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Do you feel democratic, republican, or independent that our opions do not count. That they tell us what they think we want to hear. That the smear tatics have gone to far. I feel that the reason we are where we are in this country politicallly is so to speak the changing of the guard, The old guard and beliefs are moving out and a new guard moving in. This is what I see and hear ( which I will admit it not the best barometer) people who appear over 65 or a little older do not seem to understand this war is not like ANY OTHER war we have fought, the age group that appears between about 40 to 55 understand it a new type of war whether they agree with it or not. Then you hear the younger generation who seem to be split down the middle about this war. In each of the groups that I have listened or participated in the conversation it always reverts to The Iraq war and it's politics and that brings on comments about the parties.I want a real people president not a politican. What do you want

2006-10-21 17:46:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

2 answers

Actaully, the Iraq war is very much like the Vietnam war.
There are a lot of alarming similarities. The older patrons see this, at least at some level.

The issue is simple.
If you want to change the nature of politics in the USA, change the type of people you vote in to office.

There are a lot of people who run on the independant ticket that could probably do a very good job. The problem, as I see it, is that people are prone to become emersed in the competitiveness of the "side" that they chose. They tend to become hard core Republicans or hard core Democrats, whether they really understand the candidate's politics or not. Why? Because it becomes an "use vs. them" to some people, rather than selecting a candidate with whom align with their own viewpoints.

At one time, the Republicans were pretty much in the back pockets of the wealthy, and Democrats were bleeding hearts that wanted to tax the middle class heavily to pay for social programs. Now, both parties seem to be in the pockets of large corporations and the wealthy, and taxes are levied high against the middle class to go to both social programs and to give "incentives" to already highly profitable big businesses.

If America wants a change in politics, the true power in America needs to stand up, and elect politicians that stand up for them. "They" are the middle class, who is 75% of the population, who can out vote any other group, who need to stop being taken in by the current political system.

2006-10-25 03:27:50 · answer #1 · answered by Gonzo 4 · 1 1

I want the same thing you want...the issue is how to get it.

2006-10-24 12:18:51 · answer #2 · answered by julesen 4 · 0 0

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