F*$d up left wing ideas. Im sorry but theres nothing about a hairy azz that turns me on at all. Many people nowadays just dont seem to have any or at the very least have lost their moral compass. i dont care what some people say there is still some things that are wrong.
2006-10-21 23:24:46
answer #1
answered by bundyal38 2
Do you know, I have come to the age when I don't care.
I look around a world where people die every second of hunger,
where wars tear families and countries apart, where global warming threatens to destroy the environment and the planet.
If everyone was more tolerant of those around them then perhaps we could live in better harmony and set the world on a better path.
Ok, ok, you don't have to agree with everyone, their views or their chosen lifestyle - that would be too much and probably not good for mankind anyway - we need the challenge of diversity - but we could all try TOLERANCE, if only for our children and the grandchildren yet to come :-)
2006-10-22 06:39:37
answer #2
answered by Carol M 1
how can love between two individuals be eeeeew? i think what is eeeeew is the fact that people like you still exist in the year 2006......there are alot more imprtant things that you can waste your time on besides who sleeps with who.....get a life!
2006-10-22 06:26:24
answer #3
answered by paw_hungry 1
Why is it "eeeeew"? Because you don't agree with it? I have raised my daughter to accept people for the way they are. The same way my parents tried to raise me. My husband is a homophobic. I don't agree with him, but that is the joy of being me. I don't have to agree with him.
2006-10-22 15:39:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
What is normal? Who defines what is normal? If you're a Christian it's an abomination and gay people are to be shunned and ostracized. But how can they say that when their religion teaches them to forgive? I am an Atheist and Christians make me go "ewwww" constantly. I say let people live their lives anyway they desire. It's not up to me or you to decide what is right for them. I can only decide what is right for me.
2006-10-22 08:41:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
For heterosexuals, it is eeeww, and heterosexuality for homos is eeewww
Normality is a perverse attitude.
I would say homosexuality is a behavior.
Now... whether it is healthy or normal ??? up to me to decide and not to judge because I dont know WHY they are what they are ?!!! How would I know if I am not ???
2006-10-22 06:34:22
answer #6
answered by Sweet Dragon 5
It is not normal
It is not healthy
It is not aspect of freedom
wake up please and ask your self ? Is it in nature, ask animals...........??????????
read the bible , how GOD creat male, then female from the beginig
take care and have a spot on what GOD had done with homosexuality people , He destroyed their villages with fire !!!!!!!!
2006-10-22 07:37:34
answer #7
answered by famRaa 2
it is quite normal these days. It woudn't be eeeew if you were on that side of the fence
2006-10-22 06:21:35
answer #8
answered by omissy2005 3
its only eeeew in your head. it is basicly none of your business what any other person does in their own bedroom. do you want people making comments on what you do in your bedroom? I don't know who you are but eeeeeeew I don't want to know your private sex life secrets. generally speaking those who persecute gays are subconciously worried about their own sexuality.
2006-10-22 06:26:43
answer #9
answered by Traveler 7
I agree. The movies are making it out to be OK so the rest of the people agree with it!!
2006-10-22 06:23:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous