I have done beat it and replayed it 3 other times,, its a fun game and Yunalesca can be a bit tough but you have to keep certain thing on your people so they will live she will cast a spell on you that make you die when you refill your life,, so make sure and have iteams to cure it all she has 3 forms to her,,
2006-10-21 19:07:16
answer #1
answered by *♥*babs*♥* 2
I was stuck on defeating the last dark aeon,Yojimbo beat i him 4 times in the cave but he wouldn't die,don't know what i did wrong but i think i wasn't strong enough,i clocked more than 300 hours on it, got the celest weapons except for 3 of the characters most of them was at full heath that gave critical hit points 999999 the full nine and i just gave up and finished the game.
2006-10-22 08:39:56
answer #2
answered by herman 1
I beat it without the help of cheats the first time then went back and beat it faster with Game-Shark cheats just to go through the story one more time. Great game! I don't however recommend FFX-2, they messed up a great game-play style with a new time-based battle-system.
The first time playing I did have trouble with the first battle with Seymour. You know the one in Macalania Temple in which he summons Anima. I also had trouble with that temples trials.
Another time I got stuck was what to do after the first failed battle with Sin, the one where you are on the beach and you must talk to someone dying.
2006-10-22 01:33:25
answer #3
answered by •) (• 2
not stuck have beaten this game 5 times already
2006-10-22 01:33:15
answer #4
answered by earthgoddess777 3
I'm stuck on the Chocobo race. I must have Tidus' ultimate weapon!
2006-10-22 01:32:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
stuck with Yuna.
I can't get my mind off her.
2006-10-22 01:31:15
answer #6
answered by kztyle 2