`You don't KNOW if there is a god or gods or not. Neither do I. No one knows.
Why do you feel the need to expound on your nihilistic views? We may believe as we choose to believe.
2006-10-21 22:17:57
answer #1
answered by Da Judge 3
The Question: Would you as a father turn your son into the hands of a bunch of ignorants for them to kill him and then be saved by his blood? Wouldn't that be a most unnatural, criminal, and vile conduct on your side as a father?
It had to be done. Because as we know, sin does not exist in heaven, so if it is upon you....how would you enter? So thats why its removed by Jesus. Its a reasonable move.
Im really tired of seeing so many people tie all religions and beliefs together and saying they are as one when they are not. Stop trying to use your opinions without anything to back it up. The moment you say "I think" thats when you mess up because your basing your opinions VS Gods facts on the truth. You have no control on the truth by what you say. Jews are Gods chosen people. Chrisitians were not saved until Jesus came and died on the cross so we can be saved as well. Muslims are not of the same faith, they separated from the Jewish tribes. God did not invent Religions, man did, so God is NOT of all religions in the first place. There are some that dont even acknowledge Jesus, only God. Think God would be of that religion to? Or the ones that pray to many Gods when God asks to only pray to him. How about that one? Your just repeating what you hear, use your common sense. Thats why im Non-Denominational. Go to each church, you will see different techniques in how God is represented and worshipped in each one....its not suppose to be like that, but a lot of "religions" try to add their own ways and techniques for God, when God already asks of what he loves most from the people in the bible. PLEASE dont take my word for it, find out for yourself by reading and stop guessing with your opinions because your basing them on your feelings and not what God says. Satan will try to mislead you He creates other now new age religions and beliefs that are all about peace and happiness, praying to the trees, and sun gods....Anything...as long as it keeps your eyes off Jesus, its a trap, the devil isnt stupid hes not going to put things in front of you that look wicked or arent appealing. And look at the end if times in the bible, prophecies are happening, but you wont notice them if you dont know them so read your bible. Watch Jack Van Impe on CBN or search for his website, Explains a lot with proof that God is real. Seek and you shall find right? Good Luck
2006-10-21 23:09:26
answer #2
answered by laststandingtruth 1
I guess the first part of your question really can only be answered by you. Since, every Christian and Jew would agree that, yes, the god of the Hebrew and greek scriptures is the true god. As for the second part, Psalms 33:4,5 says "The word of Yahweh is integrity itself, all he does is done faithfully, he loves virtue and justice," (The Jerusalem Bible) [which I believe is from the catholic church] another translation says "For the word of Jehovah is upright, all his work is done in faithfulness. He is a lover of righteousness and justice."
So, if the God stated here in the Psalms is a lover of justice and virtue, he would therefore be beholden to his OWN laws and rules. And since it was his law to give eye for eye, tooth for tooth, an acceptable sacrifice would be needed to cover up what adam did. Any christian will tell you what John 3:16 says and how it was out of love that God gave his son Jesus as a sacrifice. Humans are gods creation just as much as Jesus was, and he loves them deeply.
And since God had to provide a suitable sacrifice and Jesus was always willing to do his father's will, he was chosen. Undoubtably God hated to see his "only begotten son" die at the hands of humans, it wouldnt a permanent thing (since jesus was resurrected soon after).
Am i rambling? Like i said, its a deep question that requires a knowledgable teacher. I'm not even getting into how we can learn more about it from Abraham being willing to sacrifice Isaac.
So in conclusion, it was a terrible price that had to be paid, but God obeys his own rules. And certainly having the possibility for forgiveness from Jesus' shed blood is the ultimate gift.
