The answer is in the question, hon. Faith is a feeling and should be all the proof one needs to believe. The stronger the feeling, the stronger the faith. The stronger the faith, the less proof you need.
... And that saying, "Seeing is believing.", is only applicable if you're a literalist. Now me, I don't believe in God. I don't believe in much of anything 'divine' like that. But I believe in me. I believe in my cat. I believe that my cat is soft and cuddly because I've held her. I believe that she cares for me, too, and I don't need hard, tangible proof for that because I don't need to be told that to be convinced. ((That's what I love about cats - as long as you meet their conditions, they'll love you unconditionally.)) Sorry, I'm rambling - I'll stop now.
2006-10-21 18:28:13
answer #1
answered by Deus Maxwell 3
Hello my fellow thinker... Ah but you are wrong, God has given irrefutable evidence of his must not be looking in the right place...Lets see if I can help illuminate things for you. The answer to your question is on your left arm...that is if 1. you have a left arm and 2. you are wearing a wrist watch...You see if you and I were walking down a beach and we noticed a glint in the sand and you reached down and picked it up, and it was a Rolex watch...the first words out of your mouth would not be.."OH, look what Evolved!" NO that would be laughable and considered Ludicrous by scientific thinking. This would take an enormous amount of Faith to believe such a concept. Of course the watch did not evolve in to a fine work of art and craftsman- ship through random events that some how formed them selves into the complex nature of a Rolex watch.. The watch was arguably carefully designed to exacting specifications and has a specific functions and use. In fact it takes many years of specialized education and experience to build a Rolex from scratch. There are only a hand full of persons living today that possess such abilities.
Now consider the wrist which the watch is warn upon. Scientifically speaking the wrist is also a mechanical device, given it is a biological mechanism and is no less than 10 to the 32nd more complex in mechanical structure than the Rolex. That is a Ten with 32 zero's after it times MORE COMPLEX. So, how insane would it be to believe for even a nano second that it had evolved through some random events to fashion such a magnificent device. The wrist is so complex in mechanical structure that if you were to do a simple experiment you would be able to clearly notice the phenomenal difference in complexity between the two. First crack the crystal on the Rolex and cut the skin on the wrist at the same time you my even crack one of the wrist bones if you wait and observe the watch crystal and the wrist. You will shortly discover that the crystal of the Rolex stays broken while the wrist amazingly repairs it self back to original standards of functionality. So as you can see, here is clear irrefutable evidence that who ever made the wrist possesses manufacturing capabilities quantum leaps ahead of any humans technological ability. I believe that the craftsman that made your wrist is non-other that...yes GOD the creator himself.. Think about it....and may the creators force be with you.....always.
2006-10-21 18:49:34
answer #2
answered by Lanceman 1
There is irrefutable evidence. Unfortunately, the curse of sin has hardened the hearts of man. Sin has even cursed the earth on which we live, the ground, the trees, plants, oceans. Sin is just not doing bad things. Rather, it is the separation from God.
To sit and put God in some kind of scientific experiment to try and "prove" His existence is impossible. His ways are not our ways and as the bible states, a mystery. Faith is NOT the belief in something that "transcends". It is the faith in something which is not there. Read the bible and use good exegesis. A good book to read is "The Case for Christ", and "The Case for Faith". Both of these books explore the questions in which you are asking right now.
You need only to open your mind and read the bible. Understand though, good exegesis is also realizing that the bible was written in a different time, thus it makes is hard for us to understand many of the things that are happening when we read it. But with prayer and a good commentary of course, your question would be answered.
Good luck!
2006-10-21 18:23:21
answer #3
answered by Kaz 3
well God gives evidence to the "logical thinkers". the logical irrefutable evidence can be reached through a multitude of ways. if you look at nature only and ask yourself questions about how or why it was made i can assure you that u'll be faced with the existence of God. if you even look at it scientifically u end up at the same point. Einstein belived in the existence of God! why? because when you study and observe the quantum theory you realize that life is a pattern and that it is fairly impossible for the world to have been created by some random association of elements. the number of elements and their frequency of collision is too elevated for this process to be random.
ultimately you look at it philosophically and you realize also that faith itself is an evidence to the existence of God. i can not think for you i can only show you few paths so find the truth for yourself !!
2006-10-21 18:58:31
answer #4
answered by ismosanga 2
Thank you for asking. I've been wanting answer this question or get some answers for it, but was feeling stingy.
