First, is his tree providing shade that you would miss if the tree was cut down? 2nd: Is the tree actually damaging your fence? and 3rd, are you on friendly terms with your neighbor? If you like the shade then why not ask your neighbor to help you build a little "dip" in your fence to allow room for the tree to grow and just enjoy it and the nice relations with your neighbor. It isn't worth a little fence work to have bad neighbor relations. I've been there with a fence and unpleasant neighbor and it isn't fun at all.
2006-10-22 16:17:42
answer #1
answered by Jerry Dee 3
if its damaging your fence and its in your compound, you have all the rights to cut. Before you do that it will great to talk to the owner of the tree, get him/her cut the tree for you or mention your intentions to cut the tree to him/her, sort of asking permission. If you are not in good terms with your next door, than I would suggest that before you cut/trim the tree, you make a intention report to the authority or get the authority to cut/trim the tree for you as this will be more safe and professional.
2006-10-22 04:38:56
answer #2
answered by Ur Master Captain 1
You can cut off any part of the tree that hangs OVER your fence. You can't touch any part of it that is on his property.
2006-10-22 04:37:57
answer #3
answered by Ellen J 7
tell ur neibour . if he doesnot listen dig a small hole near the base (in your teritory ) and feed the tree with any commonly used acid/bleach or toilet cleaner. the tree will die out in a few weeks.
2006-10-22 04:49:01
answer #4
answered by srini 3
whatever you decide to do make sure you have pictures of the damage it is causing to support your case. m
2006-10-22 04:56:40
answer #5
answered by Mache 6
if it's leaning you your side, you have the right to cut it because it's on YOUR property.
or just politely ask him.
2006-10-22 04:33:51
answer #6
answered by Legend 4