2006-10-22 00:11:35
answer #3
answered by black54plymouth 1
To recieve the revelation/answer of this question, a clear understanding of the Godhead, God's laws on redemption and salvation/atonement, grace and mercy as seen through the eyes of Elohim (the self existing one) or God (same person)is required. First, the Godhead: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Ghost are the self same person...It is God manifesting Himself through diferrent dispensations or ways in which He deals with mankind. Old Testament it was God above us....New Testament it was God with us....Now it is God in us....Not three distinct gods but all one and the same whose name is Lord(Father), Jesus (Son) , Christ( Holy Ghost/Anointed One). Redemption...We were represented unto condemnation by Adam and Eve and we are therefore born out of sex, which was not God's original intention, however in order for God to display His attributes of Saviour, Reedemer, Healer, Provider,etc; He put man on free moral agency knowing the man would fall so He could pick him up and display Himself as such....Nothing unjust about Him....So sin has a penalty which is death, but to atone for us sinful creatures there was a law in which inoccent life must die to take the place of the sinner so in the Old Testament the blood of an animal was shed and since the life of the flesh is in the blood as the bible states the life of the animal could not come back on the worshipper as the animal does not have a soul..so it really just covered sin. That was not a perfect atonement.So God condescended and took the role of a man (Jesus) to be tempted in every way such as we are but yet did not yield to temptation therefore rendering Him sinless, died and when that blood was shed the Spirit was released and we can now recieve a portion of the very Life that was in Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost. So all the sin of the world were placed on Jesus at that time on the cross... Now Grace is not Grace if we deserve it....No we deserve nothing, but God's Mercy is so Great He humbled Himself and was born into His own creation a part of His creation to make us new creatures in Christ Jesus....This is a very, very brief answer....So much more could be said and easily backed with scripture....But to believe this, well you must repent and be baptized in the Name of the Father the Son and of the Holy Ghost....what is that Name, well none other than "Lord Jesus Christ". He is God. Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38....Not a contradiction just Peter unveiling what Jesus told them...God Bless You all.....
2006-10-21 23:21:52
answer #4
answered by enochbride 1
The Old Testament is full of what appears to be acts by a vengeful God. And the New Testament appears to indicate God is loving and not vengeful.
It seems more logical to realize that historically... middle eastern men, in all their fallibility were responsible for interpreting ancient teachings and writing the Bible as well as other ancient religious texts. The Bible has been written and re-written and re-interpreted so many times that I'm sure much has changed from the original teachings. And some information is probably fairly close to the original interpretations.
In light of all that, it is easy to understand why many people miss the true meaning of Biblical teachings. Rather than passing judgment based on whether you think Christians and Jews believe in the same God, how about looking realistically at their actions.
Jews and Christians in America volunteer more to help charities and give more than citizens of any other country in the world to other countries to help fight disease, poverty and hunger world wide. The America I know and love is full of wonderful Christians and Jews who are patriotic and love God and love their country. And those same Christians and Jews are quick to defend others around the world who are persecuted and killed by despotic governments and leaders. I, for one, am not going to judge them for what I read or don't read in the Bible.
Middle eastern men... in all their fallibility also wrote the Koran. And the relligion of Islam teaches intolerance of "the infidels" and "death to the infidels." And who are the infidels? Anyone who doesn't believe in Islam! Your words say to me you are intolerant and quick to judge others. My suggestion is that you first clean up your own back yard before pointing fingers at Christians and Jews.
2006-10-21 22:39:40
answer #5
answered by LadyLgl 3
It's called agape love....we as human beings cannot even comprehend this.
Do you really believe that the whole universe came from a spec of dust???
Do you know it would take millions of years for a spec to mutate into even the simplest living thing.We know how old the earth is and the bible is being proven MORE each day by the very science that tries to disprove it.
As far as the father part goes....Jesus DID have a choice.He also had the power to stop it at ANY time.HE chose not to!!!HE ALSO LOVED US SOOOOO MUCH HE WAS WILLING TO DO THIS AS THE LAMB OF GOD SO ALL MAY BE FORGIVEN.Since GOD knew JESUS would rise this was not a comdemnation,rather a sacrifice.JESUS IS ALIVE.NOTHING LOST.
2006-10-21 22:21:40
answer #6
answered by bob a 2
First I think you have 2 seperate questions here. I will begin by address the question about the Father and his Son..
That (the father sending his son to die in atonement for all) concept depends on the idea of some ‘ancient magic’ that says that someone must pay the price to bring about the redemption of mankind.
What I am going to say here is my personal view, not the teaching of the church. It may not be the teaching of the church as a whole, but I think that some theologians who were not branded as heretics have also had some thoughts along this line. Here we go:
According to the Orthodox the ‘fall’ was not quite the same as it is seen in the western church. Mankind was made in the image and likeness of God to be one with God. BUT mankind did not fulfill the potential that was in them. This is different from the view that most western Christians see as man being perfect and falling from grace and therefore in need of redemption. So you see not all Christians hold to this view of God SENDING his son to be KILLED because of some terrable crime of mankind.
