This is where things get interesting: for every real part of the universe we pick there’s a primed part of the universe right next to it, and vice versa. What we end up with—and what we see—is an alternating line of universe: real part, primed part, real part, primed part, etc. That’s existence.

The Soul: Any intersection of the universes is called a singularity; this point is the center of a black hole and generates gravity. The soul is a sequence of these singularities, forming a sequence of black holes and a complicated gravity that allows us to see our bodies on a planet and move around on it. Remember, though, that while singularities exist in both universes, we decide to see them in the real or in the primed universe. This is because the singularities do different things in different universes: real singularities control our body motion directly and the environment indirectly, while primed singularities control the environment directly and our body motion indirectly. And, since we believe that the universes are independent (which they’re not), we believe that we control only one of these—our body. But why do we believe that? Because we’re not perfect: we cause it to rain in the primed universe, get rained on in the real universe, feel bad about it, and black out the primed part of our alternating line responsible for the rain. And, after a life of mistakes, we end up with a perforated line that doesn’t alternate as much as it is in the real universe. That’s what it means to be alive: to have a perforated line that’s mostly in the real universe.

Death: Since there are only so many primed parts of the line to black out, we’ll end up with a universe with only the real parts. At that point there’s no primed in which to contrast the real, so we may as well call the real parts primed. We do; the switch is called death. Remember that singularities exist in both universes, so our soul doesn’t change after death. But, since we believe that we can’t control the environment, we’ll try to control our bodies in the primed universe, it won’t work, and it’ll rain all the time. Call this hell—loosely because we made mistakes in life and blackened out our universe, but precisely because we stink at controlling the rain. If we make the switch from real to primed with primed universe ability (and therefore without a bias toward the real), we can train on the job when we get there and make it sunny all the time. Call this heaven—loosely because we’ve lived a good life, but precise because of primed skill.

So what happens to your soul when you die? It depends on how skilled you are at primed specification. Good question, but next time pick a hard one—like the cure for cancer or something. I’ve been dying to tell someone about that.

2006-10-22 11:16:50 · answer #4 · answered by Solutionist 1 · 0 0

The body and soul are separated, the body returns to earth and the dust and ashes. The soul to a pause in universal time, till the completion of the masters plan for the world and it's kind.

2006-10-22 11:21:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

nothing can happen to the soul or self when the body dies or at any other time - it is what the scientists call the singularity - it is prior to time & space - it cannot move because it is infinite - it is the whole of life, the essence of life, it is life itself, indestructible, perfect, timeless, spaceless - aka tao, the great mother, magna mater, god, reality, truth, christ, buddha, energy, energy/matter, existence, everything, the origin, the mother of the gods & everything, consciousness, enlightenment, realisation, ordinary life, the sublime, the ineffable, the formless, the uncreated, the creator, joy, clarity, meaning, fulfillment, transcendence, imminence, spirit, nothing, neither this nor that, the undistinguished, the partless, the utterly simple, the divine obscurity, the void, love, the unknown god, the hidden, the virgin mother, isis, mary, diana, venus, the muse, the marga, the way, the great memory, the unconscious, the subconscious,

'experience the void & compassion will arise in your heart'

a good portrait of it can be seen: the chi-rho page of the book of kells: hundreds of circles whirling brightly: ie, life, energy

its prime symbol is the circle, which traditionally stands for love, god, everything, perfection & nothing - it is beyond comprehension, but it can be & is experienced - it is what you have experienced every second of your life: your life: that power that is making your body alive, that infinitely great power that is doing billions of jobs in your body, doing all the tasks in every cell - & is also growing zebras, shaping sealskulls, keeping zillions of electrons whirling billions of times/second forever

as you can 'observe', your soul or self is invisible, present, sizeless, in no definite position, seems to be near or in your body, but is actually placeless, in every place equally, or in no place [prior to space & place] [you dont experience every place because your body is finite]

you notice that you remain you [your self, your soul] changeless, for decades, from youth to age, through changes of body, personality, nationality, sexuality, etc - nothing physical is changeless - you are unphysical - not created but uncreated, not actual but infinite potential, energy not matter [& yet matter is ultimately the same as energy]

all this can be experienced, realised, known beyond doubt, known not just in idea, but in experience

'that invisible non-thing you easily identify as you: learn to stroke that, & it purrs pure perfection, complete sublime fulfillment'

'energy cannot be created or destroyed'

your self is foreverness in the midst of mortality

the visible life is just the wrapping paper - the present is inside!

the visible world is nice-but
the invisible world is nice-and

when an idea a poem a song a rhythm comes out of nowhere, that nowhere is yr soul or self

all words are finite, so no word is adequate for the infinite - it is the universe in a nutshell, in a point, in yr heart, yr centre

the senses see only the finite, the mortal, matter, things, creation - so the senses continuo0usly brainwash you into thinking everything is mortal - switch off the senses, ignore the senses, ignore the chatter of the mind [it is always chattering about mortal things] & bathe in your simple self, your existence, your livingness, your invisible - experience your self not in a subject-object way but a subject-subject way - let go all seeing mental & physical - bathe in self, in HOME

'do not meditate, do not think, do not reflect, do not imagine - leave the mind in its natural state'

death is change, life is change - there is nothing but life!

get in the spirit of those infinitely cheerful electrons!

2006-10-22 16:40:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a question that presumes the existence of soul. It's like asking "What will happen to Bush's gay lover once he leaves the office?".

There's absolutely no evidence that there is such a thing as soul. However, you can make an argument (weak as it may be) that President Bush did indeed have a gay lover (Jeff Gannon).

2006-10-22 11:13:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is there not a hot for cold, an up for down, a left for right, a positive for negative, a day for night, a north for south?

If there is a place of bliss in the next world, there is surely a place of torment.

And, if the next world is reward or punishment, what is this life but a test? Without Christ, the fire awaits.

2006-10-23 10:27:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When you die, all your good deeds that you have done in your life are added up. If the number of good deeds is greater then your bad deeds, then you go to heaven. If the number of good deeds is less then your bad deeds then you go to hell. If the numbers are even, then you are sent back to Earth as a ghost in order to right your wrongs, or wrong your rights. For those who don't have a religion, when you die, you simply enter a dream that you cannot escape/wake out of.

2006-10-23 06:22:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Another question:

Is it absurd to believe that the "soul" is just one area of the brain, located above the brain stem, that allows us to think that we have a consciousness, when in fact, it could just be part of our physical makeup?

If we hold that to be true, there is no such idea as a soul. So you would just die.

2006-10-22 11:24:21 · answer #10 · answered by Casey 1 · 0 0

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