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whats the true religion, and there's got to be only one that can prove and defend it right?

2006-10-21 17:24:57 · 18 answers · asked by Christian A 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

yet, religion offers what?...the question is wether to judge other religions false but wether why is it false, prove that its not right, make sure its supportive by truth and proofs.

" Don't give judgements of whatever your scriptures say, some say one doctrine is distorted maybe caused by others who think this religion is the religion; like catholic is known as christianity when truly its not true christianity. Check this, how can you be sure the prophesies are all connected...and your new found doctrine is the God who made it...

2006-10-22 13:44:08 · update #1

18 answers


Q Continuum (Star Trek)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the Star Trek universe, the Q Continuum is an extradimensional plane of existence inhabited by a race of omnipotent, immortal and omniscient hyperintelligent godlike beings known as the Q. Although they have individual, flawed personalities (they seem prone to arrogance, for instance, although they would argue that an omnipotent being has every right to be arrogant) their power seems unlimited ("I have unlimited control over space, matter and time" -Q2). They claim to be largely indifferent to the affairs of the non-Q beings living in normal space, or in the many dimensions parallel to their own, considering them to be insignificant and childlike; however they are clearly very interested in human beings in particular, subjecting the human race to various tests. It is implied that they are intrigued but also threatened by humanity's potential.

2006-10-21 17:42:33 · answer #1 · answered by DREAMER 3 · 0 0

Saturday night and the Spirit is inspiring quite a few "believers".......

All religions have contradictory statements and "history" derived from conflicting sacred text--scripture--that must be rationalized. From this perspective not one religion is an absolute fact, it is after all an interpretation of the spiritual from individuals who lived many years ago.

Even as Christians, the experience one has is to be interpreted by that individual not plagiarized through the experiences of previous authors or "guides". Some individuals interpret everyday events as "the hand of God" others view them as "events" and interaction with God reserved for extraordinary events--'miracles'.

To determine if a religion is "truth" you must decide in your heart whether the concept presented is something you can rationalize and make your own or tolerate with remaining doubts plugged by "faith".

Can you believe in the power of crystals?
Can you believe in Grace?
Can you believe in Paradise?

Can you endure the life this religion will require you to live?

If you can answer yes to all those personal questions, then you have found "the way, the Truth and Life".

I hear some persons make it sound so easy to become a Christian--confess sins, accept Jesus, baptism and tada! Yes, that is easy, but can you endure taunts, jeers, temptations, etc?
And, if pressed into Service for the Lord, will you putaside YOUR desires and aspirations and accept the call ? Will you putaside your own will and accept where the Spirit leads--sometimes where you'd rather not go?

Being a Christian, it's not a step, it's an adventure.

I would say that is true of any true believers.

2006-10-21 17:39:13 · answer #2 · answered by RiverMarketRat 2 · 0 0

The Truth is that about 1500 years ago we all did worship the same way. The Catholic Church was not divided. The reason being that many mistake the actions of men in the church to be mistakes of the church. The truth doesn't change because one person makes a mistake. Instead of having patience and letting the Churches ruling body deal with the problem like they did in apostolic times, certain men decided to go off on their own and split the body of Christ. And if we wanted to go back even earlier we could go back to the times of Abraham who had two sons
they worshiped the same. Today we try to compromise with sin, and as a result we have many heretical splits with the the truth. Do we believe Scripture or not? Fortunately for us God gave us free will and we can decide for ourselves. But wouldn't it be nice if we could all recognize the truth when it is spoken.

2006-10-21 17:40:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anthony M 1 · 0 0

Christianity is not a religion! It is the written word about the Living Word. Christ Jesus; He is the way, the TRUTH and the Light, no one comes to God the father, but accept through Him.

You can find many religions and religious persons and even invent your religion, but the Truth is, anything outside Christ is just religion.

The Bible has been burnt, falsified, miss used and slandered; but never ever has and will ever be prove wrong, God said "heaven and earth will pass away but my word will stand". So whether Di vincci code or gospel of judas or what ever false doctrines will be brought forward they can never debunked the word of God.

