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Sometimes I make myself throw up after eating alot (few times a week). Isn't it only considered an eating disorder if you always do it? Especially for guys?

2006-10-21 17:20:25 · 9 answers · asked by Cafra 2 in Health Men's Health

9 answers

Well, you shouldn't be forcing yourself to throwup period, it's not healthy for your body. You can ruin/damage your teeth, stomach and esophagus. I don't necessarily think you do now, but soon you'll probably be diagnosed for bulimia.(that's where you throw up after nearly every meal) you start out light like that. With anorexia they start out skippin some meals to skipping days/weeks without meals, bulemia is just like that. And this is a big deal! It's definitely not only women, you'd be surprised, it's just society talks about it with women mostly. Just don't overeat to the point where you feel you're going to be sick and thus throwup. Eat healthy amounts and don't throw it up, please, it's not good for you and not attractive!

2006-10-21 17:41:09 · answer #1 · answered by cjb 4 · 2 0

How long have you been making yourself do this? Bulimia is a mental disorder where you feel you don't have control when you purge. You may just be developing a eating disorder, if you are stop if not you will regret it. I've had one for eight years and i hate it.

Here is the criteria.
1. The patient feels incapable of controlling the urge to binge, even during the binge itself, and consumes a larger amount of food than a person would normally consume at one sitting.
2. The patient purges him or herself of the recent intake, resorting to vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, exercising, etc.
3. The patient engages in such behavior at least twice per week for four months.
4. The patients self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight.
5. The patient does not meet the diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervous. (Some anorexics may demonstrate bulimic behaviors in their illness: binge-eating and purging themselves of food on a regular or infrequent basis at certain times during the course of their disease. Alternatively, some individuals might switch from having anorexia to having bulimia. The mortality rate for anorexics who practice bulimic behaviors is twice that of anorexics who do not.

2006-10-23 08:53:34 · answer #2 · answered by Annette 2 · 0 0

Dont do it anymore. If you want after you eat, take a nap. It probably isnt good for you health wise(calories, and all that stuff), but the food will digest without you even knowing it and when you wake up you wont even feel like you ate too much and have the need to throw up.

2006-10-21 17:22:25 · answer #3 · answered by JIMMY j 5 · 0 0

Its still an eating disorder. You should not be making yourself throw up after eating.

2006-10-21 17:22:58 · answer #4 · answered by blondyblonde08 2 · 0 0

No, it's the early stages of an eating disorder, like any other sickness, it can get worse if not attended to

2006-10-21 17:22:49 · answer #5 · answered by Abby 6 · 0 0

definitely sounds like a problem, see a doctor.

2006-10-21 19:19:40 · answer #6 · answered by mr.kick 3 · 0 0


2006-10-21 17:25:49 · answer #7 · answered by justhuman 1 · 0 0

do you think that asking on Yahoo will help you resolve the problem?

2006-10-21 17:21:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you are gonna need help on this one buddy...seek a therapist before it gets outta hand.......I wish you well dude.... ;)

2006-10-21 17:30:50 · answer #9 · answered by djjoecruz 5 · 0 0

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