In the 1200's (I'm not quite sure about the date), St. Anselm came up with waht is call ed the ontological argument for existence of God. Anselm defined God as "He who none greater can exist". Let me try an example. Pretend for the sake of the argument, there are two Gods.
God A is all powerful, all knowing, all good etc.
God B is all powerful, all knowing, all good etc.
These two Gods are the same... with one important difference. God B exists. Now which would be better? A God who exists who is perfect or a god which doesn't exist.
I hope that this helps answer the question
P.S Descartes also came up with an argument for the existence of God but that is kind of long and I already have a large answer.
2006-10-24 14:10:32
answer #5
answered by R. D 2
Actually God does, but it takes more than the scientific mind or the superstitious mind or the doubting mind or the negative mind or the I-give-up mind to penetrate the mind of God. It's easy, actually, if you genuinely desire it. But you have to use more than your five senses to understand it. You have to open your mind to endless possibilites. You have to dig a little deeper into your imagination as to what God might be. Don't limit yourself or believe anyone too readily. You have to do a little more true research, look into other dormant corners of your mind. Feed it with something beautiful. Like a flower, it will grow, I promise you. What they teach on earth is so far beneath God that it often excludes it. And I don't mean going to Bible classes, sermons, churches, etc., to find it either. Too much crap is taught in school and very little emphasis or even remote discussion on the subject. I don't hate school--there's just a whole hell of a lot more out there available than you've experienced so far if you're asking the question.
2006-10-21 18:46:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
God's Word says that some people's hearts are hardened to the point that even if they saw a man raised from the dead, they still wouldn't believe it. See The Holy Bible, Luke 16:31. God's Word also declares that all of creation shouts out the existence of a Creator. If a frog suddenly turns into a prince, that's a fairly tale. But if a frog turns into a man over 'millions of years', people call it 'evolution'. If that were really true, the idea that over 'millions of years' that man 'evolved' from a 'simple' cell into some sort of primal soup then on to some sort of sludgey slimey goo, then on to a tadpole, then on to a whatever else your imagination can think of, then into chimps or apes. then 'evolving' into a man, wouldn't that be the same as having a tornado come sweep through an airport junkyard, and suddenly there's a Boeing 747?
2006-10-21 18:14:27
answer #7
answered by joejoe 1
I guess I might have to ask you a question, what makes you think God cares if we believe or can prove his/her/it's existence? Scientific laws, theorys and solutions are "proof" for the empirical, logical thinker, but those can continue to be revised years, even centuries after their initial proposition. Science explains things to the best of our knowledge. We do not have scientific "proof" or have knowledge of what 90% of our brain does. Does this mean the 90% percent of the brain we do not understand does not exist merely because we dont understand it? What we are experiencing here is the slow process of understanding the world around us. If we still do not know all there is to know about our own bodies, then we are a long way from knowing the creator of this universe.
2006-10-21 18:08:17
answer #8
answered by Jeff 2
I think it is written in the bible that if you had proof that He does exist then then faith wouldn't really exist. Think of faith as kind of a test. If you need it to be proven without a doubt that He exists then you would have no choice but to believe. That isn't how religion is supposed to be. Not facts, just faith. BTW I'm not a devout Christian (more of a moderate believer) and I try to learn all I can about every religion. If you feel that God doesn't exist then thats fine. You (and everybody else) has a right to believe (or not believe) whatever they want.
2006-10-21 18:12:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The subject of (a) God has always been tricky. You're only going to get opinions, so here is mine. First, if God is the truth, then it goes without saying that He can withstand logical tests. If I told you my car was white, and you didn't believe me, I would consider you a little odd, but the fact would remain my car would be white.
If you don't believe in God because you can't see Him, or just don't like Him, or just don't like the general idea, then so be it.
As for your specific question of God providing proof, consider how you would prove to a microbe that you exist. Certainly you do, but how to communicate it to a lower life form? Why would you want to?
And to point to my earlier observation, those that choose to not believe in God are simply not going to no matter what. Humans are funny creatures. Even if God were to appear in the sky for everyone to see, certainly some would consider it a hoax, or a delusion.
Ultimately, I think a true "logical thinker" can accept that things exist even if they can't explain it, or haven't discovered it yet. There is always something new and unexplained out there. Just because we haven't stumbled on it yet is no cause to refute it completely.
2006-10-21 18:10:50
answer #10
answered by Howler24 2