2006-10-21 17:44:51 · answer #4 · answered by chad A 1 · 0 0

well if there is only one reality
which i think we can all agree to be so
as all that exists is a part of one

then surely all human beings experience the same one reality
though of course with variations upon their experience and interpretation

this then is the true religion
reality itself
wheras beliefs about it
are surely far inferior
after all what would you rather have a belief or reality

there is an interesting line in the koran
this is the origional nature acording to which allah-(god) fashioned man, this is the true religion, but most do not know

they refer here to what the christains call the image of god, in which man was made
what the jewish people call the nefesh elokit
the hindus the atma or perush
the buddists the buddha nature
the taoists the tao

if we assume that all religion is indeed what it is
traditions, beliefs and stories about reality
in different languages and from different cultures

and we assume reality is as it indeed is- one

then it is only sensible to assume that all religions perhaps with different focus's describe the same thing

they all say reality/god is one, they all depict human energy field dynamics,-(auras halos etc lol stick "dr valerie hunt" into google) and all discuss love and compassion and wisdom and intelligence

if you look at the roots of religions
instead of the later added man made interpretations
we find very clearly that they are all in different language essentially talking about the same thing

mysticism then is the experience of reality
and religion the point at which beliefs about reality become more important than the experience of it

so there is no true religion
other than our nature, other than reality
and it is much better of to experience this in your life
the mystic path of the saint
than it is to mindlessly believe in it

if god is all that is real
then there is nothing that is real that is not god

2006-10-21 17:59:54 · answer #5 · answered by ewen sinclair 2 · 0 0

the concern isn't the character of the deity -- this is the character of the worship. this is extremely a different factor to worship god once you're a methodist than once you're a muslim. yet, until eventually somebody can extremely exhibit that some style of god exists, all such worship is a waste of time, because it provably could have no effect on any real international experience.

2016-12-16 11:53:15 · answer #6 · answered by kleid 3 · 0 0

Genesis 1 God created the heavens and the earth.
Jesus said he is the way the truth and the life. No man shall enter into the kingdom of heaven without believing on him.
The one true religion is Jesus Christ. It is so simple the we as humans try to complicate it.
Believe, Receive, and you will live forever.. How simple. Jesus defended himself and his Father throughout the New Testament. What more do you need to know. Read the book of Romans. We are all sinners, WE all need to believe. There is not one of us more better that the other. It is not by our works that gets us into heaven, it is our belief.,our trust.,our love for Jesus. Trust in him and read is words and you will know his religion.

2006-10-21 17:39:00 · answer #7 · answered by teresa b 1 · 0 0

The way is the truth.

When the way is lost, there is benevolence.

When benevolence is lost, there is rectitude.

When rectitude is lost, there is brutal law (the rites).

What is the way? It is vast and resembles nothing. If it did not resemble nothing, it would have long ago become small.

That which is pliant bends. That which is rigid breaks.

Excess breeds equal and opposite excess.

It is in balance and in being flexible that we can endure.

Yeah, I know. I sound like I'm philosopher-stoned. Most of these ideas come from Tao te Ching, which is, frankly, one of the best philsoophical works ever written, if a little bit hard to understand at times.

2006-10-21 17:36:48 · answer #8 · answered by rj7123 2 · 0 0

I know, in my heart that my religion is true, and while it is not the only way to Heaven, I believe that if I left my religion and left one principle on which my church was founded, I would not go to Heaven. Please go to My church is a very unique on. A worldwide church with beliefs like no other, I have doubted my church, but I will never again. Read the doctrine section of my church page, and pray about it, if something you see interests you, we probably have a church in your area, even if you live in Sweden or Alaska, chances are there's a church, however small, in your neighborhood.

2006-10-21 17:34:46 · answer #9 · answered by Jake 1 · 0 0

Are you asking about religion or organized religion?

Organized religion is what you can see around us, the divisive mentality claiming that their god is the true god and they keep on attacking each other.

They have created a wall of resistance that anybody who is not within their group are not saved.

To me it's another form of exclusiveness(we are the #1, we are saved, you are not lol)

I'm sorry I'm not attacking anyone, I'm just observing what is really going on with regards to organized religions.

To what I understand Religion is the process of the mind to discover what is false as false to arrive to what is true.

All the divisive, exclusive selfish, greedy,destructive, arrogant and many more negative mentalities are false to my understanding.
This only my opinion, thanks

2006-10-21 18:22:07 · answer #10 · answered by ol's one 3 · 0 0

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