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The politically correct term for black people in America is African-American. What is the term used in Europe?

2006-10-21 17:20:56 · 22 answers · asked by ladypersephone21 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

22 answers

Screw the PC. Call a spade a spade I say. Black is the acceptable term. Many people of color are not of African heritage....they're Jamaican, from the Dominican Republic and many other countries. Many white people are from Africa.
Caucasians can not use the term "colored, but what is the NAACP? The National Association for Advancement of Colored People. Doesn't THAT sound racist?

2006-10-21 17:33:01 · answer #1 · answered by answer annie 5 · 1 1

black or African...racism isn't that big of a deal like over here in the states. At least not to black people...

2006-10-22 00:29:54 · answer #2 · answered by bob888 3 · 1 0

Well I'm black and I'm not racist, but I dont like africans and I dont check that "african-american" box I check other or black.

2006-10-22 00:30:45 · answer #3 · answered by Marie 2 · 2 1

Why not call people what they want to be called instead of what you have decided what we should be called. Another sad episode and example showing whites trying to define and name us. You guys have some serious control issues you need to work out with a therapist or something.

I'm African American or Black. Call me ***** and I'll impale your head to a telephone pole and feed your innards to my dog "Binky."

2006-10-22 01:23:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I heard they use the term "frolicious" in Europe.

2006-10-22 05:18:43 · answer #5 · answered by midwestbruin 3 · 0 1

No matter what the race or country - you can't go wrong with using the term people. Why do we have to label anyone? God didn't assign labels when he created mankind.

2006-10-22 00:30:27 · answer #6 · answered by arkiemom 6 · 1 1

whoa....... lets get it correct

#1- the term african american refers to an individual whose parents were born in africa but that individual was born in american. you DO NOT have to be "black" to be an african american, you can also be "white"

2006-10-22 03:25:15 · answer #7 · answered by HonestTruth 2 · 2 0

I've never been there so i'm probably not the most reliable source, but i don't think they are nearly as concerned with race as we are here in the states. (and thats nowhere, no way near racist babe)

2006-10-22 00:24:12 · answer #8 · answered by Baby 3 · 1 0

How about just "human". If you need to give something more specific such as a police report (no i'm not trying to imply anything) than just say "of african descent"

2006-10-22 00:29:58 · answer #9 · answered by GuZZiZZit 5 · 4 1

Not any more...now they want to be called "Black" again in the US. They have the BLACK entertainment awards, BET (Black Entertainment Television)...etc

2006-10-22 00:22:59 · answer #10 · answered by cadodevine 3 · 3 1

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