Because weak people always need a crutch. They are too afraid and ignorant to realize the truth.
2006-10-21 18:27:56
answer #1
answered by Bleaarg 3
Bad service is bad service, whether you're red, white or blue. And it has nothing to do with racism. That's a whole separate issue. You can make a very definite statement about bad service. First, you don't leave a tip. Second, you send a letter to the management, outlining the lack of service and letting them know they have lost a customer.
And you do that whether you are a majority or a minority.
Racism is a whole different ballgame. If other people are getting waited on ahead of you, if their service is good, and yours isn't, then you also don't leave a tip, and you also write a letter to the management, but this time outlining the difference in service between what you got and what other diners got.
They're both valid complaints, but they are both different complaints.
2006-10-21 18:30:58
answer #2
answered by old lady 7
One person started all this nonsense because it got them alot of attention and now every minority has jumped on the bandwagon.
There is a tremendous amount of bad service in restaurants, but there is also alot of racism, but that depends alot on where you live. Some places are worse for racism than others.
2006-10-21 18:30:21
answer #3
answered by elanabutcher 4
Well, I don't know for sure, I am white and have many experience in restaurants with bad service. Maybe we just got the wrong or Inexperienced waiter or waitress? I would not take anything personal.
2006-10-21 18:36:04
answer #4
answered by doris_38133 5
No it is not racism. They probably remember the lousy tip you left last time. If you have a bad day at work, are you being racist to your boss or the customers? There you go! So why you even ask that question?
2006-10-21 18:28:27
answer #5
answered by David S 2
because black people think they are special and think they should get everything for free, without working for it,, they are riding a 200 years old slave thing, which no one cares about anymore.. They cant after 200 years even speak correct english... the kill each other, rob, steal, and take , deal drugs, and say, "the man is after me" LOL duh.... they think they have thier own special set of laws,,, They loot, and take shoes, and TVs, the ruin neighborhoods, and low property value,, ... But they yell rasism,,, No i Yell STUPIDITY.... When they where in school they choose not to learn, they didnt pay attention to teachers, and they didnt take care of a free education the Gov gave the,, as far as i am concerned,, BILL COSBY IS THE MAN,,,,, he told them all like it is... Stop acting like a fool,, cause a fool you will allways be......
2006-10-21 18:31:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Most people that are racist don't admit that they are. That being said, how would you know whether it was because they were a minority or if it was bad service?
2006-10-21 18:32:57
answer #7
answered by Gary R 2
Because you are probably in the South with Alvin Holmes, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
2006-10-22 09:05:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Some people are ready to holler "racist" if they don't like the direction the wind's blowing. In my experience, the ones who use the word most often against others, are themselves usually the worst racists around.
2006-10-21 18:35:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Race is a popular card to play in any situation, and if I were king, would be outlawed. Race is nothing to be proud of - culture is. Try to know the difference.
2006-10-21 18:29:14
answer #10
answered by Shawn L 2