Do I think they're respected?..umm it right? not really. I mean we all have our beliefs, and not everyone is going to agree God exists (not everyone is going to heaven either though)....personally I respect anyone who earns it, as a human being, regardless of race, religion, or beliefs I hate to be judged, therefore I do not judge anyone, I believe God is the only one who has the power (or right) to judge the world and anyone in it.
And the God I know wouldn't want me to judge anyone either.
So I don't disrespect anyone because they don't believe the same as me, as long as they don't disrespect me because of what I do believe.
However I do disrespect anyone who tries to mock my own beliefs or try to put me down for my beliefs, if I can respect theirs surely they can respect mine.
I can respect a person who doesn't believe in God as long as he (or she) does not shove their disbelief down my throat and make cracks at the fact that I do believe...and I won't shove my beliefs down anyone's throat.
But if asked what I believe I wont hesitate to let anyone know that yes I know God exists.
2006-10-21 18:34:56
answer #1
answered by angel 2
I believe that everyone has the right to there own opinion. As to weather or no they are respected, well I don’t think so. I know that I do not respect them. You may look at this as a weakness but I do not respect anyone that tries to destroy someone else way of life or beliefs. Now if you want to sit down with me and have a discussion on life, the bible, or just anything else I will be more then happy to do that and show respect for your opinion. However in America the atheists are forcing there opinion on everyone and even making illegal to conduct certain things anywhere near a public building. So I am sorry to say that I do not respect atheists.
2006-10-21 18:23:43
answer #2
answered by countsoss 2
Ironically enough, a nation basically built upon the notion of freedom (including the freedom of religion) discriminates against atheists pretty badly. Of a poll taken, only 49 percent of the people who took it said that they would vote for a person running for a political position that was an atheist.
It doesn't help that the current President is extremely religious and said that the doesn't think atheists should be considered citizens of the United States.
I strongly believe that atheists should definitely be respected, especially since there is no reason to discriminate against them. It's not like they are evil or commit more crimes than Christians or members of any other religion.
2006-10-21 18:13:55
answer #3
answered by Nanashi 3
Atheists get more respect and recognition than any other group of people in America, nowadays. Despite the fact that Christianity is the majority, all religions have to bend over backward to keep the atheists happy because they throw fits otherwise.
I think they're seen as more of something to be cautious of rather than something to be respected. I personally respect an atheist's right to be atheist, but I don't think the government should hold them above other religions like china dolls like they do. Their religion (or lack thereof) is only just as important as another person's christianity or judaism or islam. Yet, for some reason, we make our rules based on their morals (or, in some cases, lack thereof).
2006-10-21 18:19:03
answer #4
answered by [11:11 pm] 2
A better question would be "Do you think atheists SHOULD BE respected in America", and the answer to that would be yes. Atheists do not have beliefs to fog their judgement.
But my answer to your original question would have to be no. In comparison to other religions, atheists get a lot less respect than others.
2006-10-21 18:09:43
answer #5
answered by Roka 2
Unfortunatly I think that people jugde anyone who doesn't think the same as they do and so many people are not respected or honored and yet we are all human beings created in the image and likeness of a God who loves us. I personally know a man who lived as an atheist for years and years, hated anyone to do with the thought of God, laughed in his mothers face when she prayed at meals and drove himself to suicide. Fortunatly he lived. God got a hold of his life, changed and saved him and for the last 34 years, he has been a living testimony of what God can do and is now the pastor of a thriving and filled church full of changed lives and atheists changed by God now believers. I think if we learned to love no matter what people believe or chose, everyone could learn respect in America.
2006-10-21 18:22:40
answer #6
answered by B-Loved-D 1
In America not even a Godly like personality is respected. Seems almost nothing is anymore. What it is, is do you respect yourself? All atheism means, is a doctrine that there is no need to take responsibility to accept the existing God. So where is the respect in that frame of thought, it doesn't take much. However, who are you or I, not to respect our neighbor, who ever they are, especially for the fact that we do not wear signs over our heads that imply our free will to believe or not to believe.
God bless us all...
2006-10-21 18:25:03
answer #7
answered by lee f 5
I believe you should define atheist. Atheists believe in a god; everyone believes in a god, if you generalize the meaning of god. Americans are very religious people, when you consider god is the being or the thing you spend most of your time with, like work, play, sex, pornography. All these can be gods, and they will replace the One and True God. Remember God's first commandement is to love him with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength; so whatever you love like this is your god.
Another important point is that one is obliged to explain why he believes or not. Usually we expect reasons for believing in God, and we do not expect reasons for not believing. It is as important to have reasons to believe as reasons not to believe. One cannot just say" I just dont believe" it will make no sense. A thinking person has to have reasons for everything he says and does.
Imagine someone tells you" I love you, I do not know why, nor do I care ; all I know is just I love you" How would you feel about that?
Respect has nothing to do with what you believe in, but what you are, and you should respect and love everyone because he was created by God. If God decided to create someone, he must be good; God does not create junk. Actually all beings are masterpieces; even animals are great in their own right. You love animals, don't you?
But as I said, an atheist must have reasons not to believe, and serious ones, because if one says I do not believe because I dont feel like it, you will laugh at him. On the contrary, if an atheist tells me he does not believe because of a very important reason, like
the presence of suffering in the world, I would respect his opinion, because it is a very important factor in the equation of faith. I would sympathize with him, and try to explain to him other factors for belief.
There is a lot of misunderstanding in our relations, and feelings that need to be clarified before decisions are made.
Really knowledge is very important to humans, and ignoring one's general education is detrimental, more so than a college education. As humans, there are a lot of things we should know, like who are we, why are we here, what are we doing here, what will be our fate at the end of the line? Is there a God, a creation, an eternity? Don't you think all these are important?
Are we here only to pass time, play, study, get married, have children, and then die? What kind of life is that? There has to be more than that, and I better find it before it is too late.
I encourage everyone to read and study to improve oneself, even if only for our own gratification, and pleasure.
2006-10-21 18:51:26
answer #8
answered by kotyty02 1
Atheists are not respected in America. As evidence, I point to national politics. Admitting you're an atheist is the kiss of death. Presidential candidates seem to compete by out "Godding" one another.
2006-10-21 18:20:00
answer #9
answered by davedurlwin 2
Americans (most cultures, actually) only respect those who's existance and beliefs support their view of life..
To be an atheist is to say that you don't need "an invisable friend" to get along. That is very troubling to many.
2006-10-21 18:16:36
answer #10
answered by crazdgunman 2
No, I don't think atheists are respected. Everyone used to think the world was flat, and disrespected anyone who didn't go with the obvious current majority belief.
2006-10-23 12:50:29
answer #11
answered by Susan B 1