In my POV, God send his son “to live and die as one of us”. The important act was the incarnation of the Word into human flesh. This is the act that caused the bridge to be gapped between God and man. And Jesus was who he was. He lived an example to us of Love. Did God the father know what might happen? Yes. Did it have to happen for the mediation between heaven and earth to take place? No. Jesus could have lived out a full life, IMO. But when people turned against him He did not change who he was. His essence was Love and He continued to live as Love incarnate. He did not run, he did not fight, he only Loved. He forgave those who tortured him; he forgave those who killed him. And in his living a life of total Love and Love in response to hatred and evil, he united the world to himself and to God the father. And the mysterious response to His great Love was his resurrection from the dead. As Christians we are baptized into his death and resurrection.
Now to tie this into your question about the Jewish God. I do not know as much about the Jewish religion as I do about the Christian religion. As I understand it, the Jews waited for the coming of the Messiah, the chosen one, the one who was to come to save the people. Also once a year the high priest would go into the holy of holies and make a sacrifice of an unblemished lamb as atonement for the sins of the people. Christians see Jesus as the Jewish Messiah and as the “Lamb of God”.
And to the BIG question: Is the God of the Jews and the God of the Christians the "true" God. (By the way,Yes the God of the Jews and the God of the Christians is the same God) As a Christian I have to say yes, our God is the true God. But the real test is this: Look at all of the religions of the world and what do they have in common? At the very core of their EXPERIENCE of Ultimate Reality? Not their theology, but their EXPERIENCE?
You will find that the experience of mystical union with that which is Ultimate Reality is the same. At the core of each religion is truth. The problem come in the interpetation of that reality.
So in the end I have to say that there is no way to "prove" that the God of Abraham, the God of Jesus is the true God or even that there IS a God. All anyone can do is choose to believe or not based on their own experience and the experience of those who came before.
2006-10-21 23:44:55
answer #7
answered by tonks_op 7
There is only 1 true G_d. He is the One of the Bible. The thing to understand is that regardless of how we may try to understand His ways, we will never be able to truly grasp with our minds His love for us. Jesus spoke of G_d as Father in a real relationship style language, not as a G_d of far away, or unreachable. He also stated that no-one could come to the Father except through accepting Him as G_d's only begotten son. The conditional clause is that there would have to be a sacrifice for our sin. Jesus CHOSE to be that sacrifice. He, through His obedience to the Father bore our sin at the cross. Let's also remember the end...He defeated satan and death and rose again and is our LIVING Saviour. He is very much alive and we will see Him again here on earth when He returns. He loves you more than you could fathom. If you accept Him as your saviour, you will spend eternity with Him, if you reject Him, you will spend eternity separated from G_d in the place prepared for the devil and his angels.
2006-10-21 22:45:30
answer #8
answered by ByHisBlood 1
God is not an impostor.. He is the one and true god...he is the living God..Jeremiah 10:10a
No as a parent I could never send my son to die for people of this world. BUT God sent his son to the world so that the world might be saved not condemed. He did this as an act of love for us. Jesus Christ died on the cross so that you may have eternal life, if you accept him as your savior. He paid for your sins with his blood on the cross.
2006-10-21 22:54:02
answer #9
answered by ReeRee29 4
it extremely is top they do all worship the only same God... different than that Jews began to do unusual issues that the unique Torah by no skill taught and Christians nicely they're merely thoroughly lost by way of believing Jesus is God... that's thoroughly against what Moses and Mohammed taught so yeah.... they are going to by no skill have peace... How can 2 differing comments ever have peace whilst one(Muslims and Jews) is telling the different (Christians) without at as quickly as telling them yet by way of what they think that the different(Christians) is thoroughly incorrect and that are following is thoroughly incorrect and could basically deliver them to hell... are you able to truly anticipate there to be peace? Yeah valuable we can all stay jointly I stay in Australia and that i'm Muslim and yeah we are living right here jointly without combating... yet interior the full worldwide the folk in power will continually hate this certainty that their (Christians) faith is regarded down upon as being thoroughly fake..
2016-11-24 22:18:40
answer #10
answered by ? 4
The God of Christians and Jews has many different faces - George Bush's and Mother Theresa's Gods seem quite different(for example). "He" is also found in the roots of Islam, and "His" roots are found in many other religions world-wide.
No, the God of Christians and Jews cannot be the one true God because he is many different Gods.
Yes, the God of Christians and Jews is the one true God, but only a small selection of "His" possibilities.
2006-10-21 23:00:08
answer #11
answered by Aspphire 3